Function Invoke-JCRadiusServer { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The verb of the command calling it. Different verbs will make different parameters required.')][ValidateSet('add', 'get', 'new', 'remove', 'set')][System.String]$Action , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The type of the object.')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ValidateSet('command', 'ldap_server', 'policy', 'application', 'radius_server', 'system_group', 'system', 'user_group', 'user', 'g_suite', 'office_365')][Alias('TypeNameSingular')][System.String]$Type , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Bypass user prompts and dynamic ValidateSet.')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Switch]$Force ) DynamicParam { # Build dynamic parameters $RuntimeParameterDictionary = Get-DynamicParamRadiusServer -Action:($Action) -Type:($Type) -Force:($true) Return $RuntimeParameterDictionary } Begin { # Debug message for parameter call $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $Results = @() } Process { # Load color scheme $JCColorConfig = Get-JCColorConfig # For DynamicParam with a default value set that value and then convert the DynamicParam inputs into new variables for the script to use Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock:($ScriptBlock_DefaultDynamicParamProcess) -ArgumentList:($PsBoundParameters, $PSCmdlet, $RuntimeParameterDictionary) -NoNewScope Try { $Uri_RadiusServers = '/api/radiusservers' If ($Action -in ('add', 'new')) { $Method = 'POST' # Build body to be sent to RadiusServers endpoint. $JsonBody = '{"name":"' + $Name + '","networkSourceIp":"' + $networkSourceIp + '","sharedSecret":"' + $sharedSecret + '"}' $Results = Invoke-JCApi -Method:($Method) -Url:($Uri_RadiusServers) -Body:($JsonBody) } Else { $JCObject = Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Default' { Get-JCObject -Type:($Type); } 'ById' { Get-JCObject -Type:($Type) -SearchBy:($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) -SearchByValue:($Id); } 'ByName' { Get-JCObject -Type:($Type) -SearchBy:($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) -SearchByValue:($Name); } 'ByValue' { Get-JCObject -Type:($Type) -SearchBy:($SearchBy) -SearchByValue:($SearchByValue); } default { Write-Error ('Unknown parameter set name.') } } If (-not ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($JCObject))) { If ($Action -eq 'GET') { $Results = $JCObject } ElseIf ($Action -eq 'remove') { $Uri_RadiusServers = $Uri_RadiusServers + '/' + $JCObject.($JCObject.ById) $Method = 'DELETE' If (!($Force)) { Do { Write-Host ('Are you sure you want to "' + $Action + '" the "' + $Type + '": "' + $JCObject.($JCObject.ByName) + '"?[Y/N]') -BackgroundColor:($JCColorConfig.BackgroundColor) -ForegroundColor:($JCColorConfig.ForegroundColor_UserPrompt) -NoNewline Write-Host (' ') -NoNewLine $HostResponse = Read-Host } Until ($HostResponse -in ('y', 'n')) } If ($HostResponse -eq 'y' -or $Force) { # Send body to RadiusServers endpoint. $Results = Invoke-JCApi -Method:($Method) -Url:($Uri_RadiusServers) } } ElseIf ($Action -eq 'set') { $Uri_RadiusServers = $Uri_RadiusServers + '/' + $JCObject.($JCObject.ById) $Method = 'PUT' # Build Json body If (!($newName)) { $newName = $JCObject.($JCObject.ByName) } If (!($networkSourceIp)) { $networkSourceIp = $JCObject.networkSourceIp } If (!($sharedSecret)) { $sharedSecret = $JCObject.sharedSecret } If (!($mfa)) { $mfa = $JCObject.mfa } If (!($userLockoutAction)) { $userLockoutAction = $JCObject.userLockoutAction } If (!($userPasswordExpirationAction)) { $userPasswordExpirationAction = $JCObject.userPasswordExpirationAction } $JsonBody = '{"name":"' + $newName + '","networkSourceIp":"' + $networkSourceIp + '","sharedSecret":"' + $sharedSecret + '","mfa":"' + $mfa + '","userLockoutAction":"' + $userLockoutAction + '","userPasswordExpirationAction":"' + $userPasswordExpirationAction + '"}' $Results = Invoke-JCApi -Method:($Method) -Url:($Uri_RadiusServers) -Body:($JsonBody) } Else { Write-Error ('Unknown $Action specified.') } } } } Catch { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock:($ScriptBlock_TryCatchError) -ArgumentList:($_, $true) -NoNewScope } } End { If ($Results) { # List values to hide in results $HiddenProperties = @('httpMetaData') Return Hide-ObjectProperty -Object:($Results) -HiddenProperties:($HiddenProperties) } } } |