Function Get-DynamicParamAssociation { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Action , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1)][string]$Type ) # Build parameter array $Params = @() # Get type list $JCTypes = Get-JCType | Where-Object { $_.Category -eq 'JumpCloud' }; If ($Action -and $Type) { # Determine if help files are being built If ((Get-PSCallStack).Command -like '*MarkdownHelp') { $JCObjectCount = 999999 } Else { # Get targets list $JCTypes = $JCTypes | Where-Object { $_.TypeName.TypeNameSingular -eq $Type }; # Get count of JCObject to determine if script should load dynamic parameters $JCObjectCount = (Get-JCObject -Type:($Type) -ReturnCount).totalCount } # Define the new parameters If ($JCObjectCount -ge 1 -and $JCObjectCount -le 300) { $JCObject = Get-JCObject -Type:($Type); If ($JCObjectCount -eq 1) { # Don't require Id and Name to be passed through and set a default value $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Id'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 2; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $false; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = @(($JCObject.ById) | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Id' }) | Select-Object -Unique; 'ParameterSets' = @('ById'); 'DefaultValue' = $JCObject.($JCObject.ById); 'HelpMessage' = 'The unique id of the object.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Name'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 3; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $false; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = @(($JCObject.ByName) | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Name' }) | Select-Object -Unique; 'ParameterSets' = @('ByName'); 'DefaultValue' = $JCObject.($JCObject.ByName); 'HelpMessage' = 'The name of the object.' } } Else { # Do populate validate set with list of items $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Id'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 2; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $true; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = @(($JCObject.ById) | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Id' }) | Select-Object -Unique; 'ValidateSet' = @($JCObject.($JCObject.ById | Select-Object -Unique)); 'ParameterSets' = @('ById'); 'HelpMessage' = 'The unique id of the object.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Name'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 3; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $true; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = @(($JCObject.ByName) | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Name' }) | Select-Object -Unique; 'ValidateSet' = @($JCObject.($JCObject.ByName | Select-Object -Unique)); 'ParameterSets' = @('ByName'); 'HelpMessage' = 'The name of the object.' } } If ($Action -eq 'get') { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'TargetType'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 4; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $false; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = ('TargetSingular'); 'ValidateSet' = $JCObject.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique; 'DefaultValue' = $JCObject.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique; 'HelpMessage' = 'The target object type.' } } Else { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'TargetType'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 4; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $false; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = ('TargetSingular'); 'ValidateSet' = ($JCObject.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique); 'DefaultValue' = ($JCObject.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique); 'HelpMessage' = 'The target object type.' } } } Else { # Don't populate validate set $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Id'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 2; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $true; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = @(($JCTypes.ById) | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Id' }) | Select-Object -Unique; 'ParameterSets' = @('ById'); 'HelpMessage' = 'The unique id of the object.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Name'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 3; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $true; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = @(($JCTypes.ByName) | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Name' }) | Select-Object -Unique; 'ParameterSets' = @('ByName'); 'HelpMessage' = 'The name of the object.' } If ($Action -eq 'get') { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'TargetType'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 4; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $false; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = ('TargetSingular'); 'ValidateSet' = $JCTypes.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique; 'DefaultValue' = $JCTypes.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique; 'HelpMessage' = 'The target object type.' } } Else { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'TargetType'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 4; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $false; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = ('TargetSingular'); 'ValidateSet' = $JCTypes.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique; 'DefaultValue' = $JCTypes.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique; 'HelpMessage' = 'The target object type.' } } } } Else { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Id'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 2; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $true; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = @(($JCTypes.ById) | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Id' }) | Select-Object -Unique; 'ParameterSets' = @('ById'); 'HelpMessage' = 'The unique id of the object.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Name'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 3; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $true; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = @(($JCTypes.ByName) | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Name' }) | Select-Object -Unique; 'ParameterSets' = @('ByName'); 'HelpMessage' = 'The name of the object.' } If ($Action -eq 'get') { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'TargetType'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 4; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $true; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = ('TargetSingular'); 'ValidateSet' = $JCTypes.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique 'HelpMessage' = 'The target object type.' } } Else { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'TargetType'; 'Type' = [System.String[]]; 'Position' = 4; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Mandatory' = $true; 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' = $true; 'Alias' = ('TargetSingular'); 'ValidateSet' = $JCTypes.Targets.TargetSingular | Select-Object -Unique; 'HelpMessage' = 'The target object type.' } } } If ($Action -eq 'get') { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Raw'; 'Type' = [Switch]; 'Position' = 5; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'DefaultValue' = $false; 'DontShow' = $true; 'HelpMessage' = 'Returns the raw and unedited output from the api endpoint.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Direct'; 'Type' = [Switch]; 'Position' = 5; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'DefaultValue' = $false; 'HelpMessage' = 'Returns only "Direct" associations.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Indirect'; 'Type' = [Switch]; 'Position' = 6; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'DefaultValue' = $false; 'HelpMessage' = 'Returns only "Indirect" associations.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'IncludeInfo'; 'Type' = [Switch]; 'Position' = 7; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'ParameterSets' = @('ById', 'ByName'); 'DefaultValue' = $false; 'HelpMessage' = 'Appends "Info" and "TargetInfo" properties to output.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'IncludeNames'; 'Type' = [Switch]; 'Position' = 8; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'ParameterSets' = @('ById', 'ByName'); 'DefaultValue' = $false; 'HelpMessage' = 'Appends "Name" and "TargetName" properties to output.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'IncludeVisualPath'; 'Type' = [Switch]; 'Position' = 9; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'ParameterSets' = @('ById', 'ByName'); 'DefaultValue' = $false; 'HelpMessage' = 'Appends "visualPathById", "visualPathByName", and "visualPathByType" properties to output.' } } If ($Action -in ('add', 'remove')) { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'TargetId'; 'Type' = [System.String]; 'Position' = 5; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'HelpMessage' = 'The unique id of the target object.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'TargetName'; 'Type' = [System.String]; 'Position' = 6; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'HelpMessage' = 'The name of the target object.' } $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Force'; 'Type' = [Switch]; 'Position' = 8; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'DefaultValue' = $false; 'HelpMessage' = 'Bypass user confirmation when adding or removing associations.' } } If ($Action -eq 'add') { $Params += @{ 'Name' = 'Attributes'; 'Type' = [System.Management.Automation.PSObject]; 'Position' = 7; 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true; 'Alias' = 'compiledAttributes'; 'HelpMessage' = 'Add attributes that define the association such as if they are an admin.' } } # Create new parameters $RuntimeParameterDictionary = $Params | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSObject -Property:($_) } | New-DynamicParameter # Return parameters Return $RuntimeParameterDictionary } |