
Updates an Apple MDM configuration.
This endpoint is used to supply JumpCloud with a signed certificate from Apple in order to finalize the setup and allow JumpCloud to manage your devices.
It may also be used to update the DEP Settings.

#### Sample Request
  curl -X PUT{ID} \\
  -H 'accept: application/json' \\
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \\
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\
  -d '{
    \"name\": \"MDM name\",
    \"appleSignedCert\": \"{CERTIFICATE}\",
    \"encryptedDepServerToken\": \"{SERVER_TOKEN}\",
    \"dep\": {
      \"welcomeScreen\": {
        \"title\": \"Welcome\",
        \"paragraph\": \"In just a few steps, you will be working securely from your Mac.\",
        \"button\": \"continue\",
Updates an Apple MDM configuration.
This endpoint is used to supply JumpCloud with a signed certificate from Apple in order to finalize the setup and allow JumpCloud to manage your devices.
It may also be used to update the DEP Settings.

#### Sample Request
  curl -X PUT{ID} \\
  -H 'accept: application/json' \\
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \\
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\
  -d '{
    \"name\": \"MDM name\",
    \"appleSignedCert\": \"{CERTIFICATE}\",
    \"encryptedDepServerToken\": \"{SERVER_TOKEN}\",
    \"dep\": {
      \"welcomeScreen\": {
        \"title\": \"Welcome\",
        \"paragraph\": \"In just a few steps, you will be working securely from your Mac.\",
        \"button\": \"continue\",
PS C:\> {{ Add code here }}

{{ Add output here }}
PS C:\> {{ Add code here }}

{{ Add output here }}


To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.

BODY <IAppleMdmPatch>:
  [AllowMobileUserEnrollment <Boolean?>]: A toggle to allow mobile device enrollment for an organization.
  [AppleCertCreatorAppleId <String>]: The Apple ID of the admin who created the Apple signed certificate.
  [AppleSignedCert <String>]: A signed certificate obtained from Apple after providing Apple with the plist file provided on POST.
  [DefaultIosUserEnrollmentDeviceGroupId <String>]: ObjectId uniquely identifying the MDM default iOS user enrollment device group.
  [DefaultSystemGroupId <String>]: ObjectId uniquely identifying the MDM default System Group.
  [DepEnableZeroTouchEnrollment <Boolean?>]: A toggle to determine if DEP registered devices should go through JumpCloud Zero Touch Enrollment.
  [DepSetupAssistantOptions <IDepSetupAssistantOption[]>]:
    [Option <String>]: Options to skip screens during MacOS and iOS setup: * `accessibility` - Skips the Accessibility pane, only if the Mac is connected to Ethernet and the cloud config is downloaded. * `appearance` - Skips the Choose Your Look screen. * `appleID` - Skips Apple ID setup. * `biometric` - Skips biometric setup. * `diagnostics` - Skips the App Analytics pane. * `displayTone` - Skips display tone setup. * `fileVault` - Skips FileVault setup assistant screen. * `icloudDiagnostics` - Skips iCloud analytics screen. * `icloudStorage` - Skips iCloud documents and desktop screen. * `location` - Skips location services setup. * `payment` - Skips Apple Pay setup. * `privacy` - Skips the Privacy setup. * `restore` - Skips restoring from backup. * `screenTime` - Skips screen time setup. * `siri` - Skips Siri setup. * `tos` - Skips terms and conditions. * `appStore` - Skips the App Store pane. * `deviceToDeviceMigration` - Skips Device to Device Migration pane. * `displayZoom` - Skips zoom setup. * `homeButton` - Skips the Meet the New Home Button screen on iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone SE. * `imessageAndFacetime` - Skips the iMessage and FaceTime screen in iOS. * `messagingActivationUsingPhoneNumber` - Skips the iMessage pane. * `moveFromAndroid` - If the Restore pane is not skipped, removes the Move from Android option in the Restore pane on iOS.O * `passcode` - Hides and disables the passcode pane. * `restoreComplete` - Skips the Restore Completed pane. * `setupCellular` - Skips the add cellular plan pane. * `softwareUpdate` - Skips the mandatory software update screen in iOS. * `unlockWithWatch` - Skips Unlock Your Mac with your Apple Watch pane. * `updateComplete` - Skips the Software Update Complete pane. * `watchMigration` - Skips the screen for watch migration. * `welcome` - Skips the Get Started pane.
  [EncryptedDepServerToken <String>]: The S/MIME encoded DEP Server Token returned by Apple Business Manager when creating an MDM instance.
  [IoDefaultDeviceGroupObjectIds <String[]>]: An array of ObjectIDs identifying the default device groups for this specific type (based on the OS family) of automated device enrollment. Currently, only a single DeviceGroupID is supported.
  [IoEnableZeroTouchEnrollment <Boolean?>]: A toggle to determine if ADE registered devices should go through JumpCloud Zero Touch Enrollment.
  [IoSetupAssistantOptions <IDepSetupAssistantOption[]>]: A Setup Option wrapped as an object
  [IoSetupOptions <String[]>]: A list of configured setup options for this enrollment.
  [IosWelcomeScreenButton <String>]: Text to display on the button on the DEP Welcome Screen.
  [IosWelcomeScreenParagraph <String>]: A message to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.
  [IosWelcomeScreenTitle <String>]: The title to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.
  [MacoDefaultDeviceGroupObjectIds <String[]>]: An array of ObjectIDs identifying the default device groups for this specific type (based on the OS family) of automated device enrollment. Currently, only a single DeviceGroupID is supported.
  [MacoEnableZeroTouchEnrollment <Boolean?>]: A toggle to determine if ADE registered devices should go through JumpCloud Zero Touch Enrollment.
  [MacoSetupAssistantOptions <IDepSetupAssistantOption[]>]: A Setup Option wrapped as an object
  [MacoSetupOptions <String[]>]: A list of configured setup options for this enrollment.
  [MacosWelcomeScreenButton <String>]: Text to display on the button on the DEP Welcome Screen.
  [MacosWelcomeScreenParagraph <String>]: A message to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.
  [MacosWelcomeScreenTitle <String>]: The title to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.
  [Name <String>]: A new name for the Apple MDM configuration.
  [WelcomeScreenButton <String>]: Text to display on the button on the DEP Welcome Screen.
  [WelcomeScreenParagraph <String>]: A message to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.
  [WelcomeScreenTitle <String>]: The title to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.

  [Option <String>]: Options to skip screens during MacOS and iOS setup: * `accessibility` - Skips the Accessibility pane, only if the Mac is connected to Ethernet and the cloud config is downloaded. * `appearance` - Skips the Choose Your Look screen. * `appleID` - Skips Apple ID setup. * `biometric` - Skips biometric setup. * `diagnostics` - Skips the App Analytics pane. * `displayTone` - Skips display tone setup. * `fileVault` - Skips FileVault setup assistant screen. * `icloudDiagnostics` - Skips iCloud analytics screen. * `icloudStorage` - Skips iCloud documents and desktop screen. * `location` - Skips location services setup. * `payment` - Skips Apple Pay setup. * `privacy` - Skips the Privacy setup. * `restore` - Skips restoring from backup. * `screenTime` - Skips screen time setup. * `siri` - Skips Siri setup. * `tos` - Skips terms and conditions. * `appStore` - Skips the App Store pane. * `deviceToDeviceMigration` - Skips Device to Device Migration pane. * `displayZoom` - Skips zoom setup. * `homeButton` - Skips the Meet the New Home Button screen on iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone SE. * `imessageAndFacetime` - Skips the iMessage and FaceTime screen in iOS. * `messagingActivationUsingPhoneNumber` - Skips the iMessage pane. * `moveFromAndroid` - If the Restore pane is not skipped, removes the Move from Android option in the Restore pane on iOS.O * `passcode` - Hides and disables the passcode pane. * `restoreComplete` - Skips the Restore Completed pane. * `setupCellular` - Skips the add cellular plan pane. * `softwareUpdate` - Skips the mandatory software update screen in iOS. * `unlockWithWatch` - Skips Unlock Your Mac with your Apple Watch pane. * `updateComplete` - Skips the Software Update Complete pane. * `watchMigration` - Skips the screen for watch migration. * `welcome` - Skips the Get Started pane.

INPUTOBJECT <IJumpCloudApiIdentity>:
  [AccountId <String>]:
  [ActivedirectoryId <String>]:
  [AdministratorId <String>]:
  [AgentId <String>]:
  [AppleMdmId <String>]:
  [ApplicationId <String>]: ObjectID of the Application.
  [CommandId <String>]: ObjectID of the Command.
  [CustomEmailType <String>]:
  [DeviceId <String>]:
  [GroupId <String>]: ObjectID of the Policy Group.
  [GsuiteId <String>]: ObjectID of the G Suite instance.
  [Id <String>]: ObjectID of this Active Directory instance.
  [JobId <String>]:
  [LdapserverId <String>]: ObjectID of the LDAP Server.
  [Office365Id <String>]: ObjectID of the Office 365 instance.
  [PolicyId <String>]: ObjectID of the Policy.
  [ProviderId <String>]:
  [PushEndpointId <String>]:
  [RadiusserverId <String>]: ObjectID of the Radius Server.
  [SoftwareAppId <String>]: ObjectID of the Software App.
  [SystemId <String>]: ObjectID of the System.
  [UserId <String>]: ObjectID of the User.
  [WorkdayId <String>]:

  [Option <String>]: Options to skip screens during MacOS and iOS setup: * `accessibility` - Skips the Accessibility pane, only if the Mac is connected to Ethernet and the cloud config is downloaded. * `appearance` - Skips the Choose Your Look screen. * `appleID` - Skips Apple ID setup. * `biometric` - Skips biometric setup. * `diagnostics` - Skips the App Analytics pane. * `displayTone` - Skips display tone setup. * `fileVault` - Skips FileVault setup assistant screen. * `icloudDiagnostics` - Skips iCloud analytics screen. * `icloudStorage` - Skips iCloud documents and desktop screen. * `location` - Skips location services setup. * `payment` - Skips Apple Pay setup. * `privacy` - Skips the Privacy setup. * `restore` - Skips restoring from backup. * `screenTime` - Skips screen time setup. * `siri` - Skips Siri setup. * `tos` - Skips terms and conditions. * `appStore` - Skips the App Store pane. * `deviceToDeviceMigration` - Skips Device to Device Migration pane. * `displayZoom` - Skips zoom setup. * `homeButton` - Skips the Meet the New Home Button screen on iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone SE. * `imessageAndFacetime` - Skips the iMessage and FaceTime screen in iOS. * `messagingActivationUsingPhoneNumber` - Skips the iMessage pane. * `moveFromAndroid` - If the Restore pane is not skipped, removes the Move from Android option in the Restore pane on iOS.O * `passcode` - Hides and disables the passcode pane. * `restoreComplete` - Skips the Restore Completed pane. * `setupCellular` - Skips the add cellular plan pane. * `softwareUpdate` - Skips the mandatory software update screen in iOS. * `unlockWithWatch` - Skips Unlock Your Mac with your Apple Watch pane. * `updateComplete` - Skips the Software Update Complete pane. * `watchMigration` - Skips the screen for watch migration. * `welcome` - Skips the Get Started pane.

  [Option <String>]: Options to skip screens during MacOS and iOS setup: * `accessibility` - Skips the Accessibility pane, only if the Mac is connected to Ethernet and the cloud config is downloaded. * `appearance` - Skips the Choose Your Look screen. * `appleID` - Skips Apple ID setup. * `biometric` - Skips biometric setup. * `diagnostics` - Skips the App Analytics pane. * `displayTone` - Skips display tone setup. * `fileVault` - Skips FileVault setup assistant screen. * `icloudDiagnostics` - Skips iCloud analytics screen. * `icloudStorage` - Skips iCloud documents and desktop screen. * `location` - Skips location services setup. * `payment` - Skips Apple Pay setup. * `privacy` - Skips the Privacy setup. * `restore` - Skips restoring from backup. * `screenTime` - Skips screen time setup. * `siri` - Skips Siri setup. * `tos` - Skips terms and conditions. * `appStore` - Skips the App Store pane. * `deviceToDeviceMigration` - Skips Device to Device Migration pane. * `displayZoom` - Skips zoom setup. * `homeButton` - Skips the Meet the New Home Button screen on iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone SE. * `imessageAndFacetime` - Skips the iMessage and FaceTime screen in iOS. * `messagingActivationUsingPhoneNumber` - Skips the iMessage pane. * `moveFromAndroid` - If the Restore pane is not skipped, removes the Move from Android option in the Restore pane on iOS.O * `passcode` - Hides and disables the passcode pane. * `restoreComplete` - Skips the Restore Completed pane. * `setupCellular` - Skips the add cellular plan pane. * `softwareUpdate` - Skips the mandatory software update screen in iOS. * `unlockWithWatch` - Skips Unlock Your Mac with your Apple Watch pane. * `updateComplete` - Skips the Software Update Complete pane. * `watchMigration` - Skips the screen for watch migration. * `welcome` - Skips the Get Started pane.

 Function Set-JcSdkAppleMdm
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='SetExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Set', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # .

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Set', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Apple MDM Patch
    # To construct, see NOTES section for BODY properties and create a hash table.

    # A toggle to allow mobile device enrollment for an organization.

    # The Apple ID of the admin who created the Apple signed certificate.

    # A signed certificate obtained from Apple after providing Apple with the plist file provided on POST.

    # ObjectId uniquely identifying the MDM default iOS user enrollment device group.

    # ObjectId uniquely identifying the MDM default System Group.

    # A toggle to determine if DEP registered devices should go through JumpCloud Zero Touch Enrollment.

    # .
    # To construct, see NOTES section for DEPSETUPASSISTANTOPTIONS properties and create a hash table.

    # The S/MIME encoded DEP Server Token returned by Apple Business Manager when creating an MDM instance.

    # An array of ObjectIDs identifying the default device groups for this specific type (based on the OS family) of automated device enrollment.
    # Currently, only a single DeviceGroupID is supported.

    # A toggle to determine if ADE registered devices should go through JumpCloud Zero Touch Enrollment.

    # A Setup Option wrapped as an object
    # To construct, see NOTES section for IOSETUPASSISTANTOPTIONS properties and create a hash table.

    # A list of configured setup options for this enrollment.

    # Text to display on the button on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # A message to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # The title to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # An array of ObjectIDs identifying the default device groups for this specific type (based on the OS family) of automated device enrollment.
    # Currently, only a single DeviceGroupID is supported.

    # A toggle to determine if ADE registered devices should go through JumpCloud Zero Touch Enrollment.

    # A Setup Option wrapped as an object
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MACOSETUPASSISTANTOPTIONS properties and create a hash table.

    # A list of configured setup options for this enrollment.

    # Text to display on the button on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # A message to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # The title to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # A new name for the Apple MDM configuration.

    # Text to display on the button on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # A message to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # The title to display on the DEP Welcome Screen.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy
        $Results = @()
        $PSBoundParameters.Add('HttpPipelineAppend', {
                param($req, $callback, $next)
                # call the next step in the Pipeline
                $ResponseTask = $next.SendAsync($req, $callback)
                $global:JCHttpRequest = $req
                # $global:JCHttpRequestContent = If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($req.Content)) { $req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() }
                $global:JCHttpResponse = $ResponseTask
                # $global:JCHttpResponseContent = If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResponseTask.Result.Content)) { $ResponseTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() }
                Return $ResponseTask
        $maxRetries = 4
        $resultCounter = 0
        :retryLoop do {
            try {
                $Results = JumpCloud.SDK.V2.internal\Set-JcSdkInternalAppleMdm @PSBoundParameters -ErrorAction Stop
                break retryLoop
            } catch {
                If (($JCHttpResponse.Result.StatusCode -ne 503) -or ($resultCounter -eq $maxRetries)) {
                    throw $_
                } else {
                    Write-Warning ("An error occurred: $_.")
                    Write-Warning ("503: Service Unavailable - retrying in " + ($resultCounter * 5) + " seconds.")
            Start-Sleep -Seconds ($resultCounter * 5)
        } while ($resultCounter -lt $maxRetries)
        Write-Debug ('HttpRequest: ' + $JCHttpRequest);
        # Write-Debug ('HttpRequestContent: ' + $JCHttpRequestContent.Result);
        Write-Debug ('HttpResponse: ' + $JCHttpResponse.Result);
        # Write-Debug ('HttpResponseContent: ' + $JCHttpResponseContent.Result);
        # Clean up global variables
        $GlobalVars = @('JCHttpRequest', 'JCHttpRequestContent', 'JCHttpResponse', 'JCHttpResponseContent')
        $GlobalVars | ForEach-Object {
            If ((Get-Variable -Scope:('Global')).Where( { $_.Name -eq $_ })) {
                Remove-Variable -Name:($_) -Scope:('Global')
        Return $Results