Function Start-Migration { [CmdletBinding(HelpURI = "https://github.com/TheJumpCloud/jumpcloud-ADMU/wiki/Start-Migration")] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $true)][string]$JumpCloudUserName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $true)][string]$SelectedUserName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$TempPassword, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$LeaveDomain = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$ForceReboot = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$UpdateHomePath = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$InstallJCAgent = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$AutobindJCUser = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$BindAsAdmin = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$SetDefaultWindowsUser = $true, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$AdminDebug = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][ValidateLength(40, 40)][string]$JumpCloudConnectKey, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][string]$JumpCloudAPIKey, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][ValidateLength(24, 24)][string]$JumpCloudOrgID, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cmd', Mandatory = $false)][bool]$ValidateUserShellFolder = $true, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "form")][Object]$inputObject) Begin { # Define misc static variables $netBiosName = Get-NetBiosName $WmiComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class:('Win32_ComputerSystem') $localComputerName = $WmiComputerSystem.Name $systemVersion = Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object OSName, OSVersion, OsHardwareAbstractionLayer, OsBuildNumber, WindowsEditionId $windowsDrive = Get-WindowsDrive $jcAdmuTempPath = "$windowsDrive\Windows\Temp\JCADMU\" $jcAdmuLogFile = "$windowsDrive\Windows\Temp\jcAdmu.log" # JumpCloud Agent Installation Variables $AGENT_PATH = Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles} "JumpCloud" $AGENT_BINARY_NAME = "jumpcloud-agent.exe" $AGENT_INSTALLER_URL = "https://cdn02.jumpcloud.com/production/jcagent-msi-signed.msi" $AGENT_INSTALLER_PATH = "$windowsDrive\windows\Temp\JCADMU\jcagent-msi-signed.msi" $AGENT_CONF_PATH = "$($AGENT_PATH)\Plugins\Contrib\jcagent.conf" $admuVersion = '2.7.14' # Log Windows System Version Information Write-ToLog -Message:("OSName: $($systemVersion.OSName), OSVersion: $($systemVersion.OSVersion), OSBuildNumber: $($systemVersion.OsBuildNumber), OSEdition: $($systemVersion.WindowsEditionId)") $script:AdminDebug = $AdminDebug $isForm = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "form" If ($isForm) { $useragent = "JumpCloud_ADMU.Application/$($admuVersion)" Write-ToLog -Message:("UserAgent: $useragent") $SelectedUserName = $inputObject.SelectedUserName $SelectedUserSid = Test-UsernameOrSID $SelectedUserName $oldUserProfileImagePath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path ('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\' + $SelectedUserSID) -Name 'ProfileImagePath' $profileSize = Get-ProfileSize -profilePath $oldUserProfileImagePath $JumpCloudUserName = $inputObject.JumpCloudUserName if (($inputObject.JumpCloudConnectKey).Length -eq 40) { $JumpCloudConnectKey = $inputObject.JumpCloudConnectKey } if ($inputObject.JumpCloudAPIKey) { $JumpCloudAPIKey = $inputObject.JumpCloudAPIKey $JumpCloudOrgID = $inputObject.JumpCloudOrgID $ValidatedJumpCloudOrgID = $inputObject.JumpCloudOrgID } $InstallJCAgent = $inputObject.InstallJCAgent $AutobindJCUser = $inputObject.AutobindJCUser # Validate JumpCloudsystemUserName to write to the GUI $ret, $JumpCloudUserId, $JumpCloudsystemUserName = Test-JumpCloudUsername -JumpCloudApiKey $JumpCloudAPIKey -JumpCloudOrgID $JumpCloudOrgID -Username $JumpCloudUserName $TempPassword = $inputObject.TempPassword Write-ToLog -Message:("Test-JumpCloudUsername Results:`nUserFound: $($ret)`nJumpCloudUserName: $($JumpCloudUserName)`nJumpCloudUserId: $($JumpCloudUserId)`nJumpCloudsystemUserName: $($JumpCloudsystemUserName)") # Write to progress bar $script:Progressbar = New-ProgressForm if ($JumpCloudsystemUserName) { Write-ToProgress -form $isForm -ProgressBar $Progressbar -status "Init" -username $SelectedUserName -newLocalUsername $JumpCloudsystemUserName -profileSize $profileSize -LocalPath $oldUserProfileImagePath } else { Write-ToProgress -form $isForm -ProgressBar $Progressbar -status "Init" -username $SelectedUserName -newLocalUsername $JumpCloudUserName -profileSize $profileSize -LocalPath $oldUserProfileImagePath } $BindAsAdmin = $inputObject.BindAsAdmin $LeaveDomain = $InputObject.LeaveDomain $ForceReboot = $InputObject.ForceReboot $UpdateHomePath = $inputObject.UpdateHomePath } else { $useragent = "JumpCloud_ADMU.Powershell/$($admuVersion)" $SelectedUserSid = Test-UsernameOrSID $SelectedUserName } $oldUserProfileImagePath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path ('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\' + $SelectedUserSID) -Name 'ProfileImagePath' Write-ToLog -Message:('####################################' + (get-date -format "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm") + '####################################') # Start script Write-ToLog -Message:('Running ADMU: ' + 'v' + $admuVersion) -Level Verbose Write-ToLog -Message:('Script starting; Log file location: ' + $jcAdmuLogFile) Write-ToLog -Message:('Gathering system & profile information') Write-ToLog -Message:("Form is set to $isForm") # validate API KEY/ OrgID if Autobind is selected if ($AutobindJCUser) { if ((-Not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudAPIKey))) -And (-Not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudOrgID)))) { # Validate Org/ APIKEY & Return OrgID # If not $isForm, validate the API Key and OrgID if (!$isForm) { # Get the org from the API KEY $OrgSelection, $MTPAdmin = (Get-MtpOrganization -apiKey $JumpCloudAPIKey -orgId $JumpCloudOrgID) # set the orgID and orgName $ValidatedJumpCloudOrgName = "$($OrgSelection[1])" $ValidatedJumpCloudOrgID = "$($OrgSelection[0])" If (-Not $ValidatedJumpCloudOrgID) { Throw [System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] "Provided JumpCloudAPIKey and OrgID could not be validated" break } } } elseif ((-Not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudAPIKey))) -And (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudOrgID)))) { # Attempt To Validate Org/ APIKEY & Return OrgID # Error thrown in Get-MtpOrganization if MTPKEY if (!$isForm) { # Get the org from the API KEY $OrgSelection, $MTPAdmin = (Get-MtpOrganization -apiKey $JumpCloudAPIKey -orgId $JumpCloudOrgID) # set the orgID and orgName $ValidatedJumpCloudOrgName = "$($OrgSelection[1])" $ValidatedJumpCloudOrgID = "$($OrgSelection[0])" If (-Not $ValidatedJumpCloudOrgID) { Throw [System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] "ORG ID Could not be validated" break } } } elseif ((([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudAPIKey))) -And (-Not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudOrgID)))) { # Throw Error Throw [System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] "You must supply a value for JumpCloudAPIKey when autobinding a JC User" break } elseif ((([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudAPIKey))) -And (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudOrgID)))) { # Throw Error Throw [System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] "You must supply a value for JumpCloudAPIKey when autobinding a JC User" break } # Throw error if $ret is false, if we are autobinding users and the specified username does not exist, throw an error and terminate here $ret, $JumpCloudUserId, $JumpCloudsystemUserName = Test-JumpCloudUsername -JumpCloudApiKey $JumpCloudAPIKey -JumpCloudOrgID $JumpCloudOrgID -Username $JumpCloudUserName # Write to log all variables above Write-ToLog -Message:("JumpCloudUserName: $($JumpCloudUserName), JumpCloudsystemUserName = $($JumpCloudsystemUserName)") if ($JumpCloudsystemUserName) { $JumpCloudUsername = $JumpCloudsystemUserName } if ($ret -eq $false) { Throw [System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] "The specified JumpCloudUsername does not exist" break } } # Validate ConnectKey if Install Agent is selected If (($InstallJCAgent -eq $true) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JumpCloudConnectKey))) { Throw [System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] "You must supply a value for JumpCloudConnectKey when installing the JC Agent" break } # Validate JCUserName and Hostname are not the equal. If eaqual, throw error and exit if ($JumpCloudUserName -eq $env:computername) { Throw [System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] "JumpCloudUserName and Hostname cannot be the same. Exiting..." break } Write-ToLog -Message:("Bind as admin = $($BindAsAdmin)") $trackAccountMerge = $false # Track migration steps $admuTracker = [Ordered]@{ backupOldUserReg = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } newUserCreate = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } newUserInit = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } backupNewUserReg = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } testRegLoadUnload = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } loadBeforeCopyRegistry = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } copyRegistry = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } unloadBeforeCopyRegistryFiles = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } copyRegistryFiles = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } renameOriginalFiles = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } renameBackupFiles = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } renameHomeDirectory = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } ntfsAccess = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } ntfsPermissions = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } activeSetupHKLM = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } activeSetupHKU = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } uwpAppXPacakges = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } uwpDownloadExe = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } leaveDomain = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } autoBind = @{'pass' = $false; 'fail' = $false } } Write-ToLog -Message("The Selected Migration user is: $JumpCloudUsername") -Level Verbose Write-ToLog -Message:('Creating JCADMU Temporary Path in ' + $jcAdmuTempPath) if (!(Test-path $jcAdmuTempPath)) { new-item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $jcAdmuTempPath 2>&1 | Write-Verbose } Write-ToLog -Message:($localComputerName + ' is currently Domain joined to ' + $WmiComputerSystem.Domain + ' NetBiosName is ' + $netBiosName) -Level Verbose # Get all schedule tasks that have State of "Ready" and not disabled and "Running" $ScheduledTasks = Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object { $_.TaskPath -notlike "*\Microsoft\Windows*" -and $_.State -ne "Disabled" -and $_.state -ne "Running" } # Disable tasks before migration Write-ToLog -message:("Disabling Scheduled Tasks...") # Check if $ScheduledTasks is not null if ($ScheduledTasks) { Set-ADMUScheduledTask -op "disable" -scheduledTasks $ScheduledTasks } else { Write-ToLog -message:("No Scheduled Tasks to disable") } } Process { # Start Of Console Output $SelectedLocalUsername = "$($localComputerName)\$($JumpCloudUserName)" Write-ToLog -Message:('Windows Profile "' + $SelectedUserName + '" is going to be converted to "' + $localComputerName + '\' + $JumpCloudUsername + '"') -Level Verbose #region SilentAgentInstall $AgentService = Get-Service -Name "jumpcloud-agent" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "Install" -form $isForm # Add value to the progress bar if ($InstallJCAgent -eq $true -and (!$AgentService)) { #check if jc is not installed and clear folder if (Test-Path "$windowsDrive\Program Files\Jumpcloud\") { Remove-ItemIfExist -Path "$windowsDrive\Program Files\Jumpcloud\" -Recurse } # Agent Installer # Do write-Progess and create an artificial progress percent till $agentInstallStatus is true $agentInstallStatus = Install-JumpCloudAgent -AGENT_INSTALLER_URL:($AGENT_INSTALLER_URL) -AGENT_INSTALLER_PATH:($AGENT_INSTALLER_PATH) -AGENT_CONF_PATH:($AGENT_CONF_PATH) -JumpCloudConnectKey:($JumpCloudConnectKey) -AGENT_PATH:($AGENT_PATH) -AGENT_BINARY_NAME:($AGENT_BINARY_NAME) if ($agentInstallStatus) { Write-ToLog -Message:("JumpCloud Agent Install Done") -Level Verbose } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("JumpCloud Agent Install Failed") -Level Warn Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "JC Agent Install failed " -form $isForm -logLevel Error exit } } elseif ($InstallJCAgent -eq $true -and ($AgentService)) { Write-ToLog -Message:('JumpCloud agent is already installed on the system.') -Level Verbose } # While loop for breaking out of log gracefully: $MigrateUser = $true while ($MigrateUser) { Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "BackupUserFiles" -form $isForm ### Begin Backup Registry for Selected User ### Write-ToLog -Message:('Creating Backup of User Registry Hive') # Get Profile Image Path from Registry $oldUserProfileImagePath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path ('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\' + $SelectedUserSID) -Name 'ProfileImagePath' #### Begin check for Registry system attribute if (Test-FileAttribute -ProfilePath "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT" -Attribute "System") { Set-FileAttribute -ProfilePath "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT" -Attribute "System" -Operation "Remove" } Else { $profileProperties = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT" $attributes = $($profileProperties.Attributes) Write-ToLog "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT attributes: $($attributes)" } #### End check for Registry system attribute # Backup Registry NTUSER.DAT and UsrClass.dat files try { Backup-RegistryHive -profileImagePath $oldUserProfileImagePath -SID $SelectedUserSID } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could Not Backup Registry Hives: Exiting...") -Level Warn Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) $admuTracker.backupOldUserReg.fail = $true break } $admuTracker.backupOldUserReg.pass = $true ### End Backup Registry for Selected User ### ### Begin Create New User Region ### Write-ToLog -Message:('Creating New Local User ' + $localComputerName + '\' + $JumpCloudUsername) # Create New User $newUserPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $TempPassword -AsPlainText -Force New-localUser -Name $JumpCloudUsername -password $newUserPassword -Description "Created By JumpCloud ADMU" -ErrorVariable userExitCode | Out-Null if ($userExitCode) { Write-ToLog -Message:("$userExitCode") -Level Warn Write-ToLog -Message:("The user: $JumpCloudUsername could not be created, exiting") -Level Warn Write-AdmuErrorMessage -ErrorName "user_create_error" $admuTracker.newUserCreate.fail = $true break } $admuTracker.newUserCreate.pass = $true # Initialize the Profile & Set SID Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "UserProfileUnit" -form $isForm $NewUserSID = New-LocalUserProfile -username:($JumpCloudUsername) -ErrorVariable profileInit if ($profileInit) { Write-ToLog -Message:("$profileInit") Write-ToLog -Message:("The user: $JumpCloudUsername could not be initialized, exiting") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -ErrorName "user_init_error" $admuTracker.newUserInit.fail = $true break } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('Getting new profile image path') # Get profile image path for new user $newUserProfileImagePath = Get-ProfileImagePath -UserSid $NewUserSID if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($newUserProfileImagePath)) { Write-ToLog -Message("Could not get the profile path for $JumpCloudUsername exiting...") -level Warn $admuTracker.newUserInit.fail = $true break } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('New User Profile Path: ' + $newUserProfileImagePath + ' New User SID: ' + $NewUserSID) Write-ToLog -Message:('Old User Profile Path: ' + $oldUserProfileImagePath + ' Old User SID: ' + $SelectedUserSID) } } $admuTracker.newUserInit.pass = $true ### End Create New User Region ### ### Begin backup user registry for new user try { Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "BackupRegHive" -form $isForm Backup-RegistryHive -profileImagePath $newUserProfileImagePath -SID $NewUserSID } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could Not Backup Registry Hives in $($newUserProfileImagePath): Exiting...") -level Warn Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) $admuTracker.backupNewUserReg.fail = $true break } $admuTracker.backupNewUserReg.pass = $true ### End backup user registry for new user ### Begin Test Registry Steps # Test Registry Access before edits Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "VerifyRegHive" -form $isForm Write-ToLog -Message:('Verifying registry files can be loaded and unloaded') try { Test-UserRegistryLoadState -ProfilePath $newUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $newUserSid -ValidateDirectory $ValidateUserShellFolder Test-UserRegistryLoadState -ProfilePath $oldUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $SelectedUserSID -ValidateDirectory $ValidateUserShellFolder } catch { Write-ToLog -Message:('Could not load and unload registry of migration user during Test-UserRegistryLoadState, exiting') -level Warn $admuTracker.testRegLoadUnload.fail = $true break } $admuTracker.testRegLoadUnload.pass = $true ### End Test Registry Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "CopyLocalReg" -form $isForm Write-ToLog -Message:('Begin new local user registry copy') -Level Verbose # Give us admin rights to modify Write-ToLog -Message:("Take Ownership of $($newUserProfileImagePath)") $path = takeown /F "$($newUserProfileImagePath)" /r /d Y 2>&1 # Check if any error occurred if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { # Store the error output in the variable $pattern = 'INFO: (.+?\( "[^"]+" \))' $errmatches = [regex]::Matches($path, $pattern) if ($errmatches.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($match in $errmatches) { Write-ToLog "Takeown could not set permissions for: $($match.Groups[1].Value)" } } } Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "GetACL" -form $isForm Write-ToLog -Message:("Get ACLs for $($newUserProfileImagePath)") $acl = Get-Acl ($newUserProfileImagePath) Write-ToLog -Message:("Current ACLs:") foreach ($accessItem in $acl.access) { write-ToLog "FileSystemRights: $($accessItem.FileSystemRights)" write-ToLog "AccessControlType: $($accessItem.AccessControlType)" write-ToLog "IdentityReference: $($accessItem.IdentityReference)" write-ToLog "IsInherited: $($accessItem.IsInherited)" write-ToLog "InheritanceFlags: $($accessItem.InheritanceFlags)" write-ToLog "PropagationFlags: $($accessItem.PropagationFlags)`n" } Write-ToLog -Message:("Setting Administrator Group Access Rule on: $($newUserProfileImagePath)") $AdministratorsGroupSIDName = ([wmi]"Win32_SID.SID='S-1-5-32-544'").AccountName $AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($AdministratorsGroupSIDName, "FullControl", "Allow") Write-ToLog -Message:("Set ACL Access Protection Rules") $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($false, $true) Write-ToLog -Message:("Set ACL Access Rules") $acl.SetAccessRule($AccessRule) Write-ToLog -Message:("Applying ACL...") $acl | Set-Acl $newUserProfileImagePath Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "CopyUser" -form $isForm try { # Load New User Profile Registry Keys Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Load" -ProfilePath $newUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $NewUserSID -hive root Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Load" -ProfilePath $newUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $NewUserSID -hive classes # Load Selected User Profile Keys Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Load" -ProfilePath $oldUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $SelectedUserSID -hive root Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Load" -ProfilePath $oldUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $SelectedUserSID -hive classes # Copy from "SelectedUser" to "NewUser" } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could not unload registry hives before copy steps: Exiting...") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -ErrorName "load_unload_error" # Todo: Do not delete the user if the registry copy fails $admuTracker.loadBeforeCopyRegistry.fail = $true break } $admuTracker.loadBeforeCopyRegistry.pass = $true ### Merge Selected User Profile to New User Profile reg copy HKU\$($SelectedUserSID)_admu HKU\$($NewUserSID)_admu /s /f if ($?) { Write-ToLog -Message:('Copy Profile: ' + "$newUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK" + ' To: ' + "$oldUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK") } else { $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $JumpCloudUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $JumpCloudUserName # Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess Start-Sleep 1 } # list processes for selectedUser $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $SelectedUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $SelectedUserName # Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess Start-Sleep 1 } reg copy HKU\$($SelectedUserSID)_admu HKU\$($NewUserSID)_admu /s /f switch ($?) { $true { Write-ToLog -Message:('Copy Profile: ' + "$newUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK" + ' To: ' + "$oldUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK") } $false { Write-ToLog -Message:('Could not copy Profile: ' + "$newUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK" + ' To: ' + "$oldUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -ErrorName "copy_error" $admuTracker.copyRegistry.fail = $true break } } } # Force refresh of start/ search apps: Write-ToLog -Message:('Removing start and search reg keys to force reinstall of those apps on first login') $regKeyClear = @( "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\StartLayout", "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Start", "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SearchSettings", "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" ) foreach ($key in $regKeyClear) { if (reg query "HKU\$($NewUserSID)_admu\$($key)") { write-ToLog -Message:("removing key: $key") reg delete "HKU\$($NewUserSID)_admu\$($key)" /f } else { write-ToLog -Message:("key not found $key") } } Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "CopyUserRegFiles" -form $isForm #TODO: Out NULL? reg copy HKU\$($SelectedUserSID)_Classes_admu HKU\$($NewUserSID)_Classes_admu /s /f if ($?) { Write-ToLog -Message:('Copy Profile: ' + "$newUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat" + ' To: ' + "$oldUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('Could not copy Profile: ' + "$newUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat" + ' To: ' + "$oldUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat") # attempt to recover: # list processes for new user $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $JumpCloudUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $JumpCloudUserName # $NewUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } # list processes for selectedUser $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $SelectedUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $SelectedUserName # $SelectedUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } # attempt copy again: reg copy HKU\$($SelectedUserSID)_Classes_admu HKU\$($NewUserSID)_Classes_admu /s /f switch ($?) { $true { Write-ToLog -Message:('Copy Profile: ' + "$newUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat" + ' To: ' + "$oldUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat") } $false { Write-ToLog -Message:('Could not copy Profile: ' + "$newUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat" + ' To: ' + "$oldUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -ErrorName "copy_error" $admuTracker.copyRegistry.fail = $true break } } } # Validate file permissions on registry item if ("HKEY_USERS" -notin (Get-psdrive | select-object name).Name) { Write-ToLog "Mounting HKEY_USERS to check USER UWP keys" New-PSDrive -Name:("HKEY_USERS") -PSProvider:("Registry") -Root:("HKEY_USERS") | Out-Null } $validateRegistryPermission, $validateRegistryPermissionResult = Test-DATFilePermission -path "HKEY_USERS:\$($NewUserSID)_admu" -username $jumpcloudUsername -type 'registry' $validateRegistryPermissionClasses, $validateRegistryPermissionClassesResult = Test-DATFilePermission -path "HKEY_USERS:\$($NewUserSID)_Classes_admu" -username $jumpcloudUsername -type 'registry' if ($validateRegistryPermission) { Write-ToLog -Message:("The registry permissions for $($NewUserSID)_admu are correct `n$($validateRegistryPermissionResult | Out-String)") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("The registry permissions for $($NewUserSID)_admu are incorrect. Please check permissions SID: $($NewUserSID) ensure Administrators, System, and selected user have have Full Control `n$($validateRegistryPermissionResult | Out-String)") -Level Warn } if ($validateRegistryPermissionClasses) { Write-ToLog -Message:("The registry permissions for $($NewUserSID)_Classes_admu are correct `n$($validateRegistryPermissionClassesResult | out-string)") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("The registry permissions for $($NewUserSID)_Classes_admu are incorrect. Please check permissions SID: $($NewUserSID) ensure Administrators, System, and selected user have have Full Control `n$($validateRegistryPermissionClassesResult | Out-String)") -Level Warn } $admuTracker.copyRegistry.pass = $true # Copy the profile containing the correct access and data to the destination profile Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "CopyMergedProfile" -form $isForm Write-ToLog -Message:('Copying merged profiles to destination profile path') # Set Registry Check Key for New User # Check that the installed components key does not exist $ADMU_PackageKey = "HKEY_USERS:\$($newusersid)_admu\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\ADMU-AppxPackage" if (Get-Item $ADMU_PackageKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { # If the account to be converted already has this key, reset the version $rootlessKey = $ADMU_PackageKey.Replace('HKEY_USERS:\', '') Set-ValueToKey -registryRoot Users -KeyPath $rootlessKey -name Version -value "0,0,00,0" -regValueKind String } # $admuTracker.activeSetupHKU = $true # Set the trigger to reset Appx Packages on first login $ADMUKEY = "HKEY_USERS:\$($newusersid)_admu\SOFTWARE\JCADMU" if (Get-Item $ADMUKEY -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { # If the registry Key exists (it wont unless it's been previously migrated) Write-ToLog "The Key Already Exists" # collect unused references in memory and clear [gc]::collect() # Attempt to unload try { REG UNLOAD "HKU\$($newusersid)_admu" 2>&1 | out-null } catch { Write-ToLog "This account has been previously migrated" } # if ($UnloadReg){ # } } else { # Create the new key & remind add tracking from previous domain account for reversion if necessary New-RegKey -registryRoot Users -keyPath "$($newusersid)_admu\SOFTWARE\JCADMU" Set-ValueToKey -registryRoot Users -keyPath "$($newusersid)_admu\SOFTWARE\JCADMU" -Name "previousSID" -value "$SelectedUserSID" -regValueKind String Set-ValueToKey -registryRoot Users -keyPath "$($newusersid)_admu\SOFTWARE\JCADMU" -Name "previousProfilePath" -value "$oldUserProfileImagePath" -regValueKind String } ### End reg key check for new user $path = Join-Path $oldUserProfileImagePath '\AppData\Local\JumpCloudADMU' If (!(test-path $path)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $path | Out-Null } # SelectedUserSid # Validate file permissions on registry item if ("HKEY_USERS" -notin (Get-psdrive | select-object name).Name) { Write-ToLog "Mounting HKEY_USERS to check USER UWP keys" New-PSDrive -Name:("HKEY_USERS") -PSProvider:("Registry") -Root:("HKEY_USERS") | Out-Null } Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "CopyDefaultProtocols" -form $isForm # Get the file type associations while the user registry is loaded $fileTypeAssociations = Get-UserFileTypeAssociation -UserSid $SelectedUserSid Write-ToLog -Message:('Found ' + $fileTypeAssociations.count + ' File Type Associations') $fileTypeAssociations | Export-Csv -Path "$path\fileTypeAssociations.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force # Get the protocol type associations while the user registry is loaded $protocolTypeAssociations = Get-ProtocolTypeAssociation -UserSid $SelectedUserSid Write-ToLog -Message:('Found ' + $protocolTypeAssociations.count + ' Protocol Type Associations') $protocolTypeAssociations | Export-Csv -Path "$path\protocolTypeAssociations.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force $regQuery = REG QUERY HKU *>&1 # Unload "Selected" and "NewUser" try { Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $newUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $NewUserSID -hive root Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $newUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $NewUserSID -hive classes Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $oldUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $SelectedUserSID -hive root Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $oldUserProfileImagePath -UserSid $SelectedUserSID -hive classes } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could not unload registry hives before copy steps: Exiting...") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -ErrorName "load_unload_error" $admuTracker.unloadBeforeCopyRegistryFiles.fail = $true break } $admuTracker.unloadBeforeCopyRegistryFiles.pass = $true try { Copy-Item -Path "$newUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK" -Destination "$oldUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK" -Force -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Path "$newUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat.bak" -Destination "$oldUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat.bak" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) # attempt to recover: # list processes for new user $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $JumpCloudUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $JumpCloudUserName # $NewUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } # list processes for selectedUser $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $SelectedUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $SelectedUserName # $NewUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } try { Copy-Item -Path "$newUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK" -Destination "$oldUserProfileImagePath/NTUSER.DAT.BAK" -Force -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Path "$newUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat.bak" -Destination "$oldUserProfileImagePath/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat.bak" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could not copy backup registry hives to the destination location in $($oldUserProfileImagePath): Exiting...") $admuTracker.copyRegistryFiles.fail = $true break } } $admuTracker.copyRegistryFiles.pass = $true # Rename original ntuser & usrclass .dat files to ntuser_original.dat & usrclass_original.dat for backup and reversal if needed $renameDate = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S" Write-ToLog -Message:("Copy orig. ntuser.dat to ntuser_original_$($renameDate).dat (backup reg step)") try { Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER_original_$renameDate.DAT" -Force -ErrorAction Stop # Validate the file have timestamps $ntuserOriginal = Get-Item "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER_original_$renameDate.DAT" -Force # Get the name of the file $ntuserOriginalName = $ntuserOriginal.Name if ($ntuserOriginalName -match "ntuser_original_$($renameDate).DAT") { Write-ToLog -Message:("Successfully renamed $ntuserOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("Failed to rename $ntuserOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("rename_registry_file_error") $admuTracker.renameOriginalFiles.fail = $true break } } catch { # attempt to recover: # list processes for new user $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $JumpCloudUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $JumpCloudUserName # $NewUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } # list processes for selectedUser $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $SelectedUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $SelectedUserName # $SelectedUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } try { Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER_original_$renameDate.DAT" -Force -ErrorAction Stop # Validate the file have timestamps $ntuserOriginal = Get-Item "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER_original_$renameDate.DAT" -Force # Get the name of the file $ntuserOriginalName = $ntuserOriginal.Name if ($ntuserOriginalName -match "ntuser_original_$($renameDate).DAT") { Write-ToLog -Message:("Successfully renamed $ntuserOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("Failed to rename $ntuserOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("rename_registry_file_error") $admuTracker.renameOriginalFiles.fail = $true break } } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could not rename original NTUser registry files for backup purposes: Exiting...") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("rename_registry_file_error") Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) $admuTracker.renameOriginalFiles.fail = $true break } } Write-ToLog -Message:("Copy orig. usrClass.dat to UsrClass_original_$($renameDate).dat (backup reg step)") try { Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass_original_$renameDate.dat" -Force -ErrorAction Stop # Validate the file have timestamps $ntuserOriginal = Get-Item "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER_original_$renameDate.DAT" -Force $usrClassOriginal = Get-Item "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass_original_$renameDate.dat" -Force # Get the name of the file $ntuserOriginalName = $ntuserOriginal.Name $usrClassOriginalName = $usrClassOriginal.Name if ($ntuserOriginalName -match "ntuser_original_$($renameDate).DAT") { Write-ToLog -Message:("Successfully renamed $ntuserOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("Failed to rename $ntuserOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") $admuTracker.renameOriginalFiles.fail = $true break } if ($usrClassOriginalName -match "UsrClass_original_$($renameDate).dat") { Write-ToLog -Message:("Successfully renamed $usrClassOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("Failed to rename $usrClassOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") $admuTracker.renameOriginalFiles.fail = $true break } } catch { # attempt to recover: # list processes for new user $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $JumpCloudUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $JumpCloudUserName # $NewUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } # list processes for selectedUser $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $SelectedUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $SelectedUserName # $SelectedUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } try { Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass_original_$renameDate.dat" -Force -ErrorAction Stop # Validate the file have timestamps $usrClassOriginal = Get-Item "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass_original_$renameDate.dat" -Force # Get the name of the file $usrClassOriginalName = $usrClassOriginal.Name if ($usrClassOriginalName -match "UsrClass_original_$($renameDate).dat") { Write-ToLog -Message:("Successfully renamed $usrClassOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("Failed to rename $usrClassOriginalName with timestamp $renameDate") $admuTracker.renameOriginalFiles.fail = $true break } } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could not rename original usrClass registry files for backup purposes: Exiting...") Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) $admuTracker.renameOriginalFiles.fail = $true break } } $admuTracker.renameOriginalFiles.pass = $true # finally set .dat.back registry files to the .dat in the profileimagepath Write-ToLog -Message:('rename ntuser.dat.bak to ntuser.dat (replace step)') try { Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT.BAK" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT" -Force -ErrorAction Stop Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.bak" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could not rename backup registry files to a system recognizable name: Exiting...") Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("rename_registry_file_error") Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) # attempt to recover: # TODO VALIDATE: processList try { Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT.BAK" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT" -Force -ErrorAction Stop Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.bak" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $JumpCloudUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $JumpCloudUserName # $NewUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } # list processes for selectedUser $processList = Get-ProcessByOwner -username $SelectedUserName if ($processList) { Show-ProcessListResult -ProcessList $processList -domainUsername $SelectedUserName # $SelectedUserCloseResults = Close-ProcessByOwner -ProcesssList $processList -force $ADMU_closeProcess } try { # try again: Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT.BAK" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\NTUSER.DAT" -Force -ErrorAction Stop Rename-Item -Path "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.bak" -NewName "$oldUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("rename_registry_file_error") Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) $admuTracker.renameBackupFiles.fail = $true break } } } $admuTracker.renameBackupFiles.pass = $true if ($UpdateHomePath) { Write-ToLog -Message:("Parameter to Update Home Path was set.") Write-ToLog -Message:("Attempting to rename $oldUserProfileImagePath to: $($windowsDrive)\Users\$JumpCloudUsername.") -Level Verbose # Test Condition for same names # Check if the new user is named username.HOSTNAME or username.000, .001 etc. $userCompare = $oldUserProfileImagePath.Replace("$($windowsDrive)\Users\", "") if ($userCompare -eq $JumpCloudUsername) { Write-ToLog -Message:("Selected User Path and New User Path Match") # Remove the New User Profile Path, we want to just use the old Path try { Write-ToLog -Message:("Attempting to remove newly created $newUserProfileImagePath") start-sleep 1 icacls $newUserProfileImagePath /reset /t /c /l *> $null start-sleep 1 # Reset permissions on newUserProfileImagePath # -ErrorAction Stop; Remove-Item doesn't throw terminating errors Remove-Item -Path ($newUserProfileImagePath) -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-ToLog -Message:("Remove $newUserProfileImagePath failed, renaming to ADMU_unusedProfile_$JumpCloudUserName") Rename-Item -Path $newUserProfileImagePath -NewName "ADMU_unusedProfile_$JumpCloudUsername" -ErrorAction Stop } # Set the New User Profile Image Path to Old User Profile Path (they are the same) $newUserProfileImagePath = $oldUserProfileImagePath } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("Selected User Path and New User Path Differ") try { Write-ToLog -Message:("Attempting to remove newly created $newUserProfileImagePath") # start-sleep 1 $systemAccount = whoami Write-ToLog -Message:("ADMU running as $systemAccount") if ($systemAccount -eq "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM") { icacls $newUserProfileImagePath /reset /t /c /l *> $null takeown /r /d Y /f $newUserProfileImagePath } # Reset permissions on newUserProfileImagePath # -ErrorAction Stop; Remove-Item doesn't throw terminating errors Remove-Item -Path ($newUserProfileImagePath) -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-ToLog -Message:("Remove $newUserProfileImagePath failed, renaming to ADMU_unusedProfile_$JumpCloudUserName") Rename-Item -Path $newUserProfileImagePath -NewName "ADMU_unusedProfile_$JumpCloudUserName" -ErrorAction Stop } try { Write-ToLog -Message:("Attempting to rename newly $oldUserProfileImagePath to $JumpcloudUserName") # Rename the old user profile path to the new name # -ErrorAction Stop; Rename-Item doesn't throw terminating errors Rename-Item -Path $oldUserProfileImagePath -NewName $JumpCloudUserName -ErrorAction Stop $datPath = "$($windowsDrive)\Users\$JumpCloudUserName" } catch { Write-ToLog -Message:("Unable to rename user profile path to new name - $JumpCloudUserName.") $admuTracker.renameHomeDirectory.fail = $true } } $admuTracker.renameHomeDirectory.pass = $true # TODO: reverse track this if we fail later } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("Parameter to Update Home Path was not set.") Write-ToLog -Message:("The $JumpCloudUserName account will point to $oldUserProfileImagePath profile path") $datPath = $oldUserProfileImagePath try { Write-ToLog -Message:("Attempting to remove newly created $newUserProfileImagePath") start-sleep 1 icacls $newUserProfileImagePath /reset /t /c /l *> $null start-sleep 1 # Reset permissions on newUserProfileImagePath # -ErrorAction Stop; Remove-Item doesn't throw terminating errors Remove-Item -Path ($newUserProfileImagePath) -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-ToLog -Message:("Remove $newUserProfileImagePath failed, renaming to ADMU_unusedProfile_$JumpCloudUserName") Rename-Item -Path $newUserProfileImagePath -NewName "ADMU_unusedProfile_$JumpCloudUserName" -ErrorAction Stop } # Set the New User Profile Image Path to Old User Profile Path (they are the same) $newUserProfileImagePath = $oldUserProfileImagePath } Set-ItemProperty -Path ('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\' + $SelectedUserSID) -Name 'ProfileImagePath' -Value ("$windowsDrive\Users\" + $JumpCloudUsername + '.' + $NetBiosName) Set-ItemProperty -Path ('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\' + $NewUserSID) -Name 'ProfileImagePath' -Value ($newUserProfileImagePath) $trackAccountMerge = $true # logging Write-ToLog -Message:('New User Profile Path: ' + $newUserProfileImagePath + ' New User SID: ' + $NewUserSID) Write-ToLog -Message:('Old User Profile Path: ' + $oldUserProfileImagePath + ' Old User SID: ' + $SelectedUserSID) Write-ToLog -Message:("NTFS ACLs on domain $windowsDrive\users\ dir") #ntfs acls on domain $windowsDrive\users\ dir $NewSPN_Name = $env:COMPUTERNAME + '\' + $JumpCloudUsername $Acl = Get-Acl $newUserProfileImagePath $Ar = New-Object system.security.accesscontrol.filesystemaccessrule($NewSPN_Name, "FullControl", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow") $Acl.SetAccessRule($Ar) $Acl | Set-Acl -Path $newUserProfileImagePath #TODO: reverse track this if we fail later # Validate if .DAT has correct permissions $validateNTUserDatPermissions, $validateNTUserDatPermissionsResults = Test-DATFilePermission -path "$datPath\NTUSER.DAT" -username $JumpCloudUserName -type 'ntfs' $validateUsrClassDatPermissions, $validateUsrClassDatPermissionsResults = Test-DATFilePermission -path "$datPath\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" -username $JumpCloudUserName -type 'ntfs' Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "ValidateUserPermissions" -form $isForm if ($validateNTUserDatPermissions ) { Write-ToLog -Message:("NTUSER.DAT Permissions are correct $($datPath) `n$($validateNTUserDatPermissionsResults | Out-String)") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("NTUSER.DAT Permissions are incorrect. Please check permissions on $($datPath)\NTUSER.DAT to ensure Administrators, System, and selected user have have Full Control `n$($validateNTUserDatPermissionsResults | Out-String)") -Level Warn } if ($validateUsrClassDatPermissions) { Write-ToLog -Message:("UsrClass.dat Permissions are correct $($datPath)`n$($validateUsrClassDatPermissionsResults | out-string)") } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("UsrClass.dat Permissions are incorrect. Please check permissions on $($datPath)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat to ensure Administrators, System, and selected user have have Full Control `n$($validateUsrClassDatPermissionsResults | Out-String)") -Level Warn } ## End Regedit Block ## ### Active Setup Registry Entry ### Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "CreateRegEntries" -form $isForm Write-ToLog -Message:('Creating HKLM Registry Entries') -Level Verbose # Root Key Path $ADMUKEY = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\ADMU-AppxPackage" # Remove Root from key to pass into functions $rootlessKey = $ADMUKEY.Replace('HKLM:\', '') # Property Values $propertyHash = @{ IsInstalled = 1 Locale = "*" StubPath = "uwp_jcadmu.exe" Version = "1,0,00,0" } if (Get-Item $ADMUKEY -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-ToLog -message:("The ADMU Registry Key exits") $properties = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$ADMUKEY" foreach ($item in $propertyHash.Keys) { Write-ToLog -message:("Property: $($item) Value: $($properties.$item)") } } else { # Write-ToLog "The ADMU Registry Key does not exist" # Create the new key New-RegKey -keyPath $rootlessKey -registryRoot LocalMachine foreach ($item in $propertyHash.Keys) { # Eventually make this better if ($item -eq "IsInstalled") { Set-ValueToKey -registryRoot LocalMachine -keyPath "$rootlessKey" -Name "$item" -value $propertyHash[$item] -regValueKind Dword } else { Set-ValueToKey -registryRoot LocalMachine -keyPath "$rootlessKey" -Name "$item" -value $propertyHash[$item] -regValueKind String } } } # $admuTracker.activeSetupHKLM = $true ### End Active Setup Registry Entry Region ### Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "DownloadUWPApps" -form $isForm Write-ToLog -Message:('Updating UWP Apps for new user') -Level Verbose $newUserProfileImagePath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path ('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\' + $newusersid) -Name 'ProfileImagePath' # IF windows 10 remove the windows.search then it will be recreated on login if ($systemVersion.OSName -match "Windows 10") { $searchFolder = "$newUserProfileImagePath\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy" Write-ToLog -Message:('Removing Windows.Search_ folder' + $searchFolder) if (Test-Path $searchFolder) { Remove-Item -Path $searchFolder -Recurse -Force } } $path = $newUserProfileImagePath + '\AppData\Local\JumpCloudADMU' If (!(test-path $path)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $path | Out-Null } $appxList = Get-AppxListByUser -SID $SelectedUserSID if ($appxList) { Set-AppxManifestFile -appxList $appxList -profileImagePath $newUserProfileImagePath } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('No Appx Packages found for user: ' + $SelectedUserName + ' Appx packages will not be restored.') -Level Warn } # TODO: Test and return non terminating error here if failure # $admuTracker.uwpAppXPackages = $true # Download the appx register exe [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://github.com/TheJumpCloud/jumpcloud-ADMU/releases/latest/download/uwp_jcadmu.exe' -OutFile 'C:\windows\uwp_jcadmu.exe' -UseBasicParsing Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 try { Get-Item -Path "$windowsDrive\Windows\uwp_jcadmu.exe" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { Write-ToLog -Message("Could not find uwp_jcadmu.exe in $windowsDrive\Windows\ UWP Apps will not migrate") -Level Warn Write-ToLog -Message($_.Exception.Message) -Level Warn # TODO: Test and return non terminating error here if failure # TODO: Get the checksum # $admuTracker.uwpDownloadExe = $true } Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "ConversionComplete" -form $isForm Write-ToLog -Message:('Profile Conversion Completed') -Level Verbose #region Add To Local Users Group Add-LocalGroupMember -SID S-1-5-32-545 -Member $JumpCloudUsername -erroraction silentlycontinue #endregion Add To Local Users Group # TODO: test and return non-terminating error here #region AutobindUserToJCSystem if ($AutobindJCUser -eq $true) { $bindResult = Set-JCUserToSystemAssociation -JcApiKey $JumpCloudAPIKey -JcOrgId $ValidatedJumpCloudOrgId -JcUserID $JumpCloudUserId -BindAsAdmin $BindAsAdmin -UserAgent $UserAgent if ($bindResult) { Write-ToLog -Message:('jumpcloud autobind step succeeded for user ' + $JumpCloudUserName) -Level Verbose $admuTracker.autoBind.pass = $true } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('jumpcloud autobind step failed, apikey or jumpcloud username is incorrect.') -Level:('Warn') # $admuTracker.autoBind.fail = $true } } #endregion AutobindUserToJCSystem #region Leave Domain or AzureAD $WmiComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class:('Win32_ComputerSystem') if ($LeaveDomain -eq $true) { if ($AzureADStatus -match 'YES' -and $LocalDomainStatus -match 'YES') { Write-ToLog -Message:('Device is HYBRID joined') $ADJoined = "Hybrid" } elseif ($AzureADStatus -match 'NO' -and $LocalDomainStatus -match 'Yes') { Write-ToLog -Message:('Device is Local Domain joined') $ADJoined = "LocalJoined" } elseif ($AzureADStatus -match 'YES' -and $LocalDomainStatus -match 'NO') { Write-ToLog -Message:('Device is Azure AD joined') $ADJoined = "AzureADJoined" } if ($ADJoined) { switch ($ADJoined) { "Hybrid" { Remove-Computer -force #LeaveHybrid $AzureADStatus, $LocalDomainStatus = Get-DomainStatus if ($AzureADStatus -match 'NO' -and $LocalDomainStatus -match 'NO') { Write-ToLog -Message:('Left Hybrid Domain successfully') -Level:('Info') $admuTracker.leaveDomain.pass = $true } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('Unable to leave Hybrid Domain') -Level:('Warn') # here we would typically fail migration but doing so would remove the system account } } "LocalJoined" { $WmiComputerSystem.UnJoinDomainOrWorkGroup($null, $null, 0) $AzureADStatus, $LocalDomainStatus = Get-DomainStatus if ($AzureADStatus -match 'NO' -and $LocalDomainStatus -match 'NO') { Write-ToLog -Message:('Left local domain successfully') -Level:('Info') $admuTracker.leaveDomain.pass = $true } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('Unable to leave local domain') -Level:('Warn') # here we would typically fail migration but doing so would remove the system account } } "AzureADJoined" { dsregcmd.exe /leave # Leave Azure AD # Get Azure AD Status after running dsregcmd.exe /leave $AzureADStatus = Get-DomainStatus # Check Azure AD status after running dsregcmd.exe /leave as NTAUTHORITY\SYSTEM if ($AzureADStatus -match 'NO') { Write-toLog -message "Left Azure AD domain successfully. Device Domain State, AzureADJoined : $AzureADStatus" $admuTracker.leaveDomain.pass = $true } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('Unable to leave Azure Domain. Re-running dsregcmd.exe /leave') -Level:('Warn') dsregcmd.exe /leave # Leave Azure AD $AzureADStatus = Get-DomainStatus if ($AzureADStatus -match 'NO') { Write-ToLog -Message:('Left Azure AD domain successfully') -Level:('Info') $admuTracker.leaveDomain.pass = $true } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('Unable to leave Azure AD domain') -Level:('Warn') # here we would typically fail migration but doing so would remove the system account } } } } } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('Device is not joined to a domain, skipping leave domain step') } } # re-enable scheduled tasks if they were disabled if ($ScheduledTasks) { Set-ADMUScheduledTask -op "enable" -scheduledTasks $ScheduledTasks } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('No Scheduled Tasks to enable') } # Cleanup Folders Again Before Reboot Write-ToLog -Message:('Removing Temp Files & Folders.') try { Remove-ItemIfExist -Path:($jcAdmuTempPath) -Recurse } catch { Write-ToLog -Message:('Failed to remove Temp Files & Folders.' + $jcAdmuTempPath) } # Set the last logged on user to the new user if ($SetDefaultWindowsUser -eq $true) { $registryPath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI" Write-ToLog -Message:('Setting Last Logged on Windows User to ' + $JumpCloudUsername) set-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name "LastLoggedOnUserSID" -Value "$($NewUserSID)" set-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name "SelectedUserSID" -Value "$($NewUserSID)" set-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name "LastLoggedOnUser" -Value ".\$($JumpCloudUsername)" set-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name "LastLoggedOnSAMUser" -Value ".\$($JumpCloudUsername)" } if ($ForceReboot -eq $true) { Write-ToLog -Message:('Forcing reboot of the PC now') Restart-Computer -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME -Force } #endregion SilentAgentInstall # we are done here break } } End { $FixedErrors = @(); # if we caught any errors and need to revert based on admuTracker status, do so here: if ($admuTracker | ForEach-Object { $_.values.fail -eq $true }) { foreach ($trackedStep in $admuTracker.Keys) { if (($admuTracker[$trackedStep].fail -eq $true) -or ($admuTracker[$trackedStep].pass -eq $true)) { switch ($trackedStep) { # Case for reverting 'newUserInit' steps 'newUserInit' { Write-ToLog -Message:("Attempting to revert $($trackedStep) steps") -Level Verbose try { if ($trackAccountMerge -eq $false) { Remove-LocalUserProfile -username $JumpCloudUserName Write-ToLog -Message:("User: $JumpCloudUserName was successfully removed from the local system") -Level Verbose } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("User: $JumpCloudUserName was not removed from the local system") -Level Verbose } } catch { Write-ToLog -Message:("Could not remove the $JumpCloudUserName profile and user account") -Level Warn } $FixedErrors += "$trackedStep" # Create a list of scheduled tasks that are disabled if ($ScheduledTasks) { Set-ADMUScheduledTask -op "enable" -scheduledTasks $ScheduledTasks } else { Write-ToLog -Message:('No Scheduled Tasks to enable') } } Default { # Write-ToLog -Message:("default error") -Level Warn } } } } } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($($admuTracker.Keys | Where-Object { $admuTracker[$_].fail -eq $true }))) { Write-ToLog -Message:('Script finished successfully; Log file location: ' + $jcAdmuLogFile) -Level Verbose Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status "MigrationComplete" -form $isForm Write-ToLog -Message:('Tool options chosen were : ' + "`nInstall JC Agent = " + $InstallJCAgent + "`nLeave Domain = " + $LeaveDomain + "`nForce Reboot = " + $ForceReboot + "`nUpdate Home Path = " + $UpdateHomePath + "`nAutobind JC User = " + $AutobindJCUser) -Level Verbose } else { Write-ToLog -Message:("ADMU encoutered the following errors: $($admuTracker.Keys | Where-Object { $admuTracker[$_].fail -eq $true })") -Level Warn Write-ToLog -Message:("The following migration steps were reverted to their original state: $FixedErrors") -Level Warn Write-ToLog -Message:('Script finished with errors; Log file location: ' + $jcAdmuLogFile) -Level Warn Write-ToProgress -ProgressBar $Progressbar -Status $Script:ErrorMessage -form $isForm -logLevel "Error" Throw "JumpCloud ADMU was unable to migrate $selectedUserName" } } } |