Function Test-UserRegistryLoadState { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })] [System.String]$ProfilePath, # User Security Identifier [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidatePattern("^S-\d-\d+-(\d+-){1,14}\d+$")] [System.String]$UserSid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [bool]$ValidateDirectory ) begin { $results = REG QUERY HKU *>&1 # Tests to check that the reg items are not loaded If ($results -match $UserSid) { Write-ToLog "REG Keys are loaded, attempting to unload" try { Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -UserSid $UserSid -hive root Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -UserSid $UserSid -hive classes } catch { Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("load_unload_error") Throw "Could Not Unload User Registry During Test-UserRegistryLoadState Unload Process" } } } process { try { Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Load" -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -UserSid $UserSid -hive root Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Load" -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -UserSid $UserSid -hive classes if ($ValidateDirectory) { # return boolean for redirected user directories $isFolderRedirect = Test-UserFolderRedirect -UserSid $UserSid } else { Write-ToLog "Skipping User Shell Folder Validation..." } } catch { Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("load_unload_error") Throw "Could Not Load User Registry During Test-UserRegistryLoadState Load Process" } try { Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -UserSid $UserSid -hive root Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -UserSid $UserSid -hive classes } catch { Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("load_unload_error") Throw "Could Not Unload User Registry During Test-UserRegistryLoadState Unload Process" } } end { $results = REG QUERY HKU *>&1 # Tests to check that the reg items are not loaded If ($results -match $UserSid) { Write-ToLog "REG Keys are loaded, attempting to unload" try { Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -UserSid $UserSid -hive root Set-UserRegistryLoadState -op "Unload" -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -UserSid $UserSid -hive classes } catch { Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("load_unload_error") throw "Registry Keys are still loaded after Test-UserRegistryLoadState Testing Exiting..." } } # If isFolderRedirect is false throw error if ($isFolderRedirect -and $ValidateDirectory) { Write-AdmuErrorMessage -Error:("user_folder_redirection_error") throw "Main user folders are redirected, exiting..." } elseif ($ValidateDirectory -eq $false) { Write-ToLog "Skipping User Shell Folder Validation..." } else { Write-ToLog "Main user folders are default for Usersid: $($UserSid), continuing..." } } } |