# Type name representing null $Script:NullType = "NullType" function Get-JsonDifference { <# .SYNOPSIS Compares two JSON strings and generated stringified JSON object representing differences. LIMITATIONS: 1. Arrays sub-objects are compared literally as strings after every object within array is sorted by keys and whole array is minified afterwards. 2. Due to limitation of ConvertTo-Json in PowerShell 5.1 <https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/3705> object with case sensitive keys are not supported. E.g. Can't have object wil `KeyName` and `keyname`. .PARAMETER FromJsonString Old variant of stringified JSON object. .PARAMETER ToJsonString New variant of stringified JSON object that FromJsonString will be compared to. .PARAMETER Depth Depth used on resulting object conversion to JSON string ('ConvertTo-Json -Depth' parameter). Is it also used when converting Array values into JSON string after it has been sorted for comparison logic. .PARAMETER Compress Set to minify resulting object .OUTPUTS JSON string with the following JSON object keys: - Added - items that were not present in FromJsonString and are now in ToJsonString JSON object. - Changed - items that were present in FromJsonString and in ToJsonString containing new values are from ToJsonString JSON object. - ChangedOriginals - - items that were present in FromJsonString and in ToJsonString containing old values are from FromJsonString JSON object. - Removed - items that were present in FromJsonString and are missing in ToJsonString JSON object. - NotChanged - items that are present in FromJsonString and in ToJsonString JSON objects with the same values. - New - Merged Added and Changed resulting objects representing all items that have changed and were added. .EXAMPLE Get-JsonDifference -FromJsonString '{"foo_gone":"bar","bar":{"foo":"bar","bar":"foo"},"arr":[{"bar":"baz","foo":"bar"},1]}' ` -ToJsonString '{"foo_added":"bar","bar":{"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"},"arr":[{"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"},1]}' { "Added": { "foo_added": "bar" }, "Changed": { "bar": { "bar": "baz" } }, "ChangedOriginals": { "bar": { "bar": "foo" } }, "Removed": { "foo_gone": "bar" }, "NotChanged": { "bar": { "foo": "bar" }, "arr": [ { "foo": "bar", "bar": "baz" }, 1 ] }, "New": { "foo_added": "bar", "bar": { "bar": "baz" } } } .LINK https://github.com/choovick/ps-jsonutils #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]]$FromJsonString, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]]$ToJsonString, [System.Int32]$Depth = 25, [Switch]$Compress ) try { # Convert to PSCustomObjects $FromObject = $FromJsonString | ConvertFrom-Json $ToObject = $ToJsonString | ConvertFrom-Json # Ensuring both inputs are objects try { if (([PSCustomObject]@{ }).GetType() -ne $FromObject.GetType()) { throw } } catch { throw "FromJsonString must be an object at the root" } try { if (([PSCustomObject]@{ }).GetType() -ne $ToObject.GetType()) { throw } } catch { throw "ToJsonString must be an object at the root" } return Get-JsonDifferenceRecursion -FromObject $FromObject -ToObject $ToObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $Depth -Compress:$Compress } catch { throw } } function Get-JsonDifferenceRecursion { <# .SYNOPSIS INTERNAL - Compares two PSCustomObjects produced via ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet. .PARAMETER FromObject Old variant of JSON object. .PARAMETER ToObject New variant of JSON object. .PARAMETER Depth Depth used when converting Array values into JSON string after it has been sorted for comparison logic. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject with the following object keys: - Added - items that were not present in FromJsonString and are now in ToJsonString JSON object. - Changed - items that were present in FromJsonString and in ToJsonString containing new values are from ToJsonString JSON object. - ChangedOriginals - - items that were present in FromJsonString and in ToJsonString containing old values are from FromJsonString JSON object. - Removed - items that were present in FromJsonString and are missing in ToJsonString JSON object. - NotChanged - items that are present in FromJsonString and in ToJsonString JSON objects with the same values. - New - Merged Added and Changed resulting objects representing all items that have changed and were added. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param( $FromObject, $ToObject, $Depth = 25 ) try { $Removed = [PSCustomObject]@{ } $Changed = [PSCustomObject]@{ } $ChangedOriginals = [PSCustomObject]@{ } $Added = [PSCustomObject]@{ } $New = [PSCustomObject]@{ } $NotChanged = [PSCustomObject]@{ } # Now for sort can capture each value of input object foreach ($Property in $ToObject.PsObject.Properties) { # Access the name of the property $ToName = $Property.Name # Access the value of the property $ToValue = $Property.Value # getting types handling null if ($null -eq $ToValue) { $ToValueType = $Script:NullType } else { $ToValueType = $ToValue.GetType() } # check if property exists in FromObject (in PS 5.1 we cant support case sensitive keys https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/3705) if ([bool]($FromObject.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $ToName)) { # old value $FromValue = $FromObject.$ToName # getting from object type # getting types handling null if ($null -eq $FromObject.$ToName) { $FromValueType = $Script:NullType } else { $FromValueType = $FromObject.$ToName.GetType() } # if both of them are object, continue recursion if ($FromValueType -eq ([PSCustomObject]@{ }).GetType() -and $ToValueType -eq ([PSCustomObject]@{ }).GetType()) { $Result = Get-JsonDifferenceRecursion -FromObject $FromValue -ToObject $ToValue # capture differences if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Result.Added)) { Add-Member -InputObject $Added -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $Result.Added } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Result.Removed)) { Add-Member -InputObject $Removed -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $Result.Removed } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Result.Changed)) { Add-Member -InputObject $Changed -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $Result.Changed } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Result.ChangedOriginals)) { Add-Member -InputObject $ChangedOriginals -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $Result.ChangedOriginals } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Result.NotChanged)) { Add-Member -InputObject $NotChanged -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $Result.NotChanged } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Result.New)) { Add-Member -InputObject $New -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $Result.New } } # if type is different elseif ($FromValueType -ne $ToValueType) { # capturing new value in changed object Add-Member -InputObject $Changed -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue Add-Member -InputObject $New -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue Add-Member -InputObject $ChangedOriginals -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $FromValue } # If both are arrays, items should be sorted by now, so we will stringify them and compare as string case sensitively elseif ($FromValueType -eq @().GetType() -and $ToValueType -eq @().GetType()) { # stringify array $FromJSON = Get-SortedPSCustomObjectRecursion $FromObject.$ToName | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $Depth $ToJSON = Get-SortedPSCustomObjectRecursion $ToObject.$ToName | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $Depth # add to changed object if values are different for stringified array if ($FromJSON -cne $ToJSON) { Add-Member -InputObject $Changed -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue Add-Member -InputObject $New -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue Add-Member -InputObject $ChangedOriginals -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $FromValue } else { Add-Member -InputObject $NotChanged -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue } } # other primitive types changes else { if ($FromValue -cne $ToValue) { Add-Member -InputObject $Changed -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue Add-Member -InputObject $New -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue Add-Member -InputObject $ChangedOriginals -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $FromValue } else { Add-Member -InputObject $NotChanged -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue } } } # if value does not exist in the from object, then its was added elseif (-not [bool]($FromObject.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $ToName)) { Add-Member -InputObject $Added -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue Add-Member -InputObject $New -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ToName -Value $ToValue } } # Looping from object to find removed items foreach ($Property in $FromObject.PsObject.Properties) { # Access the name of the property $FromName = $Property.Name # Access the value of the property $FromValue = $Property.Value # if property not on to object, its removed if (-not [bool]($ToObject.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $FromName)) { Add-Member -InputObject $Removed -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $FromName -Value $FromValue } } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Added = $Added Changed = $Changed ChangedOriginals = $ChangedOriginals Removed = $Removed NotChanged = $NotChanged New = $New } } catch { throw } } function ConvertTo-KeysSortedJSONString { <# .SYNOPSIS Sorts JSON strings by object keys. .PARAMETER JsonString Input JSON string .PARAMETER Depth Used for ConvertTo-Json on resulting object .PARAMETER Compress Returned minified JSON .OUTPUTS String of sorted and stringified JSON object .EXAMPLE Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -JsonString '{"b":1,"1":{"b":null,"a":1}}' { "1": { "a": 1, "b": null }, "b": 1 } .EXAMPLE '{"b":1,"1":{"b":null,"a":1}}' | Convert-JsonKeysToSorted { "1": { "a": 1, "b": null }, "b": 1 } .LINK https://github.com/choovick/ps-jsonutils #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Convert-JsonKeysToSorted")] [OutputType([String])] param( [Alias("JsonString")] [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline )] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Depth = 25, [Switch]$Compress ) begin { if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq "ConvertTo-KeysSortedJSONString") { Write-Warning "DEPRECATED: Use Convert-JsonKeysToSorted instead of ConvertTo-KeysSortedJSONString. ConvertTo-KeysSortedJSONString may be removed in a future release" } } process { try { foreach ($item in $InputObject) { if ($item -is [string]) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) { $item = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $item -NoEnumerate } else { $item = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $item } } $ResultObject = Get-SortedPSCustomObjectRecursion -InputObject $item ConvertTo-Json -Compress:$Compress -Depth $Depth -InputObject $ResultObject } } catch { throw } } } function Get-SortedPSCustomObjectRecursion { <# .SYNOPSIS INTERNAL - Recursion to sort PSCustomObject produced via ConvertFrom-Json by keys. Can take $null, that will be simply returned. .PARAMETER InputObject PSCustomObject produced via ConvertFrom-Json .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject sorted by keys #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject]$InputObject ) # Use the Unary Comma operator on returns to ensure that arrays with only 1 item dont get unrolled/flattened/enumerated: # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_operators#comma-operator- try { # null handle if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return , $InputObject } # Hashtables should be transformed to object if (@{}.GetType() -eq $InputObject.GetType()) { $InputObject = [PSCustomObject]$InputObject } # object if ($InputObject.GetType() -eq ([PSCustomObject]@{ }).GetType()) { # soft object by keys # thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/44056862/2174835 $SortedInputObject = New-Object PSCustomObject $InputObject | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object { Add-Member -InputObject $SortedInputObject -Type NoteProperty ` -Name $_.Name -Value $InputObject.$($_.Name) } # Now for sort can capture each value of input object foreach ($Property in $SortedInputObject.PsObject.Properties) { # Access the name of the property $PropertyName = $Property.Name # Access the value of the property $PropertyValue = $Property.Value $SortedInputObject.$PropertyName = Get-SortedPSCustomObjectRecursion -InputObject $PropertyValue } return , $SortedInputObject } # array, sort each item within array elseif ($InputObject.GetType() -eq @().GetType()) { $SortedArrayObjects = @() foreach ($Item in $InputObject) { $SortedArrayObjects += @(Get-SortedPSCustomObjectRecursion -InputObject $Item) } return , $SortedArrayObjects } # primitive are not sorted as returned as is else { return , $InputObject } } catch { throw } } |