Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\JsonUtils.psm1 -Force Describe "JsonUtils" { It "Simple JSON test" { $From = (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-from.json" -Raw) $To = (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-to.json" -Raw) $ExpectedResult = (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" -Raw) Get-JsonDifference -FromJsonString $From -ToJsonString $To -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedResult } It "JSON string array input test" { $From = (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-from.json") $To = (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-to.json") $ExpectedResult = (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" -Raw) Get-JsonDifference -FromJsonString $From -ToJsonString $To -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedResult } It "Invalid FromJsonString int test" { { Get-JsonDifference ` -FromJsonString '1' ` -ToJsonString '{"valid":"input"}' } | Should -Throw "FromJsonString must be an object at the root" } It "Invalid FromJsonString null test" { { Get-JsonDifference ` -FromJsonString 'null' ` -ToJsonString '{"valid":"input"}' } | Should -Throw "FromJsonString must be an object at the root" } It "Invalid ToString null test" { { Get-JsonDifference ` -FromJsonString '{"valid":"input"}' ` -ToJsonString 'null' } | Should -Throw "ToJsonString must be an object at the root" } It "Invalid ToString string test" { { Get-JsonDifference ` -FromJsonString '{"valid":"input"}' ` -ToJsonString '"string"' } | Should -Throw "ToJsonString must be an object at the root" } It "SortTest" { ConvertTo-KeysSortedJSONString -JsonString (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" -Raw) -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result-sorted.json" -Raw) } It "SortTest array" { $string = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" -Raw ConvertTo-KeysSortedJSONString -JsonString ($string, $string) -Compress ` | ForEach-Object { $_ | Should -BeExactly (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result-sorted.json" -Raw) } } It "SortTest pipeline" { Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" -Raw | ConvertTo-KeysSortedJSONString -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result-sorted.json" -Raw) } It "SortTest" { Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -JsonString (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" -Raw) -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result-sorted.json" -Raw) } It "SortTest single items" { Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -JsonString '{"b":1,"1":[{"b":null,"a":1}]}' -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly '{"1":[{"a":1,"b":null}],"b":1}' } It "SortTest single array" { Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -JsonString '[{"b":1,"1":[{"b":null,"a":1}]}]' -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly '[{"1":[{"a":1,"b":null}],"b":1}]' } It "SortTest array" { $string = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" -Raw Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -JsonString ($string, $string) -Compress ` | ForEach-Object { $_ | Should -BeExactly (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result-sorted.json" -Raw) } } It "SortTest pipeline" { Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" -Raw | Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result-sorted.json" -Raw) } It "SortTest as object" { Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -InputObject (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" | ConvertFrom-Json) -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result-sorted.json" -Raw) } It "SortTest as object with hashtable in array" { @{one = @(@{two = 3; one = @{baz = 3; bat = 2 } }); foo = 5 } | Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly '{"foo":5,"one":[{"one":{"bat":2,"baz":3},"two":3}]}' } It "SortTest as object via pipeline" { Get-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" | Select-Object Name, Length | Convert-JsonKeysToSorted -Compress ` | Should -BeExactly (Get-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-result.json" | Select-Object Length, Name | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) } } |