function JsonMenu.UserInteraction.WriteSelection { <# .SYNOPSIS Write the selection object .DESCRIPTION The steps are: - Write a line to read the userinput - If anykey then it does not matter which key is entered .EXAMPLE "selection": { "prompt": "Press any key to continue", "anykey": true } .INPUTS [PSObject] $Selection [Bool] $AddLineBreakBefore .OUTPUTS none .NOTES #> param ( [Parameter()] [PSObject] $Selection, [Parameter()] [Bool] $AddLineBreakBefore = $false ) process { if ( -not $Selection.AnyKey -and $JsonMenu.Info.ConsoleIsMinimizable ) { if ( $Selection.Prompt ) { $prompt = $Selection.Prompt | JsonMenu.Functions.Expand } else { $prompt = $JsonMenu.Context.Settings.Selection.PromptForChoice | JsonMenu.Functions.Expand } if ( $AddLineBreakBefore ) { $prompt = "`n" + $prompt } return Read-Host -Prompt $prompt } elseif ( $JsonMenu.Info.ConsoleIsMinimizable ) { if ( $Selection.Prompt ) { $prompt = $Selection.Prompt | JsonMenu.Functions.Expand } else { $prompt = $JsonMenu.Context.Settings.Selection.PromptForAnyKey | JsonMenu.Functions.Expand } if ( $AddLineBreakBefore ) { $prompt = "`n" + $prompt } if ( $psISE ) { $null = Read-Host -Prompt $prompt } else { Write-Host $prompt $null = $host.ui.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") } } } } |