function JsonMenu.Action.WriteActionEnd { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the last step of an action object .DESCRIPTION The steps are: - Check if screen should be cleared - Write header - Write selection, if required .EXAMPLE The input is the begin object from an action: "end": { "cls": false, "header": []], "selection": { "prompt": "", "anykey": true } } .INPUTS [PSObject] End .OUTPUTS none .NOTES none #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [PSObject] $End ) process { if ( $End ) { # clear host if ( $End.Cls ) { JsonMenu.UserInteraction.ClearHost -Cls $End.Cls } # write header if ( $End.Header ) { $headerOptions = @{ Header = $End.Header AddLineBreakBefore = (-not $End.Cls) AddLineBreakAfter = $false } JsonMenu.UserInteraction.WriteHeader @headerOptions } # write selection if ( $End.Selection ) { $selectionOptions = @{ Selection = $End.Selection AddLineBreakBefore = ($End.Header) -or (-not $End.Cls) } JsonMenu.UserInteraction.WriteSelection @selectionOptions } } } } |