
Retrieve results from Jojoba parallel runs and optionally package them for Jenkins.
For a Jojoba template function a call to Publish-Jojoba must be in the end {} block. If parallel processing has been used, this script will wait for all jobs to complete before outputting the test data. It may also write a Jojoba.xml for processing by Jenkins.
Output path for Jojoba XML. This is only triggered if JojobaThrottle -ne 0, $JojobaJenkins = $true, or it is executing under Jenkins.
None. All inputs are taken from the calling function ($JojobaBatch, $JojobaJenkins, and $JojobaThrottle).
Test case data from all processed jobs. If a job fails, which should not happen, its output will be returned also.

function Publish-Jojoba {
    param (
        $OutputPath = ".\Jojoba.xml"

    begin {

    process {
        #region Retrieve and clean up results if run in parallel mode
        if ($PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("JojobaThrottle")) {
            $completedJobs = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
            $jobErrors = New-Object Collections.ArrayList

            # Get, receive, and remove jobs as they complete. Any errors should be caught
            # and encapsulated as part of a test result. But in case they don't, then we
            # deal with them separately.
            Get-RSJob -Batch $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("JojobaBatch") | Wait-RSJob -ShowProgress | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_.State -ne "Failed" -and !$_.HasErrors) {
                    [void] $completedJobs.Add((Receive-RSJob $_))
                } else {
                    [void] $jobErrors.Add((Receive-RSJob $_))
            } | Remove-RSJob
            # Write out the XML file if there's output, and we're either asked or Jenkins is in use
            if ($completedJobs -and ($PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("JojobaJenkins") -or $env:JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE)) {
                Write-JojobaXml $completedJobs -OutputPath $OutputPath

            # Write out all the good test information
            if ($completedJobs) {
            if ($jobErrors) {
                # Write out any failed information. This will mess up the pipeline, but that's
                # okay, because if this happens then something has gone seriously wrong, and it
                # can show up in the Jenkins build console

                # Mark any Jenkins build as failed
                $global:LASTEXITCODE = 1
            } else {
                # Mark the build as a success (though Jenkins may interpret the test results
                # and mark it as failed for other reasons)
                $global:LASTEXITCODE = 0

    end {