
.VERSION 2.5.2
.GUID 54688e75-298c-4d4b-a2d0-d478e6069126
.DESCRIPTION Join-Object combines two objects lists based on a related property between them.
.TAGS Join-Object Join InnerJoin LeftJoin RightJoin FullJoin CrossJoin Update Merge Combine Table

    Combines two objects lists based on a related property between them.
    Combines properties from one or more objects. It creates a set that can
    be saved as a new object or used as it is. An object join is a means for
    combining properties from one (self-join) or more tables by using values
    common to each. The Join-Object cmdlet supports a few proxy commands with
    their own defaults:
    * InnerJoin-Object (Join-Object -JoinType Inner)
      Only returns the joined objects
    * LeftJoin-Object (Join-Object -JoinType Left)
      Returns the joined objects and the rest of the left objects
    * RightJoin-Object (Join-Object -JoinType Right)
      Returns the joined objects and the rest of the right objects
    * FullJoin-Object (Join-Object -JoinType Full)
      Returns the joined objects and the rest of the left and right objects
    * CrossJoin-Object (Join-Object -JoinType Cross)
      Joins each left object to each right object
    * Update-Object (Join-Object -JoinType Left -MergeExpression = {RightOrLeft.$_})
      Updates the left object with the right object properties
    * Merge-Object (Join-Object -JoinType Full -MergeExpression = {RightOrLeft.$_})
      Updates the left object with the right object properties and inserts
      right if the values of the related property is not equal.
    Each command has an alias equal to its verb (omitting '-Object').
    .PARAMETER LeftObject
        The LeftObject, usually provided through the pipeline, defines the
        left object (or list of objects) to be joined.
    .PARAMETER RightObject
        The RightObject, provided by the (first) argument, defines the right
        object (or list of objects) to be joined.
        The -On (alias -Using) parameter defines the condition that specify how
        to join the left and right object and which objects to include in the
        (inner) result set. The -On parameter supports the following formats:
        <String> or <Array>
        If the value is a string or array type, the -On parameter is similar to
        the SQL using clause. This means that all the listed properties require
        to be equal (at the left and right side) to be included in the (inner)
        result set. The listed properties will output a single value by default
        (see also the -Property parameter).
        Any conditional expression (where $Left refers to each left object and
        $Right refers to each right object) which requires to evaluate to true
        in order to join the objects.
        Note 1: The -On <ScriptBlock> type has the most complex comparison
        possibilities but is considerable slower than the other types.
        Note 2: If the -On parameter is omitted, a join by index is returned.
    .PARAMETER Equals
        Requires the -On value to be a string. The property of the left object
        defined by the -On value requires to be equal to the property of the
        right object defined by the -Equals value for the objects to be joined
        and added to the result sets.
    .PARAMETER Unify
        The -Unify (alias -Merge) parameter defines how to unify the left and
        right object with respect to the unrelated common properties. The
        common properties can discerned (<String>[,<String>]) or merged
        (<ScriptBlock>). By default the unrelated common properties wil be
        merged using the expression: {$LeftOrVoid.$_, $RightOrVoid.$_}
        If the value is not a ScriptBlock, it is presumed a string array with
        one or two items defining the left and right key format. If the item
        includes an asterisks (*), the asterisks will be replaced with the
        property name otherwise the item will be used to prefix the property name.
        Note: A consecutive number will be automatically added to a common
        property name if is already used.
        An expression that defines how the left and right properties with the
        common property should be merged. Where the following variables are
        * $_: iterates each property name
        * $Void: an object with all (left and right) properties set to $Null
        * $Left: the current left object (each self-contained -LeftObject)
        * $LeftOrVoid: the left object otherwise an object with null values
        * $LeftOrRight: the left object otherwise the right object
        * $LeftKeys: an array containing all the left keys
        * $Right: the current right object (each self-contained -RightObject)
        * $RightOrVoid: the right object otherwise an object with null values
        * $RightOrLeft: the right object otherwise the left object
        * $RightKeys: an array containing all the right keys
        Note: Property expressions set by the -Unify paramter might be
        overwritten by specific -Property expressions.
    .PARAMETER Property
        A hash table or list of property names (strings) and/or hash tables.
        Hash tables should be in the format @{<PropertyName> = <Expression>}
        where the <Expression> usually defines how the specific left and
        right properties should be merged.
        If only a name (string) is supplied, either the left or the right
        value is used for unique properties or the default unify expression
        is used for unrelated common properties.
        Note: Any unknown properties will be added to the output object.
        PS C:\> $Employee
        Name Country Department
        ---- ------- ----------
        Aerts Belgium Sales
        Bauer Germany Engineering
        Cook England Sales
        Duval France Engineering
        Evans England Marketing
        Fischer Germany Engineering
        PS C:\> $Department
        Name Manager Country
        ---- ------- -------
        Engineering Meyer Germany
        Marketing Morris England
        Sales Millet France
        Board Mans Netherlands
        PS C:\> $Employee | LeftJoin $Department -On Country
        Department Name Country Manager
        ---------- ---- ------- -------
        Sales {Aerts, $null} Belgium
        Engineering {Bauer, Engineering} Germany Meyer
        Sales {Cook, Marketing} England Morris
        Engineering {Duval, Sales} France Millet
        Marketing {Evans, Marketing} England Morris
        Engineering {Fischer, Engineering} Germany Meyer
        PS C:\> $Changes
        Name Country Department
        ---- ------- ----------
        Aerts Germany Sales
        Bauer Germany Marketing
        Geralds Belgium Engineering
        PS C:\> $Employee | Merge $Changes -On Name
        Department Name Country
        ---------- ---- -------
        Sales Aerts Germany
        Marketing Bauer Germany
        Sales Cook England
        Engineering Duval France
        Marketing Evans England
        Engineering Fischer Germany
        Engineering Geralds Belgium
        PS C:\> $Employee | Join $Department -On Department -Eq Name -Property @{Name = {$Left.$_}}, "Manager"
        Name Manager
        ---- -------
        Aerts Millet
        Bauer Meyer
        Cook Millet
        Duval Meyer
        Evans Morris
        Fischer Meyer
        PS C:\> $Employees
        EmployeeId FirstName LastName ReportsTo
        ---------- --------- -------- ---------
                 1 Nancy Davolio 2
                 2 Andrew Fuller
                 3 Janet Leveling 2
                 4 Margaret Peacock 2
                 5 Steven Buchanan 2
                 6 Michael Suyama 5
                 7 Robert King 5
                 8 Laura Callahan 2
                 9 Anne Dodsworth 5
        PS C:\> $Employees | InnerJoin $Employees -On ReportsTo -Eq EmployeeID -Property @{
                    Name = {"$($Left.FirstName) $($Left.LastName)"}
                    Manager = {"$($Right.FirstName) $($Right.LastName)"}
        Name Manager
        ---- -------
        Nancy Davolio Andrew Fuller
        Janet Leveling Andrew Fuller
        Margaret Peacock Andrew Fuller
        Steven Buchanan Andrew Fuller
        Michael Suyama Steven Buchanan
        Robert King Steven Buchanan
        Laura Callahan Andrew Fuller
        Anne Dodsworth Steven Buchanan

Function Join-Object {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName='None')][OutputType([Object[]])]Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $True)][Object[]]$LeftObject, [Parameter(Position=0)][Object[]]$RightObject,
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName='On')][Alias("Using")]$On, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='On')][String]$Equals,
        [Parameter(Position = 2)][Alias("Merge")]$Unify = {$LeftOrVoid.$_, $RightOrVoid.$_},
        [Parameter(Position = 3)]$Property,
        [Parameter(Position = 4)][ValidateSet('Inner', 'Left', 'Right', 'Full', 'Cross')]$JoinType = 'Inner'
    Begin {
        $Expression = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary; $New = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
        $RightKeys = @(); $RightObject[0].PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {$RightKeys += $_.Name}
        $RightLength = @($RightObject).Length; $RightOffs = @($False) * $RightLength; $LeftIndex = 0
        Function Join-Output($Left, $Right, $LeftOrRight, $RightOrLeft, $LeftOrVoid, $RightOrVoid) {
            $Expression.Get_Keys() | ForEach-Object {$New.$_ = &$Expression.$_}; New-Object PSObject -Property $New
    Process {
        ForEach ($Left in @($LeftObject)) {
            $LeftOff = $False; $All = !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Property')
            If (!$LeftIndex) {
                $LeftKeys = @(); $LeftObject[0].PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {$LeftKeys += $_.Name}
                If ($Property.PSTypeNames -Match "^System.Collections") {$Expression = $Property}
                Else {
                    @($Property) | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {
                        If ($_.PSObject.Properties['Keys']) {$Expression += $_}
                        Else {If ($_ -eq "*") {$All = $True} Else {$Expression.$_ = {}}}
                $Items = @{}; $LeftKeys + $RightKeys | Select-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object {$Items.$_ = $Null
                    $Expressed = If ($Expression.Contains($_)) {[Bool]"$($Expression.$_)"}    # Tristate
                    If (($All -and !$Expressed) -or $Expressed -eq $False) {
                        If ($LeftKeys -Contains $_ ) {
                            If ($RightKeys -Contains $_) {
                                If (($On -is [Array] -and @($On) -Contains $_) -or ($On -isnot [ScriptBlock] -and !$Equals -and $_ -eq $On)) {
                                    $Expression.$_ = {$LeftOrRight.$_}
                                } Else {
                                    If ($Unify -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                                        $Expression.$_ = $Unify
                                    } Else {
                                        ForEach ($01 in 0, 1) {$Key = (@($Unify) + "")[$01]
                                            $Key = If ("$Key".Contains("*"))  {([Regex]"\*").Replace("$Key", $_, 1)} Else {"$Key$_"}
                                            $i = ""; While ($Expression.Keys -Contains "$Key$i") {$i = [Int]$i + 1}; $Key = "$Key$i"
                                            $Expression.$Key = [ScriptBlock]::Create("$(('$LeftOrVoid', '$RightOrVoid')[$01]).'$_'")
                            } Else {$Expression.$_ = {$LeftOrVoid.$_}}
                        } Else {$Expression.$_ = {$RightOrVoid.$_}}
                }; $Void = New-Object PSObject -Property $Items
            If ($On -or $JoinType -eq "Cross") {
                For ($RightIndex = 0; $RightIndex -lt $RightLength; $RightIndex++) {$Right = $RightObject[$RightIndex]
                    $Select = If ($On -is [Array]) {$Null -eq ($On | Where-Object {!($Left.$_ -eq $Right.$_)})}
                        ElseIf ($On -is [ScriptBlock]) {&$On} Else {If ($Equals) {$Left.$On -eq $Right.$Equals} Else {$Left.$On -eq $Right.$On}}
                    If ($Select) {
                        Join-Output $Left $Right $Left $Right $Left $Right
                        $LeftOff = $True; $RightOffs[$RightIndex] = $True
            } Elseif ($LeftIndex -lt $RightLength) {
                $RightIndex = $LeftIndex; $Right = $RightObject[$RightIndex]
                Join-Output $Left $Right $Left $Right $Left $Right
                $LeftOff = $True; $RightOffs[$RightIndex] = $True
            If (!$LeftOff -And ($JoinType -eq "Left" -or $JoinType -eq "Full")) {Join-Output $Left $Null $Left $Left $Left $Void}
    End {
        If ($JoinType -eq "Right" -or $JoinType -eq "Full") {$Left = $Null
            For ($RightIndex = 0; $RightIndex -lt $RightOffs.Length; $RightIndex++) {
                If (!$RightOffs[$RightIndex]) {$Right = $RightObject[$RightIndex]
                    Join-Output $Null $Right $Right $Right $Void $Right
}; Set-Alias Join Join-Object

Function Copy-Command([System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo]$Command, [String]$Name, [HashTable]$DefaultParameters) {
    Try {
        $MetaData = [System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata]::New($Command)
        $Value = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create($MetaData)
        $Null = New-Item -Path Function:\ -Name "Script:$Name" -Value $Value -Force
        ForEach ($Key in $DefaultParameters.Keys) {$PSDefaultParameterValues["$Name`:$Key"] = $DefaultParameters.$Key}
    } Catch {$PSCmdlet.WriteError($_)}

$JoinCommand = Get-Command Join-Object
Copy-Command $JoinCommand InnerJoin-Object @{JoinType = 'Inner'}; Set-Alias InnerJoin InnerJoin-Object
Copy-Command $JoinCommand LeftJoin-Object  @{JoinType = 'Left'};  Set-Alias LeftJoin  LeftJoin-Object
Copy-Command $JoinCommand RightJoin-Object @{JoinType = 'Right'}; Set-Alias RightJoin RightJoin-Object
Copy-Command $JoinCommand FullJoin-Object  @{JoinType = 'Full'};  Set-Alias FullJoin  FullJoin-Object
Copy-Command $JoinCommand CrossJoin-Object @{JoinType = 'Cross'}; Set-Alias CrossJoin CrossJoin-Object
Copy-Command $JoinCommand Update-Object    @{JoinType = 'Left'; Merge = {{$RightOrLeft.$_}}}; Set-Alias Update Update-Object
Copy-Command $JoinCommand Merge-Object     @{JoinType = 'Full'; Merge = {{$RightOrLeft.$_}}}; Set-Alias Merge  Merge-Object