function Get-JobSchedulerStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Return summary information and statistics information from a JobScheduler Master. .DESCRIPTION Summary information and statistics information are returned from a JobScheduler Master. * Summary information includes e.g. the start date and JobScheduler release. * Statistics information includes e.g. the number of running tasks and existing orders. .PARAMETER Statistics Specifies that detailed statistics information about orders and jobs is returned. .PARAMETER Display Specifies that formatted output will be displayed, otherwise a status object will be returned that contain the respective information. .EXAMPLE Get-JobSchedulerStatus Returns summary information about the JobScheduler Master. .EXAMPLE Get-JobSchedulerStatus -Statistics -Display Returns status information and statistics information about jobs, job chains, orders and tasks. Formatted output is displayed. .EXAMPLE $status = $Get-JobSchedulerStatus -Statistics Returns an object including status information and statistics information. .LINK about_jobscheduler #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$True)] [switch] $Statistics, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$True)] [switch] $Display ) Begin { Approve-JobSchedulerCommand $MyInvocation.MyCommand $stopWatch = Start-JobSchedulerStopWatch } Process { $body = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'jobschedulerId' -value $script:jsWebService.JobSchedulerId -InputObject $body [string] $requestBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $response = Invoke-JobSchedulerWebRequest '/jobscheduler' $requestBody if ( $response.StatusCode -eq 200 ) { $volatileStatus = ( $response.Content | ConvertFrom-JSON ).jobscheduler } else { throw ( $response | Format-List -Force | Out-String ) } [string] $requestBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $response = Invoke-JobSchedulerWebRequest '/jobscheduler/p' $requestBody if ( $response.StatusCode -eq 200 ) { $permanentStatus = ( $response.Content | ConvertFrom-JSON ).jobscheduler } else { throw ( $response | Format-List -Force | Out-String ) } [string] $requestBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $response = Invoke-JobSchedulerWebRequest '/jobscheduler/cluster/members/p' $requestBody if ( $response.StatusCode -eq 200 ) { $clusterStatus = ( $response.Content | ConvertFrom-JSON ).masters } else { throw ( $response | Format-List -Force | Out-String ) } $returnStatus = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'Volatile' -value $volatileStatus -InputObject $returnStatus Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'Permanent' -value $permanentStatus -InputObject $returnStatus Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'Cluster' -value $clusterStatus -InputObject $returnStatus if ( $Display ) { $output = " ________________________________________________________________________ JobScheduler instance: $($returnStatus.Permanent.jobschedulerId) ............. version: $($returnStatus.Permanent.version) ................. url: $($returnStatus.Permanent.url) ....... running since: $($returnStatus.Permanent.startedAt) ............ timezone: $($returnStatus.Permanent.timezone) ............... state: $($returnStatus.Volatile.state._text) ........ cluster type: $($returnStatus.Permanent.clusterType._type)" foreach( $cluster in $returnStatus.cluster ) { $output += " ...... cluster member: host: $($, port: $($cluster.port) .................. OS: $($, $($cluster.os.architecture), $($cluster.os.distribution)" } # $output += " #.................. OS: $($, $($returnStatus.Permanent.os.architecture), $($returnStatus.Permanent.os.distribution) # $output += " ________________________________________________________________________" Write-Output $output } if ( $Statistics ) { $command = "< what='statistics'/>" $statXml = Invoke-JobSchedulerWebRequestXmlCommand -Command $command if ( $statXml ) { $stat = New-JobSchedulerStatisticsObject $stat.JobsExist = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//subsystem[@name = 'job']/file_based.statistics/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.JobsPending = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//job.statistics/job.statistic[@job_state = 'pending']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.JobsRunning = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//job.statistics/job.statistic[@job_state = 'running']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.JobsStopped = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//job.statistics/job.statistic[@job_state = 'stopped']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.JobsNeedProcess = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//job.statistics/job.statistic[@need_process = 'true']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.TasksExist = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//task.statistics/task.statistic[@task_state = 'exist']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.TasksRunning = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//task.statistics/task.statistic[@task_state = 'running']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.TasksStarting = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//task.statistics/task.statistic[@task_state = 'starting']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.OrdersExist = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//order.statistics/order.statistic[@order_state = 'any']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.OrdersClustered = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//order.statistics/order.statistic[@order_state = 'clustered']/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.OrdersStanding = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//subsystem[@name = 'standing_order']/file_based.statistics/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.SchedulesExist = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//subsystem[@name = 'schedule']/file_based.statistics/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.ProcessClassesExist = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//subsystem[@name = 'process_class']/file_based.statistics/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.FoldersExist = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//subsystem[@name = 'folder']/file_based.statistics/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.LocksExist = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//subsystem[@name = 'lock']/file_based.statistics/@count" ).Node."#text" $stat.MonitorsExist = ( Select-XML -XML $statXml -Xpath "//subsystem[@name = 'monitor']/file_based.statistics/@count" ).Node."#text" if ( $Display ) { $output = " ________________________________________________________________________ Jobs exist: $($stat.JobsExist) pending: $($stat.JobsPending) running: $($stat.JobsRunning) stopped: $($stat.JobsStopped) need process: $($stat.JobsNeedProcess) Tasks exist: $($stat.TasksExist) running: $($stat.TasksRunning) starting: $($stat.TasksStarting) Orders exist: $($stat.OrdersExist) clustered: $($stat.OrdersClustered) standing: $($stat.OrdersStanding) Schedules exist: $($stat.SchedulesExist) Process Classes exist: $($stat.ProcessClassesExist) Locks exist: $($stat.LocksExist) Monitors exist: $($stat.MonitorsExist) Folders exist: $($stat.FoldersExist) ________________________________________________________________________ " Write-Output $output } } Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'Statistics' -value $stat -InputObject $returnStatus } if ( !$Display ) { $returnStatus } } End { Trace-JobSchedulerStopWatch $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $stopWatch } } |