function Get-JobSchedulerVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the JobScheduler Master version .DESCRIPTION The cmdlet returns the version of the JobScheduler Master. .PARAMETER NoCache Specifies that the cache for JobScheduler objects is ignored. This results in the fact that for each Get-JobScheduler* cmdlet execution the response is retrieved directly from the JobScheduler Master and is not resolved from the cache. .EXAMPLE Get-JobSchedulerVersion Returns the JobScheduler version. .LINK about_jobscheduler #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( ) Begin { Approve-JobSchedulerCommand $MyInvocation.MyCommand $stopWatch = Start-JobSchedulerStopWatch } Process { $body = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'jobschedulerId' -value $script:jsWebService.JobSchedulerId -InputObject $body [string] $requestBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $response = Invoke-JobSchedulerWebRequest '/jobscheduler/p' $requestBody if ( $response.StatusCode -eq 200 ) { $returnStatus = ( $response.Content | ConvertFrom-JSON ).jobscheduler $returnStatus.version } else { throw ( $response | Format-List -Force | Out-String ) } } End { Trace-JobSchedulerStopWatch $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $stopWatch } } |