
    The JeaSessionConfiguration DSC resource configures the PowerShell session
    configurations, which define the mapping of users to roles and general
    session security settings.
    The JeaSessionConfiguration DSC resource configures the PowerShell session
    configurations, which define the mapping of users to roles and general
    session security settings.
    >Note: Scriptblock logging is not enabled by this resource and should
    >be done using the https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/registryresource.
    Write - Ensure
    The optional state that ensures the endpoint is present or absent. The
    default value is [Ensure]::Present.
    Key - string
    The mandatory endpoint name. Uses 'Microsoft.PowerShell' by default.
.PARAMETER RoleDefinitions
    Write - string
    The role definition map to be used for the endpoint. This should be a string
    that represents the Hashtable used for the RoleDefinitions property in
    New-PSSessionConfigurationFile, such as:
    RoleDefinitions = '@{ Everyone = @{ RoleCapabilities = "BaseJeaCapabilities" } }'
.PARAMETER RunAsVirtualAccount
    Write - nullable[bool]
    Run the endpoint under a Virtual Account.
.PARAMETER RunAsVirtualAccountGroups
    Write - string[]
    The optional groups to be used when the endpoint is configured to run as a
    Virtual Account
.PARAMETER GroupManagedServiceAccount
    Write - string
    The optional Group Managed Service Account (GMSA) to use for this endpoint.
    If configured, will disable the default behavior of running as a Virtual
.PARAMETER TranscriptDirectory
    Write - string
    The optional directory for transcripts to be saved to.
.PARAMETER ScriptsToProcess
    Write - string[]
    The optional startup script for the endpoint.
.PARAMETER SessionType
    Write - string
    The optional session type for the endpoint.
.PARAMETER MountUserDrive
    Write - bool
    The optional switch to enable mounting of a restricted user drive.
.PARAMETER UserDriveMaximumSize
    Write - long
    The optional size of the user drive. The default is 50MB.
.PARAMETER RequiredGroups
    Write - string[]
    The optional expression declaring which domain groups (for example,
    two-factor authenticated users) connected users must be members of. This
    should be a string that represents the Hashtable used for the RequiredGroups
    property in New-PSSessionConfigurationFile, such as:
    RequiredGroups = '@{ And = "RequiredGroup1", @{ Or = "OptionalGroup1", "OptionalGroup2" } }'
.PARAMETER ModulesToImport
    Write - string[]
    The optional modules to import when applied to a session. This should be
    a string that represents a string, a Hashtable, or array of strings and/or
    ModulesToImport = "'MyCustomModule', @{ ModuleName = 'MyCustomModule'; ModuleVersion = ''; GUID = '4d30d5f0-cb16-4898-812d-f20a6c596bdf' }"
.PARAMETER VisibleAliases
    Write - string[]
    The optional aliases to make visible when applied to a session.
.PARAMETER VisibleCmdlets
    Write - string[]
    The optional cmdlets to make visible when applied to a session. This should
    be a string that represents a string, a Hashtable, or array of strings and/or
    VisibleCmdlets = "'Invoke-Cmdlet1', @{ Name = 'Invoke-Cmdlet2'; Parameters = @{ Name = 'Parameter1'; ValidateSet = 'Item1', 'Item2' }, @{ Name = 'Parameter2'; ValidatePattern = 'L*' } }"
.PARAMETER VisibleFunctions
    Write - string[]
    The optional functions to make visible when applied to a session. This should
    be a string that represents a string, a Hashtable, or array of strings and/or
    VisibleFunctions = "'Invoke-Function1', @{ Name = 'Invoke-Function2'; Parameters = @{ Name = 'Parameter1'; ValidateSet = 'Item1', 'Item2' }, @{ Name = 'Parameter2'; ValidatePattern = 'L*' } }"
.PARAMETER VisibleExternalCommands
    Write - string[]
    The optional external commands (scripts and applications) to make visible when applied to a session.
.PARAMETER VisibleProviders
    Write - string[]
    The optional providers to make visible when applied to a session.
.PARAMETER AliasDefinitions
    Write - string[]
    The optional aliases to be defined when applied to a session. This should be
    a string that represents a Hashtable or array of Hashtable.
    AliasDefinitions = "@{ Name = 'Alias1'; Value = 'Invoke-Alias1'}, @{ Name = 'Alias2'; Value = 'Invoke-Alias2'}"
.PARAMETER FunctionDefinitions
    Write - string[]
    The optional functions to define when applied to a session. This should be
    a string that represents a Hashtable or array of Hashtable.
    FunctionDefinitions = "@{ Name = 'MyFunction'; ScriptBlock = { param($MyInput) $MyInput } }"
.PARAMETER VariableDefinitions
    Write - string
    The optional variables to define when applied to a session. This should be
    a string that represents a Hashtable or array of Hashtable.
    VariableDefinitions = "@{ Name = 'Variable1'; Value = { 'Dynamic' + 'InitialValue' } }, @{ Name = 'Variable2'; Value = 'StaticInitialValue' }"
.PARAMETER EnvironmentVariables
    Write - string
    The optional environment variables to define when applied to a session.
    This should be a string that represents a Hashtable.
    EnvironmentVariables = "@{ Variable1 = 'Value1'; Variable2 = 'Value2' }"
.PARAMETER TypesToProcess
    Write - string[]
    The optional type files (.ps1xml) to load when applied to a session.
.PARAMETER FormatsToProcess
    Write - string[]
    The optional format files (.ps1xml) to load when applied to a session.
.PARAMETER AssembliesToLoad
    Write - string[]
    The optional assemblies to load when applied to a session.
.PARAMETER LanguageMode
    Write - string
    The optional language mode to load. Can be 'NoLanguage' (recommended),
    'RestrictedLanguage', 'ConstrainedLanguage', or 'FullLanguage' (Default).
.PARAMETER ExecutionPolicy
    Write - string
    The optional ExecutionPolicy. Execution policy to apply when applied to a
    session. 'Unrestricted', 'RemoteSigned', 'AllSigned', 'Restricted',
    'Default', 'Bypass', 'Undefined'.
.PARAMETER HungRegistrationTimeout
    Write - int
    The optional number of seconds to wait for registering the endpoint to complete.
    Use 0 for no timeout. Default value is 10.
    Read - Reason[]
    Contains the not compliant properties detected in Get() method.