enum Ensure { Present Absent } [DscResource()] class JeaSessionConfiguration { ## The optional state that ensures the endpoint is present or absent. The defualt value is [Ensure]::Present. [DscProperty()] [Ensure] $Ensure = [Ensure]::Present ## The mandatory endpoint name. Use 'Microsoft.PowerShell' by default. [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $EndpointName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell' ## The mandatory role definition map to be used for the endpoint. This ## should be a string that represents the Hashtable used for the RoleDefinitions ## property in New-PSSessionConfigurationFile, such as: ## RoleDefinitions = '@{ Everyone = @{ RoleCapabilities = "BaseJeaCapabilities" } }' [Dscproperty(Mandatory)] [string] $RoleDefinitions ## The optional groups to be used when the endpoint is configured to ## run as a Virtual Account [DscProperty()] [string[]] $RunAsVirtualAccountGroups ## The optional Group Managed Service Account (GMSA) to use for this ## endpoint. If configured, will disable the default behaviour of ## running as a Virtual Account [DscProperty()] [string] $GroupManagedServiceAccount ## The optional directory for transcripts to be saved to [DscProperty()] [string] $TranscriptDirectory ## The optional startup script for the endpoint [DscProperty()] [string[]] $ScriptsToProcess ## The optional switch to enable mounting of a restricted user drive [Dscproperty()] [bool] $MountUserDrive ## The optional size of the user drive. The default is 50MB. [Dscproperty()] [long] $UserDriveMaximumSize ## The optional expression declaring which domain groups (for example, ## two-factor authenticated users) connected users must be members of. This ## should be a string that represents the Hashtable used for the RequiredGroups ## property in New-PSSessionConfigurationFile, such as: ## RequiredGroups = '@{ And = "RequiredGroup1", @{ Or = "OptionalGroup1", "OptionalGroup2" } }' [Dscproperty()] [string] $RequiredGroups ## The optional modules to import when applied to a session ## This should be a string that represents a string, a Hashtable, or array of strings and/or Hashtables ## ModulesToImport = "'MyCustomModule', @{ ModuleName = 'MyCustomModule'; ModuleVersion = ''; GUID = '4d30d5f0-cb16-4898-812d-f20a6c596bdf' }" [Dscproperty()] [string] $ModulesToImport ## The optional aliases to make visible when applied to a session [Dscproperty()] [string[]] $VisibleAliases ## The optional cmdlets to make visible when applied to a session ## This should be a string that represents a string, a Hashtable, or array of strings and/or Hashtables ## VisibleCmdlets = "'Invoke-Cmdlet1', @{ Name = 'Invoke-Cmdlet2'; Parameters = @{ Name = 'Parameter1'; ValidateSet = 'Item1', 'Item2' }, @{ Name = 'Parameter2'; ValidatePattern = 'L*' } }" [Dscproperty()] [string] $VisibleCmdlets ## The optional functions to make visible when applied to a session ## This should be a string that represents a string, a Hashtable, or array of strings and/or Hashtables ## VisibleFunctions = "'Invoke-Function1', @{ Name = 'Invoke-Function2'; Parameters = @{ Name = 'Parameter1'; ValidateSet = 'Item1', 'Item2' }, @{ Name = 'Parameter2'; ValidatePattern = 'L*' } }" [Dscproperty()] [string] $VisibleFunctions ## The optional external commands (scripts and applications) to make visible when applied to a session [Dscproperty()] [string[]] $VisibleExternalCommands ## The optional providers to make visible when applied to a session [Dscproperty()] [string[]] $VisibleProviders ## The optional aliases to be defined when applied to a session ## This should be a string that represents a Hashtable or array of Hashtable ## AliasDefinitions = "@{ Name = 'Alias1'; Value = 'Invoke-Alias1'}, @{ Name = 'Alias2'; Value = 'Invoke-Alias2'}" [Dscproperty()] [string] $AliasDefinitions ## The optional functions to define when applied to a session ## This should be a string that represents a Hashtable or array of Hashtable ## FunctionDefinitions = "@{ Name = 'MyFunction'; ScriptBlock = { param($MyInput) $MyInput } }" [Dscproperty()] [string] $FunctionDefinitions ## The optional variables to define when applied to a session ## This should be a string that represents a Hashtable or array of Hashtable ## VariableDefinitions = "@{ Name = 'Variable1'; Value = { 'Dynamic' + 'InitialValue' } }, @{ Name = 'Variable2'; Value = 'StaticInitialValue' }" [Dscproperty()] [string] $VariableDefinitions ## The optional environment variables to define when applied to a session ## This should be a string that represents a Hashtable ## EnvironmentVariables = "@{ Variable1 = 'Value1'; Variable2 = 'Value2' }" [Dscproperty()] [string] $EnvironmentVariables ## The optional type files (.ps1xml) to load when applied to a session [Dscproperty()] [string[]] $TypesToProcess ## The optional format files (.ps1xml) to load when applied to a session [Dscproperty()] [string[]] $FormatsToProcess ## The optional assemblies to load when applied to a session [Dscproperty()] [string[]] $AssembliesToLoad ## The optional number of seconds to wait for registering the endpoint to complete. ## 0 for no timeout [Dscproperty()] [int] $HungRegistrationTimeout = 10 ## Applies the JEA configuration [void] Set() { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $psscPath = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + ".pssc") $configurationFileArguments = @{ Path = $psscPath SessionType = 'RestrictedRemoteServer' } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if ($this.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups -and $this.GroupManagedServiceAccount) { throw "The RunAsVirtualAccountGroups setting can not be used when a configuration is set to run as a Group Managed Service Account" } ## Convert- the RoleDefinitions string to the actual Hashtable $configurationFileArguments["RoleDefinitions"] = Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $this.RoleDefinitions ## Set up the JEA identity if ($this.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups) { $configurationFileArguments["RunAsVirtualAccount"] = $true $configurationFileArguments["RunAsVirtualAccountGroups"] = $this.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups } elseif ($this.GroupManagedServiceAccount) { $configurationFileArguments["GroupManagedServiceAccount"] = $this.GroupManagedServiceAccount -replace '\$$', '' } else { $configurationFileArguments["RunAsVirtualAccount"] = $true } ## Transcripts if ($this.TranscriptDirectory) { $configurationFileArguments["TranscriptDirectory"] = $this.TranscriptDirectory } ## Startup scripts if ($this.ScriptsToProcess) { $configurationFileArguments["ScriptsToProcess"] = $this.ScriptsToProcess } ## Mount user drive if ($this.MountUserDrive) { $configurationFileArguments["MountUserDrive"] = $this.MountUserDrive } ## User drive maximum size if ($this.UserDriveMaximumSize) { $configurationFileArguments["UserDriveMaximumSize"] = $this.UserDriveMaximumSize $configurationFileArguments["MountUserDrive"] = $true } ## Required groups if ($this.RequiredGroups) { ## Convert the RequiredGroups string to the actual Hashtable $requiredGroupsHash = Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $this.RequiredGroups $configurationFileArguments["RequiredGroups"] = $requiredGroupsHash } ## Modules to import if ($this.ModulesToImport) { $configurationFileArguments["ModulesToImport"] = Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $this.ModulesToImport } ## Visible aliases if ($this.VisibleAliases) { $configurationFileArguments["VisibleAliases"] = $this.VisibleAliases } ## Visible cmdlets if ($this.VisibleCmdlets) { $configurationFileArguments["VisibleCmdlets"] = Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $this.VisibleCmdlets } ## Visible functions if ($this.VisibleFunctions) { $configurationFileArguments["VisibleFunctions"] = Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $this.VisibleFunctions } ## Visible external commands if ($this.VisibleExternalCommands) { $configurationFileArguments["VisibleExternalCommands"] = $this.VisibleExternalCommands } ## Visible providers if ($this.VisibleProviders) { $configurationFileArguments["VisibleProviders"] = $this.VisibleProviders } ## Visible providers if ($this.VisibleProviders) { $configurationFileArguments["VisibleProviders"] = $this.VisibleProviders } ## Alias definitions if ($this.AliasDefinitions) { $configurationFileArguments["AliasDefinitions"] = Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $this.AliasDefinitions } ## Function definitions if ($this.FunctionDefinitions) { $configurationFileArguments["FunctionDefinitions"] = Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $this.FunctionDefinitions } ## Variable definitions if ($this.VariableDefinitions) { $configurationFileArguments["VariableDefinitions"] = Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $this.VariableDefinitions } ## Environment variables if ($this.EnvironmentVariables) { $configurationFileArguments["EnvironmentVariables"] = Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $this.EnvironmentVariables } ## Types to process if ($this.TypesToProcess) { $configurationFileArguments["TypesToProcess"] = $this.TypesToProcess } ## Formats to process if ($this.FormatsToProcess) { $configurationFileArguments["FormatsToProcess"] = $this.FormatsToProcess } ## Assemblies to load if ($this.AssembliesToLoad) { $configurationFileArguments["AssembliesToLoad"] = $this.AssembliesToLoad } } ## Register the endpoint try { ## If we are replacing Microsoft.PowerShell, create a 'break the glass' endpoint if ($this.EndpointName -eq "Microsoft.PowerShell") { $breakTheGlassName = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Restricted" if (-not ($this.GetPSSessionConfiguration($breakTheGlassName))) { $this.RegisterPSSessionConfiguration($breakTheGlassName, $null, $this.HungRegistrationTimeout) } } ## Remove the previous one, if any. if ($this.GetPSSessionConfiguration($this.EndpointName)) { $this.UnregisterPSSessionConfiguration($this.EndpointName) } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { ## Create the configuration file New-PSSessionConfigurationFile @configurationFileArguments ## Register the configuration file $this.RegisterPSSessionConfiguration($this.EndpointName, $psscPath, $this.HungRegistrationTimeout) } } finally { if (Test-Path $psscPath) { Remove-Item $psscPath } } } # Tests if the resource is in the desired state. [bool] Test() { $currentInstance = $this.Get() # short-circuit if the resource is not present and is not supposed to be present if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) { if ($currentInstance.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) { return $true } Write-Verbose "EndpointName present: $($currentInstance.EndpointName)" return $false } ## If this was configured with our mandatory property (RoleDefinitions), dig deeper if (-not $currentInstance.RoleDefinitions) { Write-Verbose "No RoleDefinitions found" return $false } if ($currentInstance.EndpointName -ne $this.EndpointName) { Write-Verbose "EndpointName not equal: $($currentInstance.EndpointName)" return $false } ## Convert the RoleDefinitions string to the actual Hashtable $roleDefinitionsHash = Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $this.RoleDefinitions if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $currentInstance.RoleDefinitions), $roleDefinitionsHash)) { Write-Verbose "RoleDfinitions not equal: $($currentInstance.RoleDefinitions)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual($currentInstance.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups, $this.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups)) { Write-Verbose "RunAsVirtualAccountGroups not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups -Depth 100)" return $false } if ($currentInstance.GroupManagedServiceAccount -or $this.GroupManagedServiceAccount) { if ($currentInstance.GroupManagedServiceAccount -ne ($this.GroupManagedServiceAccount -replace '\$$', '')) { Write-Verbose "GroupManagedServiceAccount not equal: $($currentInstance.GroupManagedServiceAccount)" return $false } } if ($currentInstance.TranscriptDirectory -ne $this.TranscriptDirectory) { Write-Verbose "TranscriptDirectory not equal: $($currentInstance.TranscriptDirectory)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual($currentInstance.ScriptsToProcess, $this.ScriptsToProcess)) { Write-Verbose "ScriptsToProcess not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.ScriptsToProcess -Depth 100)" return $false } if ($currentInstance.MountUserDrive -ne $this.MountUserDrive) { Write-Verbose "MountUserDrive not equal: $($currentInstance.MountUserDrive)" return $false } if ($currentInstance.UserDriveMaximumSize -ne $this.UserDriveMaximumSize) { Write-Verbose "UserDriveMaximumSize not equal: $($currentInstance.UserDriveMaximumSize)" return $false } # Check for null required groups $requiredGroupsHash = Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $this.RequiredGroups if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $currentInstance.RequiredGroups), $requiredGroupsHash)) { Write-Verbose "RequiredGroups not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.RequiredGroups -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $currentInstance.ModulesToImport), (Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $this.ModulesToImport))) { Write-Verbose "ModulesToImport not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.ModulesToImport -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual($currentInstance.VisibleAliases, $this.VisibleAliases)) { Write-Verbose "VisibleAliases not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.VisibleAliases -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $currentInstance.VisibleCmdlets), (Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $this.VisibleCmdlets))) { Write-Verbose "VisibleCmdlets not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.VisibleCmdlets -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $currentInstance.VisibleFunctions), (Convert-StringToArrayOfObject -literalString $this.VisibleFunctions))) { Write-Verbose "VisibleFunctions not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.VisibleFunctions -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual($currentInstance.VisibleExternalCommands, $this.VisibleExternalCommands)) { Write-Verbose "VisibleExternalCommands not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.VisibleExternalCommands -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual($currentInstance.VisibleProviders, $this.VisibleProviders)) { Write-Verbose "VisibleProviders not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.VisibleProviders -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $currentInstance.AliasDefinitions), (Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $this.AliasDefinitions))) { Write-Verbose "AliasDefinitions not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.AliasDefinitions -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $currentInstance.FunctionDefinitions), (Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $this.FunctionDefinitions))) { Write-Verbose "FunctionDefinitions not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.FunctionDefinitions -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $currentInstance.VariableDefinitions), (Convert-StringToArrayOfHashtable -literalString $this.VariableDefinitions))) { Write-Verbose "VariableDefinitions not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.VariableDefinitions -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual((Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $currentInstance.EnvironmentVariables), (Convert-StringToHashtable -hashtableAsString $this.EnvironmentVariables))) { Write-Verbose "EnvironmentVariables not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.EnvironmentVariables -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual($currentInstance.TypesToProcess, $this.TypesToProcess)) { Write-Verbose "TypesToProcess not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.TypesToProcess -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual($currentInstance.FormatsToProcess, $this.FormatsToProcess)) { Write-Verbose "FormatsToProcess not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.FormatsToProcess -Depth 100)" return $false } if (-not $this.ComplexObjectsEqual($currentInstance.AssembliesToLoad, $this.AssembliesToLoad)) { Write-Verbose "AssembliesToLoad not equal: $(ConvertTo-Json $currentInstance.AssembliesToLoad -Depth 100)" return $false } return $true } ## A simple comparison for complex objects used in JEA configurations. ## We don't need anything extensive, as we should be the only ones changing them. hidden [bool] ComplexObjectsEqual($object1, $object2) { $object1ordered=[System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{} $object1.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending | ForEach-Object {$object1ordered.Insert(0,$_,$object1["$_"])} $object2ordered=[System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{} $object2.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending | ForEach-Object {$object2ordered.Insert(0,$_,$object2["$_"])} $json1 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $object1ordered -Depth 100 $json2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $object2ordered -Depth 100 if ($json1 -ne $json2) { Write-Verbose "object1: $json1" Write-Verbose "object2: $json2" } return ($json1 -eq $json2) } ## Get a PS Session Configuration based on its name hidden [Object] GetPSSessionConfiguration($Name) { $winRMService = Get-Service -Name 'WinRM' if ($winRMService -and $winRMService.Status -eq 'Running') { # Temporary disabling Verbose as xxx-PSSessionConfiguration methods verbose messages are useless for DSC debugging $VerbosePreferenceBackup = $Global:VerbosePreference $Global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $PSSessionConfiguration = Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $Name -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' $Global:VerbosePreference = $VerbosePreferenceBackup if ($PSSessionConfiguration) { return $PSSessionConfiguration } else { return $null } } else { Write-Verbose 'WinRM service is not running. Cannot get PS Session Configuration(s).' return $null } } ## Unregister a PS Session Configuration based on its name hidden [Void] UnregisterPSSessionConfiguration($Name) { $winRMService = Get-Service -Name 'WinRM' if ($winRMService -and $winRMService.Status -eq 'Running') { # Temporary disabling Verbose as xxx-PSSessionConfiguration methods verbose messages are useless for DSC debugging $VerbosePreferenceBackup = $Global:VerbosePreference $Global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $null = Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $Name -Force -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue' $Global:VerbosePreference = $VerbosePreferenceBackup } else { Throw "WinRM service is not running. Cannot unregister PS Session Configuration '$Name'." } } ## Register a PS Session Configuration and handle a WinRM hanging situation hidden [Void] RegisterPSSessionConfiguration($Name, $Path, $Timeout) { $winRMService = Get-Service -Name 'WinRM' if ($winRMService -and $winRMService.Status -eq 'Running') { Write-Verbose "Will register PSSessionConfiguration with argument: Name = '$Name', Path = '$Path' and Timeout = '$Timeout'" # Register-PSSessionConfiguration has been hanging because the WinRM service is stuck in Stopping state # therefore we need to run Register-PSSessionConfiguration within a job to allow us to handle a hanging WinRM service # Save the list of services sharing the same process as WinRM in case we have to restart them $processId = Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_Service' -Filter "Name LIKE 'WinRM'" | Select-Object -Expand 'ProcessId' $serviceList = @(Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_Service' -Filter "ProcessId=$processId" | Select-Object -Expand 'Name') foreach ($service in $serviceList.clone()) { $dependentServiceList = Get-Service -Name $service | ForEach-Object { $_.DependentServices } foreach ($dependentService in $dependentServiceList) { if ($dependentService.Status -eq 'Running' -and $serviceList -notcontains $dependentService.Name) { $serviceList += $dependentService.Name } } } if ($Path) { $registerString = "`$null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name '$Name' -Path '$Path' -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop' -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue'" } else { $registerString = "`$null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name '$Name' -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop' -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue'" } $registerScriptBlock = [Scriptblock]::Create($registerString) if ($Timeout -gt 0) { $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $registerScriptBlock Wait-Job -Job $job -Timeout $Timeout Receive-Job -Job $job Remove-Job -Job $job -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' # If WinRM is still Stopping after the job has completed / exceeded $Timeout, force kill the underlying WinRM process $winRMService = Get-Service -Name 'WinRM' if ($winRMService -and $winRMService.Status -eq 'StopPending') { $processId = Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_Service' -Filter "Name LIKE 'WinRM'" | Select-Object -Expand 'ProcessId' Write-Verbose "WinRM seems hanging in Stopping state. Forcing process $processId to stop" $failureList = @() try { # Kill the process hosting WinRM service Stop-Process -Id $processId -Force Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Write-Verbose "Restarting services: $($serviceList -join ', ')" # Then restart all services previously identified foreach($service in $serviceList) { try { Start-Service -Name $service } catch { $failureList += "Start service $service" } } } catch { $failureList += "Kill WinRM process" } if ($failureList) { Write-Verbose "Failed to execute following operation(s): $($failureList -join ', ')" } } elseif ($winRMService -and $winRMService.Status -eq 'Stopped') { Write-Verbose '(Re)starting WinRM service' Start-Service -Name 'WinRM' } } else { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $registerScriptBlock } } else { Throw "WinRM service is not running. Cannot register PS Session Configuration '$Name'" } } # Gets the resource's current state. [JeaSessionConfiguration] Get() { $returnObject = New-Object JeaSessionConfiguration $sessionConfiguration = $this.GetPSSessionConfiguration($this.EndpointName) if ((-not $sessionConfiguration) -or (-not $sessionConfiguration.ConfigFilePath)) { $returnObject.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent return $returnObject } $configFileArguments = Import-PowerShellDataFile $sessionConfiguration.ConfigFilePath $rawConfigFileAst = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($sessionConfiguration.ConfigFilePath, [ref] $null, [ref] $null) $rawConfigFileArguments = $rawConfigFileAst.Find( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.HashtableAst] }, $false ) $returnObject.EndpointName = $sessionConfiguration.Name ## Convert the hashtable to a string, as that is the input format required by DSC $returnObject.RoleDefinitions = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'RoleDefinitions' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } if ($sessionConfiguration.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups) { $returnObject.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups = $sessionConfiguration.RunAsVirtualAccountGroups -split ';' } if ($sessionConfiguration.GroupManagedServiceAccount) { $returnObject.GroupManagedServiceAccount = $sessionConfiguration.GroupManagedServiceAccount } if ($configFileArguments.TranscriptDirectory) { $returnObject.TranscriptDirectory = $configFileArguments.TranscriptDirectory } if ($configFileArguments.ScriptsToProcess) { $returnObject.ScriptsToProcess = $configFileArguments.ScriptsToProcess } if ($configFileArguments.MountUserDrive) { $returnObject.MountUserDrive = $configFileArguments.MountUserDrive } if ($configFileArguments.UserDriveMaximumSize) { $returnObject.UserDriveMaximumSize = $configFileArguments.UserDriveMaximumSize } if ($configFileArguments.RequiredGroups) { $returnObject.RequiredGroups = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'RequiredGroups' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } } if ($configFileArguments.ModulesToImport) { $returnObject.ModulesToImport = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'ModulesToImport' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } } if ($configFileArguments.VisibleAliases) { $returnObject.VisibleAliases = $configFileArguments.VisibleAliases } if ($configFileArguments.VisibleCmdlets) { $returnObject.VisibleCmdlets = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'VisibleCmdlets' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } } if ($configFileArguments.VisibleFunctions) { $returnObject.VisibleFunctions = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'VisibleFunctions' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } } if ($configFileArguments.VisibleExternalCommands) { $returnObject.VisibleExternalCommands = $configFileArguments.VisibleExternalCommands } if ($configFileArguments.VisibleProviders) { $returnObject.VisibleProviders = $configFileArguments.VisibleProviders } if ($configFileArguments.AliasDefinitions) { $returnObject.AliasDefinitions = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'AliasDefinitions' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } } if ($configFileArguments.FunctionDefinitions) { $returnObject.FunctionDefinitions = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'FunctionDefinitions' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } } if ($configFileArguments.VariableDefinitions) { $returnObject.VariableDefinitions = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'VariableDefinitions' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } } if ($configFileArguments.EnvironmentVariables) { $returnObject.EnvironmentVariables = $rawConfigFileArguments.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object { $_.Item1.Extent.Text -eq 'EnvironmentVariables' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Item2.Extent.Text } } if ($configFileArguments.TypesToProcess) { $returnObject.TypesToProcess = $configFileArguments.TypesToProcess } if ($configFileArguments.FormatsToProcess) { $returnObject.FormatsToProcess = $configFileArguments.FormatsToProcess } if ($configFileArguments.AssembliesToLoad) { $returnObject.AssembliesToLoad = $configFileArguments.AssembliesToLoad } return $returnObject } } |