function Remove-GitBranchesNotExistantOnline { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $GitConfigPath = Join-Path . ".git" if (Test-Path $GitConfigPath) { $Ignorelist = "HEAD|main|master" git fetch -a -p $gitBranchesLocal = ((git branch) -replace '\*', "").Trim() $gitBranchesRemote = (git branch -r).Trim() if ($gitBranchesLocal -match "main") { $defaultBranch = "main" } elseif ($gitBranchesLocal -match "master") { $defaultBranch = "master" } else { break } Write-Host "Switching to branch $($defaultBranch)" -ForegroundColor Green git switch $defaultBranch "-------------------------" Write-Host "Local branches" -ForegroundColor Yellow $gitBranchesLocal # ($gitBranchesLocal).GetType() "-------------------------" Write-Host "Remote branches" -ForegroundColor Yellow $gitBranchesRemote "-------------------------`n`n`n" "-------------------------" $gitBranchesLocal | ForEach-Object { # $_ # "next`n" Write-Host "Checking local branch `"$($_)`"" -ForegroundColor Yellow if ($_ -match $Ignorelist) { Write-Host "Branch $($_) will be ignored" -ForegroundColor Red } else { # $branchName = ($_ -split "/")[-1] if ($gitBranchesRemote -match $_) { Write-Host "This branch exists remote and locally" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "This branch exists only locally" -ForegroundColor Red if ((Read-Host -Prompt "Delete branch $_? (y/N)") -eq "y") { git branch -d $_ } } } "-------------------------" } } else { Write-Warning "This folder is not git folder" } } |