function Get-JS7JOCLogFilename { <# .SYNOPSIS Return the list of available JOC Cockpit log file names .DESCRIPTION Returns the list of JOC Cockpit log file names. .OUTPUTS This cmdlet returns an array of JOC Cockpit log file names. .EXAMPLE Get-JS7JOCLogFilename Returns an array of log files available with JOC Cockpit. .LINK about_js7 #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( ) Begin { Approve-JS7Command $MyInvocation.MyCommand $stopWatch = Start-JS7StopWatch } Process { $body = New-Object PSObject [string] $requestBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $response = Invoke-JS7WebRequest -Path '/joc/logs' -Body $requestBody if ( $response.StatusCode -eq 200 ) { ( $response.Content | ConvertFrom-JSON ).filenames } else { throw ( $response | Format-List -Force | Out-String ) } } End { Trace-JS7StopWatch -CommandName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -StopWatch $stopWatch Update-JS7Session } } |