
#requires -module Microsoft.Graph.Sites,Microsoft.Graph.Users,Microsoft.Graph.Groups,Microsoft.Graph.Files
using namespace Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models
using namespace Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Runtime
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
Update-FormatData -PrependPath $PSScriptRoot\Formats\*.Format.ps1xml

filter Get-JMgDrive {
A Universal method of getting the drive of a resource (site, onedrive, user, email, url, etc.) by piping it to this command
Get-JMGDrive -Root
'' | Get-JMGDrive
'' | Get-JMGDrive
'' | Get-JMGDrive
Get-MgSite -Property "siteCollection,webUrl" -Filter "siteCollection/root ne null" | Get-JMGDrive
Get-MgSite 'SiteSearchKeyword'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
        #Retrieve a drive by user UPN, sharepoint site URI, or a user/onedrive/site/team object
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]$InputObject,
        #Specify this to get the root Sharepoint Site
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Root')][Switch]$Root
    if ($null -eq $InputObject) {
        #Fetch the "my" drive by default
        Write-Verbose 'No input specified, fetching the /me drive.'
        return [MicrosoftGraphDrive1[]](Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Get 'v1.0/me/drives').value
    if ($root) {
        return Get-MgDrive
    switch ($InputObject.GetType().Name) {
        'Uri' { Get-MgSiteByUri $Uri | Get-JMgDrive }
        'MailAddress' { Get-MgUser -UserId $InputObject | Where-Object { $PSItem } | Get-JMgDrive }
        'MicrosoftGraphSite1' { Get-MgSiteDrive -SiteId $InputObject.Id }
        'MicrosoftGraphUser1' {
            try {
                Get-MgUserDrive -UserId $InputObject.Id -ErrorAction stop
            } catch [RestException] {
                if ($PSItem -match 'Access Denied') {
                    $PSItem.ErrorDetails = "You don't have access to this user's OneDrive. This is the default setting in O365 for privacy. To access these files as someone other than the user, you must create an access link:"
                Write-Error -ErrorRecord $PSItem; return
        'MicrosoftGraphGroup1' { Get-MgGroupDrive -GroupId $InputObject.Id }
        'MicrosoftGraphTeam1' { Get-MgGroupDrive -GroupId $InputObject.Id }
        default {
            try {
                $uri = [Uri]::new($InputObject)
                return $Uri | Get-JMgDrive
            } catch [MethodInvocationException] {}

            $upn = $InputObject -as [mailaddress]
            if ($upn) {
                return $upn | Get-JMgDrive

            # Last resort is a keyword search of Sharepoint Sites
            $siteIds = (Get-MgSite -Search ([String]$InputObject)).id
            if (-not $siteIds) { throw "Site Search returned no results for $siteIds" }
            $siteIds | Get-JMgDrive

filter Get-JMgSiteByUri {
    $siteId = $Uri.Host, $Uri.AbsolutePath -join ':'
    Get-MgSite -SiteId $siteId

filter Get-JMgDriveItem {
        #The Id of the drive. You can pipe from Get-JMg
        #The path to the file. If not specified, it gets the root folder
    if (-not $Drive) {
        Write-Verbose 'No ID specified, fetching the contents of the /me drive.'
        $Drive = Get-JMgDrive
    if (-not $Drive) {
        Write-Error 'No drive found.'
    $DriveId = $Drive.Id
    if (-not $Path) {
        return Get-MgDriveRoot -DriveId $DriveId
    } else {
        try {
            [MicrosoftGraphDriveItem1](Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET "v1.0/drives/$DriveId/root:/$Path" -ErrorAction stop).Value
        } catch {
            if ($PSItem.exception.Response.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) {
                $PSItem.ErrorDetails = "The file or folder '$Path' does not exist in drive $($Drive.Name). Paths should be specified in folder/folder/file.txt format"
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $PSItem

filter Get-JMgDriveChildItem {
        #The Id of the drive. You can pipe from Get-JMg
        #The path to the file. If not specified, it gets the root folder
    if (-not $Drive) {
        Write-Verbose 'No ID specified, fetching the contents of the /me drive.'
        $Drive = Get-JMgDrive
    if (-not $Drive) {
        Write-Error '-Drive parameter was not supplied and your account does not have a default OneDrive'
    $DriveId = $Drive.Id
    $DrivePath = $Path ? "root:/${Path}:/children" : 'root/children'
    try {
        [MicrosoftGraphDriveItem1[]](Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET "v1.0/drives/$DriveId/$DrivePath" -ErrorAction stop).Value
    } catch {
        if ($PSItem.exception.Response.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) {
            $PSItem.ErrorDetails = "The file or folder '$Path' does not exist in drive $($Drive.Name). Paths should be specified in folder/folder/file.txt format"
        Write-Error -ErrorRecord $PSItem

function Save-JmgDriveItem {
        #Where to save the file. Defaults to your current Directory
        #Overwrite Files
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)][MicrosoftGraphDriveItem1]$DriveItem
    begin {
        $jobs = [List[Job2]]@()
    process {
        $dstPath = $Path
        if (-not $dstPath) {
            if (-not $DriveItem.Name) {
                Write-Error 'The drive item supplied does not have a filename. Please specify -Path with the full path to save.'
            $dstPath = Join-Path $PWD $DriveItem.Name
        $existingItem = Get-Item $dstPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($ExistingItem -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
            $dstPath = Join-Path $dstPath $DriveItem.Name
            $existingItem = Get-Item $dstPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if ($ExistingItem -and -not $Force) {
            Write-Error "The file '$dstPath' already exists. Use -Force to overwrite."

        $downloadUriProperty = '@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'
        if (-not $DriveItem.AdditionalProperties.ContainsKey($downloadUriProperty)) {
            Write-Error "$($DriveItem.Name) is either a folder or cannot be downloaded."
        [uri]$downloadUri = $DriveItem.AdditionalProperties[$downloadUriProperty]
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($dstPath, "Download file $($DriveItem.Name)")) {
            $job = Start-ThreadJob -Name "Download-$($DriveItem.Name)" { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $USING:downloadUri -OutFile $USING:dstPath }
    end {
        if ($jobs.count -gt 0) {
            Receive-Job $jobs -Wait -AutoRemoveJob

function Copy-JmgDriveItem {

        #Where to save the file. Defaults to your current Directory
        #Overwrite Files
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)][MicrosoftGraphDriveItem1]$DriveItem
    begin {
        $jobs = [List[Job2]]@()
    process {
        $dstPath = $Path
        if (-not $dstPath) {
            if (-not $DriveItem.Name) {
                Write-Error 'The drive item supplied does not have a filename. Please specify -Path with the full path to save.'
            $dstPath = Join-Path $PWD $DriveItem.Name
        $existingItem = Get-Item $dstPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($ExistingItem -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
            $dstPath = Join-Path $dstPath $DriveItem.Name
            $existingItem = Get-Item $dstPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if ($ExistingItem -and -not $Force) {
            Write-Error "The file '$dstPath' already exists. Use -Force to overwrite."

        $downloadUriProperty = '@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'
        if (-not $DriveItem.AdditionalProperties.ContainsKey($downloadUriProperty)) {
            Write-Error "$($DriveItem.Name) is either a folder or cannot be downloaded."
        [uri]$downloadUri = $DriveItem.AdditionalProperties[$downloadUriProperty]
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($dstPath, "Download file $($DriveItem.Name)")) {
            $job = Start-ThreadJob -Name "Download-$($DriveItem.Name)" { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $USING:downloadUri -OutFile $USING:dstPath }
    end {
        if ($jobs.count -gt 0) {
            Receive-Job $jobs -Wait -AutoRemoveJob