param([Hashtable]$options) if ($options.ForPublication) { return } if ($options.Clean) { Remove-Item "$home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\EZOut" -Recurse Remove-Item "$home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pipeworks" -Recurse } $modulePaths = $env:PSModulePath -split ';' $showUIFound = $false $ezOutFound = $false $scripCopFound = $false $pipeworksFound = $false $modulesToFind = @{ EzOut = $false ShowUI = $false Pipeworks = $false } $moduleDownloadUrl = @{ EzOut = '' Pipeworks = '' } $count = 0 foreach ($moduleName in @($modulestoFind.Keys)) { $count++ $perc = $count * 100 / $modulesToFind.Count if (Get-Module $moduleName) { continue } Write-Progress "Starting IsePack" "$moduleName" -PercentComplete $perc foreach ($mp in $modulePaths) { if (Test-Path "$mp\$moduleName") { Import-Module "$mp\$moduleName\$moduleName" -Global $modulesToFind[$moduleName] = $true } elseif ($mp -eq "$home\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Modules") { # Go ahead and download them Write-Progress "Downloading $moduleName" "From $($moduleDownloadUrl[$moduleName])" -PercentComplete $perc $wc = New-Object Net.WebClient $tmpZipFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() + ".zip" $url = [uri]$moduleDownloadUrl[$moduleName] $manifest = $wc.DownloadString($url) $xmlManifest = [xml]$manifest $modulezipUrl = ($xmlManifest.ModuleManifest.Url.Replace("Module.ashx", "").TrimEnd("/")) + "/"+ $xmlManifest.ModuleManifest.Name + "." + $xmlManifest.moduleManifest.Version + ".zip" $moduleZipUrl = $moduleZipUrl -ireplace 'Module\.ashx\/', '' $wc.DownloadFile($moduleZipUrl, $tmpZipFile) Write-Progress "Extracting $moduleName" " " -PercentComplete $perc $shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $zipContent = $shell.Namespace($tmpZipFile) $homeModules = $shell.Namespace("$home\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Modules\") $null = $homeModules.CopyHere($zipContent.Items(),(16 -bor 512)) $tries = 0 do { Start-sleep -seconds 1 $tries++ if ($tries -gt 10) { break } } while (-not (Test-Path "$mp\$moduleName")) Import-Module "$mp\$moduleName\$moduleName" -Global $modulesToFind[$moduleName] = $true } } } if ($psVersionTable.PSVersion -eq '2.0') { $global:PromptStatus = @({ $(if (test-path variable:/PSDebugContext) { '[DBG]: ' } else { '' }) + 'PS ' + $(Get-Location) + $(if ($nestedpromptlevel -ge 1) { '>>' }) }) $defaultPromptHash = "HEYStcKFSSj9jrfqnb9f+A==" } elseif ($psVersionTable.PSVersion -eq '3.0') { $global:PromptStatus = @({ "PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) " }) $defaultPromptHash = "" } $md5 = [Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create() $thePrompt = try { [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes((Get-Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue prompt | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition)) } catch { } $thePromptHash = [Convert]::ToBase64String($md5.ComputeHash($thePrompt)) if ($thePRomptHash -and $thePromptHash -eq $defaultPromptHash) #using the default prompt? { #recommend our own <# function prompt(){ # Reset color, for many things can change this $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $global:DefaultPromptColor $promptText = $global:PromptStatus, '>' | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -is [ScriptBlock]) { . $_ } else { $_ } } return "$($promptText -join ' ')" }#> } else { Write-Verbose "Custom Prompt Already Defined, Not Defining One" } |