
function New-ScriptModuleFromCurrentFile {
        Creates a new basic script module (.PSM1) from location of the current file
        Creates a new basic script module (.PSM1) from location of the current file
        All .ps1 files in the same directory as the current file will be included in
        the module.
        Does not overwrite existing modules at this location.

    process {
        $currentScriptPath = Get-CurrentScriptPath
        if (-not $currentScriptPath)  { return }
        $location = Split-Path $currentScriptPath 
        $locationName = Split-Path $location -Leaf
        $text = ""
        Get-ChildItem $location -Filter *.ps1 | ForEach-Object {
            $text += ('. $psScriptRoot\' + $_.Name + [Environment]::NewLine)
        Get-Item $pwd
        $modulePath = Join-Path $location "$locationName.psm1"
        if (Test-Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $modulePath) {
            Write-Warning "Module already exists, so won't overwrite file"
        [IO.File]::WriteAllText($modulePath, $text)
        Edit-Script -File $modulePath