$myModule = Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object { $_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Module } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty InvocationInfo | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MyCommand | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Module @{ "Add-ForeachStatemnt" = {Add-ForeachStatement} | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "CONTROL + SHIFT + F" -PassThru "Add-IfStatement" = {Add-IfStatement} | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "CONTROL + SHIFT + I" -PassThru "Add-SwitchStatement" = {Add-SwitchStatement} | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "CONTROL + SHIFT + S" -PassThru "Add-InlineHelp" = & (Join-Path (Split-Path $myModule.Path) Menus\Add-InlineHelp.ps1) "Add-Parameter" = { Add-SparkplugScreen -Name "Add-Parameter" -Screen { New-Grid -Rows 1*, Auto -Columns 2 -ControlName Add-Parameter -Children { Get-Input -Name ParameterToAdd -ColumnSpan 2 @{ "Name" = 'NewParameter' "HelpMessage" = 'Every parameter needs a little help' "ParameterSet" = 'NewParameterSet' "FromPipeline" = [bool] | Add-Member NoteProperty CueText 'Accept a object from the pipeline?' -PassThru "FromPipelineByPropertyName" = [bool] | Add-Member NoteProperty CueText 'Accept a property from an object on the pipeline?' -PassThru "FromRemainingArguments" = [bool] | Add-Member NoteProperty CueText 'Accept a value from remaining arguments?' -PassThru "Position" = [int] | Add-Member NoteProperty CueText 'The parameter position' -PassThru "Aliases" = [string[]] } -HideOkCancel -Order 'Name', 'Aliases', 'HelpMessage','ParameterSet','Position','FromPipeline', 'FromPipelineByPropertyName', 'FromRemainingArguments' New-Button -Width 120 -Row 1 -Column 1 -IsDefault "Add-Parameter" -On_Click { Set-UIValue -Ui $parent $parameter = Get-UIValue -Ui $parameterToAdd Invoke-Sparkplug -Command "Add-Parameter" -Parameter $parameter # -InBackground } } } -Update { Get-CurrentDocumentEditor } -UpdateFrequency "0:0:1" } | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "ALT + P" -PassThru "Add-WPKFunction" = { Write-WPKFunction } | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "ALT + W" -PassThru "Add-SessionLockdown" = { Write-SessionLockdown } | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "CONTROL + ALT + L" -PassThru "Add-RemoteDataCollector" = { Select-CurrentText -NotInOutput -NotInCommandPane | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { $sb = [ScriptBlock]::Create($_) if ($sb) { Invoke-Expression "$sb -AsJob" } else { Write-Warning "You need to have a small script selected to write a remote data collector" } } if ($sb) { Write-RemoteDataCollector -ScriptBlock $sb } } | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "CONTROL + ALT + R" -PassThru } |