param([Hashtable]$Options) #region Core ISE Commands Set-StrictMode -Off $unsupportedHost = $false if ($host.Name -eq "PowerGUIScriptEditorHost") { $script:pgSE = [Quest.PowerGUI.SDK.ScriptEditorFactory]::CurrentInstance . $psScriptRoot\Add-PowerGUIMenu.ps1 Set-Alias -Name Add-Menu -Value Add-PowerGUIMenu } elseif ($Host.Name -eq "Windows PowerShell ISE Host") { . $PSScriptRoot\Add-IseMenu.ps1 Set-Alias -Name Add-Menu -Value Add-IseMenu } else { Write-Warning 'IsePack is unsupported in this host' $unsupportedHost = $true } #region Icicles . $psScriptRoot\Add-Icicle.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Clear-Icicle.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-Icicle.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Hide-Icicle.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Import-Icicle.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Remove-Icicle.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Show-Icicle.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Switch-Icicle.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Update-Icicle.ps1 #endregion Icicles . $psScriptRoot\Add-ForeachStatement.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Add-IfStatement.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Add-InlineHelp.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Add-Parameter.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Add-CommentHelp.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Add-PInvoke.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Add-SwitchStatement.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Add-TextToCurrentDocument.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Close-AllOpenedFiles.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\ConvertTo-ISEAddon.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\ConvertTo-ShortcutKeyTable.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Edit-Script.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-CurrentDocument.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-ScriptToken.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-CurrentOpenedFileToken.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-CurrentOpenedFileText.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-CurrentToken.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-CurrentDocumentEditor.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-CurrentScriptPath.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-EditorCaretPosition.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Update-ScriptPalette.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Write-CommandSplatter.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Save-Function.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Select-CurrentText.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Select-CurrentTextAsType.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Switch-SelectedCommentOrText.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Show-Member.ps1 . $psScriptroot\Show-TypeConstructor.ps1 . $psScriptroot\Show-TypeConstructorForCurrentType.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Colorize.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-LastOutput.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Show-LastOutput.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Stop-Demo.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Start-Demo.ps1 if (-not $unsupportedHost) { Add-Menu -name "_IsePack" -menuFile "$psScriptRoot\Menus\IsePack.Menu.ps1" } #region Commands That Will Only Run If The Module is "Online" $storageAccount = Get-SecureSetting -Name AzureStorageAccountName -ValueOnly $storageKey = Get-SecureSetting -Name AzureStorageAccountKey -ValueOnly if ($storageAccount -and $storageKey) { $isePackTable = Get-AzureTable -TableName IsePack -StorageAccount "$storageAccount" -StorageKey "$storageKey" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($isePackTable) { # Connected! $script:TableName = 'IsePack' $script:UserTableName ='IsePackUsers' if ($options.Clean -or (-not (Test-Path "$psScriptRoot\Crud.ps1"))) { $Crud = Write-CRUD -Table $script:TableName -LargeField Description, Icicle -RequiredField Name, Author, Icicle -Partition PowerShellIcicle -Noun PowerShellIcicle -Field @{ Name = "The name of the icicle" Description = "A description of the icicle" Keyword = "Any keywords for the icicle" Icicle = "The icicle content" } -FieldOrder Name, Author, Keyword, Description, Icicle -DoNotConnect -TypeName IcicleInfo -DoNotConvertMarkdown $Crud += Write-CRUD -Table $script:TableName -LargeField Description, Walkthru -RequiredField Name, Author, Walkthru -Partition PowerShellWalkthru -Noun PowerShellWalkthru -Field @{ Name = "The name of the walkthru" Description = "A description of the walkthru" Keyword = "Any keywords for the walkthru" Walkthru = "The walkthru content" } -FieldOrder Name, Author, Keyword, Description, Icicle -DoNotConnect -TypeName IseWalkthru -DoNotConvertMarkdown $crud += Write-CRUD -Table $script:TableName -RequiredField Name, Url -LargeField Description -Partition PowerShellLink -Noun PowerShellLink -TypeName -Field @{ Name = "The name of the link" Description = "A description of the link" Url = "The link" Author = "The author of the link" Image = "An image to use for the link" } -FieldOrder Name, Url, Description, Author, Image $crud += Write-CRUD -Table $script:TableName -RequiredField Name, Url -LargeField Description -Partition PowerShellVideo -Noun PowerShellVideo -TypeName -Field @{ Name = "The name of the video" Description = "A description of the video" Url = "A link to the video" Author = "The author of the video" Image = "An image to use for the video" } -FieldOrder Name, Url, Description, Author, Image $Crud| Set-Content "$psScriptRoot\Crud.ps1" } . $psScriptRoot\Crud.ps1 Export-ModuleMember -Function * } } #endregion Commands That Will Only Run If The Module is "Online" $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = { if ($psise) { Clear-Icicle -Confirm:$false $menu = $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq '_IsePack' } if ($menu) { $null = $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.Remove($menu) } } } |