@{ Name = 'PowerShell Pipeworks' Screen = { Import-Module IsePackV2 -Global New-Border -BorderBrush Black -CornerRadius 5 -On_SizeChanged { if ($loadedModulesList) { $LoadedModulesList.Height = $_.NewSize.Height * .2 } if ($pipeworksButtonHolder) { $pipeworksButtonHolder.Height = $_.NewSize.Height * .33; } if ($LogoOfCurrentModule) { $LogoOfCurrentModule.Height = 100 * ($_.NewSize.Height / 1080); $LogoOfCurrentModule.Width = 100 * ($_.NewSize.Height / 1080); } } -Child { $newPipeworksManifestHandler = { Import-Module Pipeworks, EzOut -Global $sb = [ScriptBLock]::Create("`$_ | Set-Content '$($loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path |Join-Path -ChildPath { $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.ToString() + '.pipeworks.psd1' })' Edit-Script -File '$($loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path |Join-Path -ChildPath { $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.ToString() + '.pipeworks.psd1' })' Get-Icicle -Name 'New-$($loadedModulesList.SelectedItem)PipeworksManifest' | Remove-Icicle -Confirm:`$false | Out-Null ") $cmdOverload = Write-CommandOverload -Command (Get-Command New-PipeworksManifest) -ProcessEachItem $sb -Name "New-$($loadedModulesList.SelectedItem)PipeworksManifest" $ise = $loadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( "$cmdOverload Add-Icicle -Command (Get-Command 'New-$($loadedModulesList.SelectedItem)PipeworksManifest') -Force" ) } New-grid -rows auto, auto, 1*, auto -children { New-StackPanel -HorizontalAlignment Right -Margin 12 -Children { New-TextBlock -Text "Loaded Modules" -TextAlignment Right -FontSize 16 -FontWeight DemiBold New-CheckBox -Name "AutoPublish" -Content "AutoPublish Modules" -Visibility Collapsed -On_Checked { $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag if ($ise.CurrentPowershelltab.CanInvoke) { $null = $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.InvokeSynchronous( "`$global:autoPublishPipeworks = `$true `$sub = Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier autopublishtimer -errorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not `$sub) { `$timer =New-Object Timers.Timer -Property @{Interval=3000} `$timer.Start() Register-ObjectEvent -SourceIdentifier autopublishtimer -InputObject `$timer -EventName Elapsed -Action {" + { $modulesToCheck = Get-Module | ?{ $_ | Get-PipeworksManifest } foreach ($m in $modulesToCheck) { $hash = Get-Hash "$($m | Split-Path | Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Get-Hash)" $lashHash = Invoke-Expression "`$global:LashHash$($m)" if (-not $lastHash -or $lastHash -ne $hash) { Invoke-Expression "`$global:LashHash$($m) ='$hash'" ConvertTo-ModuleService -Name $m -AsJob } } } + " } } ", $false) } } -On_Unchecked { $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag if ($ise.CurrentPowershelltab.CanInvoke) { $null = $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.InvokeSynchronous( "`$global:autoPublishPipeworks = `$false", $false ) } } } New-ListBox -Margin 12 -verticalAlignment Top -Row 1 -SelectionMode Extended -Name LoadedModulesList -DisplayMemberPath Name -On_SelectionChanged { $GenerateDeployments.IsEnabled = $this.SelectedItems $Win8AppOMatic.IsEnabled = $this.SelectedItems $BotInstaller.IsEnabled = $this.SelectedItems $EditModule.IsEnabled = $publishModule.IsEnabled = $this.SelectedItems $UserOptions.IsEnabled = $this.SelectedItems -and @($this.SelectedItems).Count -eq 1 $EditOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" $UserOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" } $buttonStyle = @{ FontWeight="DemiBold" FontSize=15 } New-ScrollViewer -Row 3 -Name pipeworksButtonHolder -Margin 12 -Content { New-StackPanel -Row 3 -Margin 12 -VerticalAlignment Bottom -Children { New-Button -Name "NewModule" -Content "_New Module" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -On_Click { $NewModuleHolder.Visibility = "Visible" $DeploymentOptionsHolder.Visibility = $PublishOptionsHolder.Visibility = $UserOptionsHolder.Visibility = $EditOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" } New-Button -Name "EditModule" -Content "_Edit Module" @buttonstyle -IsEnabled:$false -Margin 3 -On_Click { $EditOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Visible" $DeploymentOptionsHolder.Visibility = $PublishOptionsHolder.Visibility = $UserOptionsHolder.Visibility = $NewModuleHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" } New-Button -Name PublishModule -Content "P_ublish Module" -IsEnabled:$false @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -On_Click { $DeploymentOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" $PublishOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Visible" $EditOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" $UserOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" $NewModuleHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" } New-Button -Name GenerateDeployments -Content "_Generate Azure Deployments" -ToolTip "Publishes the modules and generates a .cspkg" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -IsEnabled:$false -On_Click { $DeploymentOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Visible" $PublishOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" $EditOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" $UserOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" $NewModuleHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" } New-Button -Name Win8AppOMatic -Content "Build _Win8 Apps" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -IsEnabled:$false -On_Click { $modules = ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( "'$($modules -join "','")' | Import-Module -Force -PassThru | Get-PipeworksManifest | Where-Object { `$_.Win8 } | Use-Schematic -SchematicName Win8 -OutputDirectory { `"`$home\Documents\VisualStudio 2012\Projects\`$(`$_.Name)`" } " ) } New-Button -Name BotInstaller -Content "Install _Bots" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -IsEnabled:$false -On_Click { $modules = ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( "'$($modules -join "','")' | Import-Module -Force -PassThru | Get-PipeworksManifest | Where-Object { `$_.Bot } | Use-Schematic -SchematicName Bot" ) } New-Button -Name UserOptions -Content "Module _Users" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -IsEnabled:$false -On_Click { $DeploymentOptionsHolder.Visibility = $PublishOptionsHolder.Visibility = $EditOptionsHolder.Visibility = $NewModuleHolder.Visibility = "Collapsed" $UserOptionsHolder.Visibility = "Visible" } } } New-StackPanel -Margin 12 -VerticalAlignment Center -Visibility Collapsed -Row 2 -Name EditOptionsHolder -Children { New-TextBlock -Name NameOfCurrentModule -Margin 4 @buttonStyle -TextAlignment Center New-Image -Name LogoOfCurrentModule -Margin 4 -MaxWidth 125 -MaxHeight 125 -HorizontalAlignment Center New-Button -Content "Set Logo" @buttonStyle -Margin 4 -On_Click { $moduleRoot = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path $ise = $loadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" `$moduleRoot = '$($moduleRoot.replace("'","''"))' `$ofd = New-OpenFileDialog if (-not (Test-Path "`$moduleRoot\Assets")) { `$dir = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "`$moduleRoot\Assets" } else { `$dir = Get-Item "`$moduleRoot\Assets" } if (`$ofd.ShowDialog()) { foreach (`$file in `$ofd.FileNames) { `$realFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath `$file -Force if (`$realFile){ Copy-Item -Path `$realFile.FullNAme -Destination "`$dir\`$(`$realFile.Name)" `$manifest = Get-Module '$($module.Name)' | Get-PipeworksManifest `$manifest.Logo = "/Assets/`$(`$realFile.Name)" `$manifest | Write-PowerShellHashtable -Sort | Set-Content -Path "$moduleRoot\$($module.Name).pipeworks.psd1" } } } "@) } New-Button -Content "Add Asset" @buttonStyle -Margin 4 -On_Click { $moduleRoot = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path $ise = $loadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" `$moduleRoot = '$($moduleRoot.replace("'","''"))' `$ofd = New-OpenFileDialog -Multiselect if (-not (Test-Path "`$moduleRoot\Assets")) { `$dir = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "`$moduleRoot\Assets" } else { `$dir = Get-Item "`$moduleRoot\Assets" } if (`$ofd.ShowDialog()) { foreach (`$file in `$ofd.FileNames) { `$realFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath `$file -Force if (`$realFile){ Copy-Item -Path `$realFile.FullNAme -Destination "`$dir\`$(`$realFile.Name)" } } } "@) } New-ComboBox -Margin 4 -Name ModuleEditItems -On_SelectionChanged { $EditModuleContent.IsEnabled = $This.SelectedItem } New-Button -Content "Edit Content" @buttonStyle -Margin 4 -IsEnabled:$false -Name "EditModuleContent" -On_Click { $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag $fileToedit = '' if ($ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem -eq 'Script Module') { $fileToedit = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath { $LoadedModulesList.SelectedItem.Name + ".psm1" } } elseif ($ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem -eq 'Module Manifest') { $fileToedit = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath { $LoadedModulesList.SelectedItem.Name + ".psd1" } } elseif ($ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem -eq 'Pipeworks Manifest') { $fileToedit = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath { $LoadedModulesList.SelectedItem.Name + ".pipeworks.psd1" } } elseif ($ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem -eq '----') { return } else { $topicList = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path | Get-ChildItem -Filter "$(Get-culture)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Get-ChildItem -Filter *.help.txt | ForEach-Object { $_.Name -ireplace "\.walkthru\.help\.txt","" -ireplace "\.help\.txt", "" -ireplace "_", " " } $fileToedit = if ($loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.ExportedFunctions[$ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem]) { $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.ExportedFunctions[$ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem].ScriptBlock.File } elseif ($topicList -contains $ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem) { $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath { "$(Get-Culture)" } | Get-ChildItem -Filter "$($ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem.Replace(' ','_'))*" | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Fullname } } $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( " `$fileToEdit = '$($fileToEdit.Replace("'","''"))' if (`$fileToEdit) { Edit-Script -File `$fileToEdit -Force `$t= @(Get-CurrentOpenedFileToken) for (`$i =0;`$i -lt `$t.Count; `$i++) { if (`$t[`$i].Content -ieq 'function' -and `$t[`$i].Type -eq 'Keyword' -and `$t[`$i + 1].Type -eq 'CommandArgument' -and `$t[`$i + 1].Content -ieq '$($ModuleEditItems.SelectedItem)') { `$psISE.CurrentFile.Editor.SetCaretPosition(`$t[`$i].StartLine, `$t[`$i].StartColumn) break } } }" ) } New-Button -Content "New Content" @buttonStyle -Margin 4 -On_Click { $createArea.Visibility = 'Visible' } New-Border -Name CreateArea -Visibility Collapsed -Child { New-Grid -Rows 1*, Auto -Children { New-Grid -Columns 2 -HorizontalAlignment Center -Children { New-StackPanel -Children { New-TextBlock -Text "Name" -Margin 3 New-TextBox -Name NameOfNewThing -Margin 3 -HorizontalAlignment Stretch } New-StackPanel -Column 1 -Children { New-TextBlock -Text "Type" -Margin 3 New-ComboBox -Name TypeOfNewThing -Items { New-ComboBoxItem -Content "Function" -ToolTip "A New PowerShell Function" New-ComboBoxItem -Content "Topic" -ToolTip "A PowerShell about Topic" New-ComboBoxItem -Content "Walkthru" -ToolTip "A step-by-step walkthru" New-ComboBoxItem -Content "HTML Page" -ToolTip "A HTML page" New-ComboBoxItem -Content "Inline Page" -ToolTip "A HTML page with Inline PowerShell" New-ComboBoxItem -Content "PS1 PAge" -ToolTip "A pure Powershell page" New-ComboBoxItem -Content "Javascript" -ToolTip "A javascript file" New-ComboBoxItem -Content "CSS" -ToolTip "A css file" } -On_SelectionChanged { $CreateFileButton.IsEnabled = $this.SelectedItem -and $nameOfNewThing.Text } #New-RadioButton -Name "Command" -ToolTip "Creates a new command in the module" -GroupName NewStuff -Content Command @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -On_Checked $enableCreateFile #New-RadioButton -Name "HTML" -ToolTip "Creates a new HTML page" -GroupName NewStuff -Content "Web Page" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -On_Checked $enableCreateFile #New-RadioButton -Name "InlinePage" -ToolTip "Creates a new HTML/inline PowerShell page" -GroupName NewStuff -Content "Inline Page" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -On_Checked $enableCreateFile #New-RadioButton -Name "PS1Page" -ToolTip "Creates a new HTML/inline PowerShell page" -GroupName NewStuff -Content "PS1 Page" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -On_Checked $enableCreateFile } } New-Button -Row 1 @buttonStyle -Name CreateFileButton -Content "Create File" -IsEnabled:$false -On_Click { $type = $typeOfNewThing.SelectedItem.Content $name = $nameofNewThing.Text $module = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem $ise = $loadedModulesList.Tag $moduleRoot = $module.Path | Split-Path if ($type -eq 'CSS') { $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script -File "$moduleRoot\CSS\${Name}.css" -Force "@) } elseif ($type -eq 'JavaScript') { $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script -File "$moduleRoot\JS\${Name}.js" -Force "@) } elseif ($type -eq 'PS1 Page') { $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script -File "$moduleRoot\Pages\${Name}.ps1" -Force "@) } elseif ($type -eq 'Inline Page') { $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script -File "$moduleRoot\Pages\${Name}.pspage" -Force "@) } elseif ($type -eq 'HTML Page') { $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script -File "$moduleRoot\Pages\${Name}.html" -Force "@) } elseif ($type -eq 'Topic') { $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script -File "$moduleRoot\$(Get-Culture)\$($Name.Replace(" ", "_"))}.help.txt" -Force "@) } elseif ($type -eq 'Walkthru') { $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script -File "$moduleRoot\$(Get-Culture)\$($Name.Replace(" ", "_")).walkthru.help.txt" -Force "@) } elseif ($type -eq 'Function') { $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script -File "$moduleRoot\${Name}.ps1" -Force -InsertText "function $Name { param( ) begin { } process { } end { } }" "@) } } } } New-Button -Name NewPipeworksManifestButtonInEdit -Content "New Pipeworks Manifest" @buttonStyle -Margin 4 -On_Click $newPipeworksManifestHandler -Visibility Collapsed } -On_IsVisibleChanged { if ($this.Visibility -eq 'Collapsed') { return } if (-not $LoadedModulesList.SelectedItem) { return } $currentManifest = $null $ManifestList = $loadedModulesList.Resources.Manifests $moduleName = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.Name $NameOfCurrentModule.Text = $moduleName $currentManifest = $ManifestList | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.Name } if ($currentManifest.Logo) { $bi = New-Object windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage $bi.BeginInit() $logoPath = if ($currentManifest.Logo -notlike "/Assets/*") { ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath { "/Assets/$($currentManifest.Logo)" }) -as [uri] } else { ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath { $currentManifest.Logo }) -as [uri] } try { $bi.UriSource = $logoPath $bi.EndInit() $LogoOfCurrentModule.Source =$bi } catch { } } $functionList = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.ExportedFunctions.Keys $topicList = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem | Split-Path | Get-ChildItem -Filter "$(Get-culture)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Get-ChildItem -Filter *.help.txt | ForEach-Object { $_.Name -ireplace "\.walkthru\.help\.txt","" -ireplace "\.help\.txt", "" -ireplace "_", " " } $ModuleEditItems.ItemsSource = @("Script Module", "Module Manifest", "Pipeworks Manifest", "----") + $functionList + "----" + $topicList $NewPipeworksManifestButtonInEdit.Visibility = if (-not $currentManifest) { "Visible" } else { "Collapsed" } } New-StackPanel -Margin 12 -VerticalAlignment Center -Visibility Collapsed -Row 2 -Name UserOptionsHolder -Children { New-Button -Name LoadAllUsers -Content "Load All Users" @buttonstyle -Margin 6 -On_Click { $modules = ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( "'$($modules -join "','")' | Import-Module -PassThru | Get-PipeworksManifest | Where-Object { `$_.UserTable } | Foreach-Object { `$manifest = `$_ `$UserTable = `$_.UserTable `$userTableStorageAccount = Get-SecureSetting `$UserTable.StorageAccountSetting -ValueOnly `$userTableStorageKey = Get-SecureSetting `$UserTable.StorageKeySetting -ValueOnly `$UsersInTable = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey `$allUsersVariableName = `$Manifest.Name.Replace('.', '').Replace('-','') + 'Users' Set-Variable -Option AllScope -Name `$allUsersVariableName -Value `$UsersInTable }" ) } New-TextBlock -TextAlignment Center -Text "Name, Email, or ID" -Name UserInfoText New-TextBox -Name "UserInfo" -On_TextChanged { $ShowOwnedObjects.IsEnabled = $this.Text $FindSpecificUser.IsEnabled = $this.Text $ShowRelatedObjects.IsEnabled = $ObjectRelationshipType.Text -and $UserInfo.Text } New-Button -Content "Find Specific User" -Name FindSpecificUser @buttonstyle -Margin 6 -IsEnabled:$false -On_Click { $modules = ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $personOfInterest = $UserInfo.Text $personIdType = if ($personOfInterest -as [guid]) { "UserID" } elseif ($personOfInterest -like "*@*") { "Email" } else { "Name" } $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( "'$($modules -join "','")' | Import-Module -PassThru | Get-PipeworksManifest | Where-Object { `$_.UserTable } | Foreach-Object { `$manifest = `$_ `$UserTable = `$_.UserTable `$userTableStorageAccount = Get-SecureSetting `$UserTable.StorageAccountSetting -ValueOnly `$userTableStorageKey = Get-SecureSetting `$UserTable.StorageKeySetting -ValueOnly $(if ($personIdType -eq 'Name') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and name eq '$($personOfInterest.Replace("'","''"))' or Name eq '$($personOfInterest.Replace("'","''"))'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ } elseif ($personIdType -eq 'UserID') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and RowKey eq '$($personOfInterest)'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ } elseif ($personIdType -eq 'Email') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and UserEmail eq '$($personOfInterest.Replace("'","''"))'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ }) `$thePerson }" ) } New-Button -Content "Owned Objects" -Name ShowOwnedObjects @buttonstyle -Margin 6 -IsEnabled:$false -On_Click { $modules = ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $personOfInterest = $UserInfo.Text $personIdType = if ($personOfInterest -as [guid]) { "UserID" } elseif ($personOfInterest -like "*@*") { "Email" } else { "Name" } $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( "'$($modules -join "','")' | Import-Module -PassThru | Get-PipeworksManifest | Where-Object { `$_.UserTable } | Foreach-Object { `$manifest = `$_ `$UserTable = `$_.UserTable `$userTableStorageAccount = Get-SecureSetting `$UserTable.StorageAccountSetting -ValueOnly `$userTableStorageKey = Get-SecureSetting `$UserTable.StorageKeySetting -ValueOnly $(if ($personIdType -eq 'Name') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and Name eq '$($personOfInterest.Replace("'","''"))'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ } elseif ($personIdType -eq 'UserID') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and RowKey eq '$($personOfInterest)'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ } elseif ($personIdType -eq 'Email') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and UserEmail eq '$($personOfInterest.Replace("'","''"))'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ }) if (`$thePerson) { Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"OwnerID eq '`$(`$ThePerson.UserID)'`" } }" ) } New-Button -Content "Related Objects" -Name ShowRelatedObjects @buttonstyle -Margin 6 -IsEnabled:$false -On_Click { $modules = ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $personOfInterest = $UserInfo.Text $personIdType = if ($personOfInterest -as [guid]) { "UserID" } elseif ($personOfInterest -like "*@*") { "Email" } else { "Name" } $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( "'$($modules -join "','")' | Import-Module -PassThru | Get-PipeworksManifest | Where-Object { `$_.UserTable } | Foreach-Object { `$manifest = `$_ `$UserTable = `$_.UserTable `$userTableStorageAccount = Get-SecureSetting `$UserTable.StorageAccountSetting -ValueOnly `$userTableStorageKey = Get-SecureSetting `$UserTable.StorageKeySetting -ValueOnly $(if ($personIdType -eq 'Name') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and Name eq '$($personOfInterest.Replace("'","''"))'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ } elseif ($personIdType -eq 'UserID') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and RowKey eq '$($personOfInterest)'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ } elseif ($personIdType -eq 'Email') { @" `$thePerson = Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '`$(`$UserTable.Partition)' and UserEmail eq '$($personOfInterest.Replace("'","''"))'`" -StorageAccount `$userTableStorageAccount -StorageKey `$UserTableStorageKey "@ }) if (`$thePerson) { Search-AzureTable -TableName `$UserTable.Name -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '$($ObjectRelationshipType.Text)`$(`$ThePerson.UserID)'`" } }" ) } New-Button -Name NewPipeworksManifestButton -Content "New Pipeworks Manifest" @ButtonStyle -On_Click $newPipeworksManifestHandler -Visibility Collapsed New-TextBlock -TextAlignment Center -Name RelationshipTypeText -Text "Relationship Type" -ToolTip "The Prefix on data attached to this user in Table Storage" New-TextBox -Name "ObjectRelationshipType" -On_TextChanged { #$ShowOwnedObjects.IsEnabled = $this.Text #$FindSpecificUser.IsEnabled = $this.Text $ShowRelatedObjects.IsEnabled = $ObjectRelationshipType.Text -and $UserInfo.Text } New-Button -Visibility Collapsed -Name NewLiveIdApp -Content "New Live App" @buttonstyle -Margin 6 -On_Click { Start-Process "https://manage.dev.live.com/Applications/Create?tou=1" $ObjectRelationshipType.Visibility = $NewLiveIdApp.Visibility = $NewFacebookApp.Visibility = $LoadAllUsers.Visibility = $RelationshipTypeText.Visibility = $ShowRelatedObjects.Visibility = $ShowOwnedObjects.Visibility = $FindSpecificUser.Visibility = $UserInfoText.Visibility = $CreateFacebookApp.Visibility = $EnterFacebookAppIdText.Visibility = $EnterFacebookAppId.Visibility = $UserInfo.Visibility = 'Collapsed' $enterLiveIdSecretText.Visibility = $enterLiveIdText.Visibility = $enterLiveId.Visibility = $enterLiveIdSecret.Visibility = $CreateLiveApp.Visibility = 'Visible' } New-TextBlock -Visibility Collapsed -Name EnterLiveIdText -Text "Live Connect Client ID" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 New-TextBox -Visibility Collapsed -Name EnterLiveId -Margin 3 New-TextBlock -Visibility Collapsed -Name EnterLiveIdSecretText @buttonstyle -Text "Live Connect Client Secret" -Margin 3 New-PasswordBox -Visibility Collapsed -Name EnterLiveIdSecret -Margin 3 New-Button -Visibility Collapsed -Name CreateLiveApp -Content Save @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -On_Click { $module = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem $moduleRoot = $module | Split-Path $pipeworksManifestPath = Join-Path $moduleRoot "$($module.Name).Pipeworks.psd1" $MypipeworksManifest = if (Test-Path $pipeworksManifestPath) { try { & ([ScriptBlock]::Create( "data -SupportedCommand Add-Member, New-WebPage, New-Region, Write-CSS, Write-Ajax, Out-Html, Write-Link { $( [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($pipeworksManifestPath)) )}")) } catch { Write-Error "Could not read pipeworks manifest" return } } $secretSettingName = "$($module.Name.Replace('-', '').Replace('.', ''))ClientSecret" Add-SecureSetting -Name $secretSettingName -String $enterLiveIdSecret $MyPipeworksManifest.LiveConnect = @{ ClientId = $EnterLiveId.Text ClientSecretSetting = $secretSettingName } $MyPipeworksManifest | Write-PowerShellHashtable -Sort | Set-Content -Path "$moduleRoot\$($module.Name).pipeworks.psd1" $enterLiveIdSecretText.Visibility = $enterLiveIdText.Visibility = $enterLiveId.Visibility = $enterLiveIdSecret.Visibility = $newLiveIdApp.Visibility = $CreateLiveApp.Visibility = 'Collapsed' } New-Button -Visibility Collapsed -Name NewFacebookApp -Content "New Facebook App" @buttonstyle -Margin 6 -On_Click { Start-Process "https://developers.facebook.com/apps" $ObjectRelationshipType.Visibility = $NewLiveIdApp.Visibility = $NewFacebookApp.Visibility = $LoadAllUsers.Visibility = $RelationshipTypeText.Visibility = $ShowRelatedObjects.Visibility = $ShowOwnedObjects.Visibility = $FindSpecificUser.Visibility = $UserInfoText.Visibility = $enterLiveIdSecretText.Visibility= $enterLiveIdText.Visibility = $enterLiveId.Visibility = $enterLiveIdSecret.Visibility = $newLiveIdApp.Visibility = $CreateLiveApp.Visibility = $UserInfo.Visibility = 'Collapsed' $EnterFacebookAppIdText.Visibility = $EnterFacebookAppId.Visibility = $createFacebookApp.Visibility = 'Visible' } New-TextBlock -Visibility Collapsed -Name EnterFacebookAppIdText -Text "Facebook App Id" @buttonstyle -Margin 3 New-TextBox -Visibility Collapsed -Name EnterFacebookAppId -Margin 3 New-Button -Visibility Collapsed -Name CreateFacebookApp -Content Save @buttonstyle -Margin 3 -On_Click { $module = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem $moduleRoot = $module | Split-Path $pipeworksManifestPath = Join-Path $moduleRoot "$($module.Name).Pipeworks.psd1" $MypipeworksManifest = if (Test-Path $pipeworksManifestPath) { try { & ([ScriptBlock]::Create( "data -SupportedCommand Add-Member, New-WebPage, New-Region, Write-CSS, Write-Ajax, Out-Html, Write-Link { $( [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($pipeworksManifestPath)) )}")) } catch { Write-Error "Could not read pipeworks manifest" return } } $MyPipeworksManifest.Facebook = @{ App = $EnterFacebookAppId.Text } $MyPipeworksManifest | Write-PowerShellHashtable -Sort | Set-Content -Path "$moduleRoot\$($module.Name).pipeworks.psd1" $enterLiveIdSecretText.Visibility = $enterFacebookAppIdText.Visibility = $enterFacebookAppId.Visibility = $CreateFacebookApp.Visibility = 'Collapsed' } } -On_IsVisibleChanged { if ($this.Visibility -eq 'Collapsed') { return } if (-not $LoadedModulesList.SelectedItem) { return } $currentManifest = $null $ManifestList = $loadedModulesList.Resources.Manifests $moduleName = $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.Name $currentManifest = $ManifestList | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $loadedModulesList.SelectedItem.Name } $LoadAllUsers.Visibility = $ObjectRelationshipType.Visibility = $RelationshipTypeText.Visibility = $ShowRelatedObjects.Visibility = $ShowOwnedObjects.Visibility = $FindSpecificUser.Visibility = $UserInfoText.Visibility = $UserInfo.Visibility = if ($currentManifest -as [bool] -and $currentManifest.UserTable -as [bool]) { "Visible" } else { "Collapsed" } if (! $currentManifest) { $NewpipeworksManifestButton.Visibility = 'Visible' return } if (! $currentManifest.LiveConnect.ClientId) { $NewLiveIdApp.Visibility = "Visible" } else { $NewLiveIdApp.Visibility = "Collapsed" } if (! $currentManifest.Facebook.AppId) { $NewFacebookApp.Visibility = "Visible" } else { $NewFacebookApp.Visibility = "Collapsed" } } New-StackPanel -Margin 12 -VerticalAlignment Center -Visibility Collapsed -Row 2 -Name PublishOptionsHolder -Children { New-Grid -Columns 2 -Children { New-CheckBox -Content "Intranet Site" -Name IntranetSite -Margin 6 -On_Checked { $PortContainer.Visibility = "Visible" } -On_Unchecked { $PortContainer.Visibility = "Collapsed" } New-StackPanel -Name PortContainer -Visibility Collapsed -HorizontalAlignment Center -Orientation Horizontal -Column 1 -children { New-TextBlock -Text "Port" -Margin 4 -FontWeight DemiBold -FontSize 14 New-TextBox -Name "PublishToPort" -Margin 4 -FontWeight DemiBold -FontSize 14 -MaxLength 5 -MinWidth 100 } } New-Grid -Columns 2 -Children { New-CheckBox -Content "Allow Download" -Name AllowModuleDownload -Margin 6 } New-Button -Content "GO" @buttonstyle -Margin 6 -On_Click { $modules = ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag if ($IntranetSite.IsChecked) { $portNumber = $PublishToPort.Text -as [Uint32] if (-not $portNumber) { $portNumber = Get-Random -Maximum (64kb) } $fullScript = "'$($modules -join "','")' | Import-Module -Force -PassThru | ConvertTo-ModuleService -Force -AsIntranetSite -Port $portNumber" } else { $fullScript = "'$($modules -join "','")' | Import-Module -Force -PassThru | ConvertTo-ModuleService -Force" } if ($AllowModuleDownload.IsChecked) { $fullScript += " -AllowDownload" } $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke($fullScript) $this.Parent.Visibility = "Collapsed" } } New-StackPanel -Margin 12 -VerticalAlignment Center -Visibility Collapsed -Name NewModuleHolder -Row 2 -Children { New-TextBlock -TextAlignment Center @ButtonStyle -Text "Module Name" -Margin 6 New-TextBox -Name NameOfNewModule @buttonStyle -Margin 6 -On_TextChanged { $CreateModuleButton.IsEnabled = $true } New-TextBlock -TextAlignment Center @ButtonStyle -Text "Domain" -Margin 6 New-TextBox -Name DomainOfNewModule @buttonStyle -Margin 6 New-Grid -Columns 2 -Children { New-Checkbox -Name NewModuleAllowDownload -Content "Allow Download" @buttonStyle -Margin 6 -ToolTip "Can this module be downloaded?" New-Checkbox -Name NewModuleIsService -Content "Is Service" @buttonStyle -Margin 6 -ToolTip "Is this a software service?" -Column 1 } New-Button -Name "CreateModuleButton" -Content "Create Module" @buttonStyle -IsEnabled:$false -Margin 6 -On_Click { $NewmoduleName = $NameOfNewModule.Text $NewModuleDomain = $DomainOfNewModule.Text $myModulePath = "$home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" if (Test-Path "$myModulePath\$NewModuleName") { throw "Module already exists" return } $modulePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$myModulePath\$NewModuleName" $EzFormatFile = @" `$moduleRoot = '$($modulePath)' `$formatViews = @() Import-Module EZOut <# # This is a quick example format view. # Simply change the typename in the parameter below to be anything you'd like. # Then change the typename of whatever object you output in a function, like so: # - `$formatViews += Write-FormatView -TypeName 'My.Custom.Type' -Action { if (`$request -and `$response) { # Show the object inside of a web page } else { # Show the object inside of a console } } #> `$formatViews | Out-FormatData | Set-Content '$modulePath\$NewModuleName.format.ps1xml' "@ $ezFormatFile | Set-Content "$modulePath\$NewModuleName.ezformat.ps1" (& (Get-Command "$modulePath\$NewModuleName.ezformat.ps1")) $modulePsd1 = if ($NewModuleIsService.IsChecked) { @{ ModuleVersion = '1.0' ModuleToProcess = "$newModuleName.psm1" RequiredModules = 'Pipeworks' FormatsToProcess = "$newModuleName.format.ps1xml" } | Write-PowerShellHashtable -Sort } else { @{ ModuleVersion = '1.0' ModuleToProcess = "$newModuleName.psm1" FormatsToProcess = "$newModuleName.format.ps1xml" } | Write-PowerShellHashtable -Sort } $pipeworksManifestParams = @{ Name=$newModuleName AllowDownload=$NewModuleAllowDownload.IsChecked } if ($NewModuleDomain) { $pipeworksManifestParams+=$NewModuleDomain } $manifestText = if ($newModuleIsService.IsChecked) { New-PipeworksManifest @pipeworksManifestParams -UserTable "$($NewModuleName.Replace('-','').Replace('.',''))Users" } else { New-PipeworksManifest @pipeworksManifestParams } "" | Set-Content "$modulePath\$NewModuleName.psm1" $modulePsd1 | Set-Content "$modulePath\$NewModuleName.psd1" $manifestText | Set-Content "$modulePath\$NewModuleName.Pipeworks.psd1" $ise = $loadedModulesList.Tag $ise.currentPowerShellTab.Invoke(@" Edit-Script '$modulePath\$NewModuleName.psm1' Edit-Script '$modulePath\$NewModuleName.psd1' Edit-Script '$modulePath\$NewModuleName.Pipeworks.psd1' Edit-Script '$modulePath\$(Get-Culture)\about_$NewModuleName.help.txt' -Force "@) } } New-StackPanel -Margin 12 -VerticalAlignment Center -Visibility Collapsed -Name DeploymentOptionsHolder -Row 2 -Children { New-TextBlock "Deployment Name" -FontWeight DemiBold -FontSize 14 -Margin 6 New-TextBox -text "MyDeployment" -Name PipeworksDeploymentName -FontSize 14 -Margin 6 New-ComboBox -SelectedItem "M" -Items "XS", "S", "M", "L", "XL" -Name PipeworksVMSize -Margin 6 New-CheckBox -Content "Push to Staging" -Name PushToStaging -Margin 6 New-TextBlock "Service Name" -FontWeight DemiBold -FontSize 14 -Margin 6 New-TextBox -text "MyAzureService" -Name AzureServiceName -FontSize 14 -Margin 6 New-Button -Content "GO" @buttonstyle -Margin 6 -On_Click { $modules = ($LoadedModulesList.SelectedItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $ise = $LoadedModulesList.Tag $fullScript = "'$($modules -join "','")' | Publish-AzureService -DeploymentName '$($PipeworksDeploymentName.Text)' -VMSize $($PipeworksVMSize.SelectedItem)" if ($PushToStaging.IsChecked) { $myServiceName = $AzureServiceName.Text $myDeployment = $PipeworksDeploymentName.Text $fullScript += " Import-Module Azure `$currentDeployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName '$myServiceName' `$newlabel = `$myServiceName + '_' + `$((get-date).tostring().Replace('/', '-').Replace(':', '-')) Remove-AzureDeployment -ServiceName startautomating -Slot Staging -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `$deploymentParameters = @{ Package= `"`$home\Documents\$MyDeployment\$MyDeployment.cspkg`" Configuration = `"`$home\Documents\$MyDeployment\$MyDeployment.cscfg`" Label = `$newLabel } New-AzureDeployment @deploymentParameters -ServiceName $MyServiceName -Slot Staging " } $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke($fullScript) $this.Parent.Visibility = "Collapsed" } } } } } DataUpdate = { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Modules = Get-Module | Where-Object { $_.Path -notlike "*.ps1" -and $_.Name -notlike "Microsoft.*"} Manifests = Get-Module | Get-PipeworksManifest | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSObject -Property $_ } Ise = $psISE } } UiUpdate = { $hi = $Args $this.Content | Get-ChildControl -ByName LoadedModulesList | ForEach-Object { $_.Tag = ($hi.ise) $_.itemssource = @($hi.Modules) $_.Resources.Manifests = $($hi.Manifests) } $this.Content.Resources.Ise = $this.Parent.HostObject } UpdateFrequency = "00:00:43" # ShortcutKey = "Ctrl + P" } |