@{ Name = 'Helper' Screen = { New-Border -ControlName Helper -BorderBrush Black -CornerRadius 5 -Child { New-Grid -Rows Auto, Auto, 1*, Auto -Children { New-TextBlock -FontWeight DemiBold -FontSize 22 -Text "Need some Help?" New-TextBlock -Row 1 -FontSize 14 -Text "Click on a Command to Show Its Help. The commands shown are the commands referenced by the loaded script." -TextWrapping Wrap New-ListBox -Row 2 -On_PreviewKeyDown { if ($_.Key -eq 'Enter' -and $this.SelectedItem) { . $this.Resources.'Select-ListItem' # When the user double clicks, go to the location and close the window $_.Handled = $true } } -Name HelperList -DisplayMemberPath Name -On_MouseDoubleClick { if ($this.SelectedItem) { $ise = [Windows.Window]::GetWindow($this).Resources.ISE $ise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Invoke( "Show-Command -Name '$($this.SelectedItem.Name)'" ) } } } } } DataUpdate = { try { $sb = [ScriptBlock]::Create($psise.CurrentFile.Editor.Text) Get-ReferencedCommand -ScriptBlock $sb } catch { } } UiUpdate = { $commandList = $args $this.Content | Get-ChildControl -ByName HelperList | ForEach-Object { $_.itemssource = @($commandList) } $this.Content.Resources.Ise = $this.Parent.HostObject } UpdateFrequency = "0:0:30" } |