# Some Demo Text # Some More Demo Text #.Audio MyAudioFile #.Video MyVideoFile #.Question "What Color is the Sky?" #.Answer {$input -like "*Blue*" } #.Hint { "Look Outside", "On a Nice Day", "Are you color blind?" } function Get-Walkthru { <# .SynsopsiS Gets information from a file as a walkthru #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Command")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Command", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Management.Automation.CommandInfo] $Command, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="File", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('Fullname')] [string]$File, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Text")] [String]$Text ) begin { $err = $null if (-not ('PSWalkthru.WalkthruData' -as [Type])) { Add-Type -UsingNamespace System.Management.Automation -Namespace PSWalkthru -Name WalkthruData -MemberDefinition ' public string SourceFile = String.Empty;',' public string Command = String.Empty;',' public string Explanation = String.Empty;',' public string AudioFile = String.Empty;',' public string VideoFile = String.Empty;',' public string Question = String.Empty;',' public string Answer = String.Empty;',' public string[] Hint;',' public ScriptBlock Script;' } } process { if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "File") { $realItem = Get-Item $file -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $realItem) { return } $text = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($realItem.FullName) $Result = Get-Walkthru -Text $text $result | ForEach-Object { $_.SourceFile = $realItem.Fullname $_ } return } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Command") { $help = $command | Get-Help $c= 1 $help.Examples.Example | ForEach-Object { $text = $_.code + ($_.remarks | Out-String) Get-Walkthru -Text $text | ForEach-Object { $_.Command = "$command Walkthru $c" $_ } $c++ } return } $tokens = [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($text, [ref]$err) if ($err.Count) { return } $lastToken = $null $isInContent = $false $lastResult = New-Object PSWalkthru.WalkthruData foreach ($token in $tokens) { if ($token.Type -eq "Newline") { continue } if ($token.Type -ne "Comment" -or $token.StartColumn -gt 1) { $isInContent = $true if (-not $lastToken) { $lastToken = $token } } else { if ($lastToken.Type -ne "Comment" -and $lastToken.StartColumn -eq 1) { $chunk = $text.Substring($lastToken.Start, $token.Start - 1 - $lastToken.Start) $lastResult.Script = [ScriptBlock]::Create($chunk) # mutliparagraph, split up the results if multiparagraph foreach ($p in $paragraphs) { New-Object PSWalkthru.WalkthruData -Property @{Explanation = $p} } if ($lastIndex -ne -1) { $lastResult.Explanation = $lastResult.Explanation.Substring($lastIndex + 1) } $lastResult $null = $paragraphs $lastToken = $null $lastResult = New-Object PSWalkthru.WalkthruData $isInContent = $false } } if (-not $isInContent) { $lines = $token.Content.Trim("<>#") $lines = $lines.Split([Environment]::NewLine, [StringSplitOptions]"RemoveEmptyEntries") foreach ($l in $lines) { switch ($l) { {$_ -like ".Audio *" } { $lastResult.AudioFile = $l.Substring(".Audio ".Length) } {$_ -like ".Video *" } { $lastResult.VideoFile = $l.Substring(".Video ".Length) } {$_ -like ".Question *" } { $lastResult.Question = $l.Substring(".Question ".Length) } {$_ -like ".Answer *" } { $lastResult.Answer = $l.Substring(".Answer ".Length) } {$_ -like ".Hint *" } { $lastResult.Hint = $l.Substring(".Hint ".Length) -split ',' } default { $lastResult.Explanation += ($l + [Environment]::NewLine) } } } } } if ($lastToken -and $lastResult) { $chunk = $text.Substring($lastToken.Start) $lastResult.Script = [ScriptBlock]::Create($chunk) $lastResult } } } |