.Author Trevor Sullivan .Date 2014-06-17 .Description Adds a PowerShell ISE add-on menu item, which invokes a command to commit file changes to a Mercurial repository. #> $DisplayName = '_Commit'; $KeyboardShorcut = 'Ctrl + Shift + C'; $Action = { $CommitMessage = [SullivanSoft.Prompt]::ShowDialog('Please enter a commit message', 'Mercurial'); $ArgumentList = 'commit --message "{0}" "{1}"' -f $CommitMessage, $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath; #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object $ArgumentList; $Process = Start-Process -FilePath hg.exe -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -PassThru -Wait -NoNewWindow; if ($Process.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Error -Message ('Error occurred while committing changes: {0}. Have you added the file to the repository?' -f $Process.ExitCode); }; }; # Clean up old menu items, with the same name $HgMenu.Submenus.Where({ $PSItem.DisplayName -match $DisplayName }) | % { $HgMenu.Submenus.Remove($PSItem); }; # Add the new menu item $HgMenu.Submenus.Add($DisplayName, $Action, $KeyboardShorcut); |