
    Matches a YAML key
    Matches a YAML key. The -Key can be customized.
    Get-Module Irregular |
        Split-Path |
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force -Filter *.yml |
        ?<YAML_Key> -Key uses -IncludeInputObject |
        Foreach-Object {
            $_.InputObject |
                ?<YAML_Value> -Text $y -StartAt $_.Index -Count 1

# The key to match. By default, this is any key.
$Key = '[^\:]+'

New-RegEx -Description "Matches a YAML key" -Modifier Multiline -StartAnchor LineStart -Comment 'A key starts off a line' |
    New-RegEx -CharacterClass Whitespace -Min 0 -Comment 'Followed by whitespace' -Name Indent |
    New-Regex -Name InList (
    New-RegEx -LiteralCharacter '-' |
        New-RegEx -CharacterClass Whitespace
    ) -Optional -Comment 'Followed by an optional list start'

# Matches a YAML key
(?m)^ # A key starts off a line
(?<Indent>\s){0,} # Followed by whitespace
(?<InList>\-\s)? # Followed by an optional list start
    [Environment]::NewLine +
    $Key + 
New-RegEx -LiteralCharacter ':' -Comment 'Followed by colon'

\: # Followed by colon
