
# Matches a User (described in /etc/passwd)
(?m)^(?<Username>[^:]+) # The Username is
\: # followed by a colon.
(?<EncryptedPassword>[^:]+) # The encrypted password is
\: # followed by another colon.
(?<UserID>\d+) # The user ID is a series of digits
\: # followed by another colon
(?<UserGroupID>\d+)? # The user group ID is a series of digits
\: # followed by yet another colon
(?<FullUsername>[^:]*?) # The full username is anything until the next colon (and could be nothing)
\: # Then another colon
(?<UserHomeDirectory>[^:]*?) # The home directory is anything until the next colon (and could be nothing)
\: # Then one last colon
(?<LoginShell>.*$) # Anything until the end of the line is the login shell