
# Matches C/C++ #if/#ifdef/#ifndef .. #endif
(?m)(?<!//)\#\s{0,}(?=if) # As long as we're not after comments, Match the , followed by
(?<If>if[^\s]+) # Match <If> (and the rest of the word)
(?<Condition>.+?$) # the <Condition> is anything until the end of the line
# Now things get tricky. Because ifdefs can nest, we need a balancing group
  [^\#]+ # Any non-preprocessor character matches, and doesn't change the balance
  (?<!//)\#if.+?$(?<Depth>) # An if Increases the <Depth>
  (?<!//)\#endif(?<-Depth>) # An EndIf Decreases the Depth
  \# # Match any remaining
)*(?(Depth)(?!)) # Match Until EndIf is balanced
(?<!//)\#endif # Match the endIf