function Write-RegEx { <# .Synopsis Writes a regular expression .Description Helps to simplifify writing regular expressions .Link Use-RegEx .Example Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Any -Repeat .Example Write-Regex -CharacterClass Digit -Repeat -Name Digits .Example # A regular expression for a quoted string (with \" and `" as valid escape sequences) Write-RegEx -Pattern '"' | Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Any -Repeat -Lazy -Before ( Write-RegEx -Pattern '"' -NotAfter '\\|`' ) | Write-RegEx -Pattern '"' .Example # A regular expression for an email address. ?<> is an alias for Write-Regex ?<> -Name EmailAddress -Pattern ( ?<> -CharacterClass Word | ?<> -LiteralCharacter -. -CharacterClass Word -Min 0 ) | ?<> -LiteralCharacter '@' -NoCapture | ?<> -Name Domain -Pattern ( ?<> -CharacterClass Word | ?<> -LiteralCharacter - -CharacterClass Word -Min 0 | ?<> -LiteralCharacter . | ?<> -CharacterClass Word -Min 1 ) .Example # Writes a pattern for multiline comments Write-RegEx -Pattern \<\# | Write-RegEx -Name Block -Until \#\> | Write-RegEx -Pattern \#\> #> [OutputType([Regex], [PSObject])] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull", "", Justification="This is explicitly checking for null (lazy -If would miss 0)")] param( # One or more regular expressions. [Parameter(Position=0)] [Alias('Expression')] [string[]] $Pattern, # One or more character classes. [Alias('CC','CharacterClasses')] [ValidateSet( 'Any', '.', 'Word', '\w', 'NonWord', '\W', 'Whitespace', '\s', 'NonWhitespace', '\S', 'Digit', '\d', 'NonDigit', '\D', 'Escape', '\e', 'Tab', '\t', 'CarriageReturn', '\r', 'NewLine', '\n', 'VerticalTab', '\v', 'FormFeed', '\f', 'UpperCaseLetter', '\p{Lu}', 'LowerCaseLetter', '\p{Ll}', 'TitleCaseLetter', '\p{Lt}', 'ModifierLetter' , '\p{Lm}', 'OtherLetter' , '\p{Lo}', 'Letter' , '\p{L}', 'NonSpacingMark' ,'\p{Mn}', 'CombiningMark' ,'\p{Mc}', 'EnclosingMark' , '\p{Me}', 'Mark' , '\p{M}', 'Number' , '\p{N}', 'NumberDecimalDigit' , '\p{Nd}', 'NumberLetter' , '\p{Nl}', 'NumberOther' , '\p{No}', 'PunctuationConnector' , '\p{Pc}', 'PunctuationDash' , '\p{Pd}', 'PunctuationOpen' , '\p{Ps}', 'PunctuationClose' , '\p{Pe}', 'PunctuationInitialQuote' , '\p{Pi}', 'PunctuationFinalQuote' , '\p{Pf}', 'PunctuationOther' , '\p{Po}', 'Punctuation' , '\p{P}', 'SymbolMath' ,'\p{Sm}', 'SymbolCurrency' ,'\p{Sc}', 'SymbolModifier' ,'\p{Sk}', 'SymbolOther' ,'\p{So}', 'Symbol' , '\p{S}', 'SeparatorSpace' ,'\p{Zs}', 'SeparatorLine' , '\p{Zl}', 'SeparatorParagraph' , '\p{Zp}', 'Separator' , '\p{Z}', 'Control' , '\p{C}', 'NonUpperCaseLetter', '\P{Lu}', 'NonLowerCaseLetter', '\P{Ll}', 'NonTitleCaseLetter', '\P{Lt}', 'NonModifierLetter' , '\P{Lm}', 'NonOtherLetter' , '\P{Lo}', 'NonLetter' , '\P{L}', 'NonNonSpacingMark' ,'\P{Mn}', 'NonCombiningMark' ,'\P{Mc}', 'NonEnclosingMark' , '\P{Me}', 'NonMark' , '\P{M}', 'NonNumber' , '\P{N}', 'NonNumberDecimalDigit' , '\P{Nd}', 'NonNumberLetter' , '\P{Nl}', 'NonNumberOther' , '\P{No}', 'NonPunctuationConnector' , '\P{Pc}', 'NonPunctationDash' , '\P{Pd}', 'NonPunctationOpen' , '\P{Ps}', 'NonPunctationClose' , '\P{Pe}', 'NonPunctationInitialQuote' , '\P{Pi}', 'NonPunctationFinalQuote' , '\P{Pf}', 'NonPunctuationOther' , '\P{Po}', 'NonPunctuation' , '\P{P}', 'NonSymbolMath' ,'\P{Sm}', 'NonSymbolCurrency' ,'\P{Sc}', 'NonSymbolModifier' ,'\P{Sk}', 'NonSymbolOther' ,'\P{So}', 'NonSymbol' , '\P{S}', 'NonSeparatorSpace' ,'\P{Zs}', 'NonSeparatorLine' , '\P{Zl}', 'NonSeparatorParagraph' , '\P{Zp}', 'NonSeparator' , '\P{Z}', 'NonControl' , '\P{C}' )] [string[]] $CharacterClass, # If provided, will match any number of specific literal characters. [Alias('LC','LiteralCharacters')] [string[]] $LiteralCharacter, # If provided, will name the capture [Alias('CaptureName')] [string] $Name, # The name or number of a backreference (a reference to a previous capture) [string]$Backreference, # A negative lookbehind (?<!). This pattern that must not match after the current position.. [Alias('NegativeLookBehind')] [string] $NotAfter, # A negative lookahead (?!). This pattern must not match before the current position. [Alias('NegativeLookAhead')] [string] $NotBefore, # A positive lookbehind (?<=). This pattern that must match after the current position. [Alias('LookBehind')] [string] $After, # A positive lookahead (?=). This pattern that must match before the current position. [Alias('LookAhead')] [string] $Before, # If set, will match repeated occurances of a character class or pattern [Alias('Repeating')] [switch] $Repeat, # If set, repeated occurances will be matched greedily. # A greedy match is the last possible match that completes a condition. # For example when you run "abcabc" -match 'a.*c' (a greedy match) # $matches will be abcabc [switch] $Greedy, # If set, repeated occurances will be matched lazily. # A lazy match is the first possible match that completes a conidition. # For example, when you run "abcabc" -match 'a.*?c' (a lazy match) # $matches will be abc [switch] $Lazy, # The minimum number of repetitions. [Alias('AtLeast')] [int]$Min, # The maximum number of repetitions. [Alias('AtMost')] [int]$Max, # If provided, inserts a Regular Expression conditional. [Alias('IfExpression')] [string]$If, # If the pattern provided in -If is true, it will attempt to continue to match with the pattern provided in -Then [Alias('ThenExpression')] [string[]]$Then, # If the pattern provided in -If if false, it will attempt to continue to match the with the pattern provided in -Else. [Alias('ElseExpression')] [string[]]$Else, # If provided, will match all content until any of these conditions or the end of the string are found. [string[]]$Until, # A comment (yes, they exist in Regular Expressions) [string]$Comment, # A description. This will be added to the top of the expression as a comment. [string]$Description, # If set and -CharacterClass is provided, will match anything but the provided set of character classes. # If set and -Expression is provided, will match anything that does not contain the expression # If set and neither -Expression or -CharacterClass is provided, will do an empty lookbehind (this will always fail) # If set and -Modifier is provided, will negate the modifier. [switch] $Not, # If set, will match any of a number of character classes, or any number of patterns. [switch] $Or, # The start anchor. [ValidateSet( 'Boundary', '\b', 'NotBoundary', '\B', 'LineStart', '^', 'LineEnd', '$', 'StringStart', '\A', 'StringEnd', '\z', 'LastLineEnd', '\Z' )] [string] $StartAnchor, # The end anchor. [ValidateSet( 'Boundary', '\b', 'NotBoundary', '\B', 'LineStart', '^', 'LineEnd', '$', 'StringStart', '\A', 'StringEnd', '\z', 'LastLineEnd', '\Z' )] [string] $EndAnchor, # Regular expression modifiers. These affect the way the expression is interpreted. # Modifiers can be turned off by passing -Modifier and -Not. # If -NoCapture is provided, modifiers will only apply to the current group. [ValidateSet( 'Multiline','m', 'Singleline', 's', 'IgnoreCase', 'i', 'IgnorePatternWhitespace', 'x', 'ExplicitCapture', 'n' )] [Alias('Mode')] [string[]] $Modifier, # If set, will make the pattern optional [switch] $Optional, # If set, will make the pattern atomic. This will allow one and only one match. [switch] $Atomic, # # If set, will make the pattern non-capturing. This will omit the group from the resulting match. [Alias('NonCapturing','NoCap')] [switch] $NoCapture, # A regular expression that occurs before the generated regular expression. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('PreExpression')] [string[]] $PrePattern, # The timeout of the regular expression. By default, 5 seconds. [TimeSpan] $TimeOut = '00:00:05', # If provided, will match between a given string or pair of strings. [string[]] $Between, # The escape sequence used with -Between. By default, a slash. [string] $EscapeSequence = '\\', # If set, comments in the regular expression will not be normalized. # By default, all comments that do not start on the beginning are normalized to start at the same column. [switch] $Denormalized, # Named parameters. These are only valid if the regex is using a Generator script. [Alias('Parameters')] [Collections.IDictionary] $Parameter = @{}, # A list of arguments. These are only valid if the regex is using a Generator script. [Alias('Arguments','Args')] [PSObject[]]$ArgumentList = @() ) begin { $ccLookup = @{} foreach ($paramName in 'CharacterClass', 'StartAnchor', 'EndAnchor', 'Modifier') { $vvl = foreach ($attr in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[$paramName].Attributes) { if (-not $attr.ValidValues) { continue } $attr.ValidValues break } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $vvl.Count; $i+= 2) { $ccLookup[$vvl[$i]] = $vvl[$i + 1] $ccLookup[$vvl[$i + 1]] = $vvl[$i + 1] } } $SavedCaptureReferences = [Regex]::new(@' (\(\?\<(?<NewCaptureName>\w+)\>)? (?<!\() # Not preceeded by a ( \?\<(?<CaptureName>\w+)\> # ?<CaptureName> (?<HasArguments> (?: \((?<Arguments> # An open parenthesis (?> # Followed by... [^\(\)]+| # any number of non-parenthesis character OR \((?<Depth>)| # an open parenthesis (in which case increment depth) OR \)(?<-Depth>) # a closed parenthesis (in which case decrement depth) )*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0. )\) # followed by a closing parenthesis )| (?: \{(?<Arguments> # An open bracket (?> # Followed by... [^\{\}]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR \{(?<Depth>)| # an open bracket (in which case increment depth) OR \}(?<-Depth>) # a closed bracket (in which case decrement depth) )*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0. )\} # followed by a closing bracket ) )? '@, 'IgnoreCase, IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:01') $replaceSavedCapture = { $m = $args[0] $startsWithCapture = '(?<StartsWithCapture>\A\(\?\<(?<FirstCaptureName>\w+))>' $regex = $script:_RegexLibrary.($m.Groups["CaptureName"].ToString()) if (-not $regex) { return $m } $regex = if ($regex -isnot [Regex]) { if ($m.Groups["Arguments"].Success) { $args = @($m.Groups["Arguments"].ToString() -split '(?<!\\),') & $regex @args } else { & $regex } } else { $regex } if ($m.Groups["NewCaptureName"].Success) { if ($regex -match $startsWithCapture -and $matches.FirstCaptureName -ne $m.Groups['NewCaptureName']) { $repl= $regex -replace $startsWithCapture, "(?<$($m.Groups['NewCaptureName'])>" $repl.Substring(0, $repl.Length - 1) + [Environment]::NewLine } } else { "$regex" + [Environment]::NewLine } } $startsWithCapture = [Regex]::new( '(?<StartsWithCapture>\A\(\?\<(?<FirstCaptureName>\w+))>', 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:01') } process { $myParams = @{} + $PSBoundParameters #region Generate RegEx $regex = . { $theOC = 0 if ($PrePattern) { # If we've been provided a pre-expression, this goes first. $prePattern -join '' } if ($Description) { if ($prePattern -and -not $prePattern[-1].EndsWith([Environment]::NewLine)) { [Environment]::NewLine } @(foreach ($l in $Description -split ([Environment]::NewLine)) { "# $($l.TrimStart('#'))" }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine) [Environment]::NewLine } if ($Between) { if ($between.Length -gt 2) { Write-Error 'Can pass only one or two -Between' return } $firstBetween, $secondBetween = $between $escapePattern = if ($EscapeSequence) { if ($EscapeSequence -ne ($firstBetween * 2)) { "(?<!$escapeSequence)" } else { '' } } else { '' } "(?:" + $escapePattern + $firstBetween if (-not $pattern) { if (-not $secondBetween) { $secondBetween = $firstBetween } if ($escapeSequence -ne ($firstBetween * 2)) { $pattern = "(?:.|\s)*?(?=\z|${escapePattern}${secondBetween})" } else { $pattern = "(?:$escapeSequence|[^$firstBetween])*(?=\z|$secondBetween)" } } $theOC++ } if ($Modifier) { $modifiers = @( if ($not) { '-' } foreach ($m in $Modifier) { $ccLookup[$m] } ) -join '' } if ($Atomic) { "(?>"; $theOC++ } if ($NoCapture) { if ($modifiers) { "(?${modifiers}:" } else { '(?:' } $theOC++ } elseif ($modifiers) { "(?$modifiers)" } if ($Name) { # If the capture has a name, add it. "(?<$Name>"; $theOC++ } if ($StartAnchor) { # Then add start anchors $ccLookup[$startAnchor] } if ($NotAfter) { # Then put negative lookbehind "(?<!$NotAfter)" } if ($After) { # and positive lookbehind. "(?<=$after)" } if ($Backreference) { # Then add backrefencees if ($backreference -as [int] -ne $null) { "\$($backreference -as [int])" } else { "\k<$backreference>" } } if ($Pattern) { $Pattern = foreach ($expr in $Pattern) { # Now handle any expressions they passed in. $SavedCaptureReferences.Replace($expr, $replaceSavedCapture) } if ($Or -and $Pattern.Length -gt 1) { # (join multiples with | if -Of is passed) "($($Pattern -join '|'))" } elseif ($Not) { "\A((?!($($Pattern -join ''))).)*\Z" } # (create an antipattern if -Not is passed) elseif ($pattern.Length -gt 1 -and # If more than one pattern was passed ($repeat -or $greedy -or $lazy -or $optional -or ($min -ge 0))) { # and we're interested in repetitions "(?:$($pattern))" # put the pattern in a non-capturing group[ } else { $Pattern } } if ($until) { if ($until -notlike '\z*') { $until = @("\z") + $until } "(?:.|\s)+?(?=$($until -join '|'))" } if ($CharacterClass -or $LiteralCharacter) { # If we're passed in a character class $cout = @(foreach ($cc in $CharacterClass) { # find them in the lookup table $ccLookup[$cc] }) $lc = @($literalCharacter -replace '[\p{P}\p{S}]', '\$0') $charSet = @($cout + $lc) -ne '' if ($not) # I -Not was passed { "[^$($charSet -join '')]" # It can be any character that is not in any of the character classes. } # If we have more than one character class elseif ($charSet.Length -gt 1 -or ($literalCharacter -and $literalCharacter[0].Length -gt 1)) { "[$($charSet -join '')]" # It can be any of the character classes } else # Unless there was only one character class (in this case, put it inline) { $charSet } } if ($If -and $Then) { # If they passed us a coniditional, embed it if ($Else) { "(?($if)(?:$($then -join ''))|(?:$($else -join '')))" } else { "(?($if)(?:$($then -join '')))" } } if ($Greedy) { # If the regex was "Greedy", pass the greedy quantifier (*) '*' } if ($Repeat) { # If the regex was Repeated, pass the one or more quantifier (+) '+' } if ($myParams.ContainsKey('Min')) { # If the regex has a minimum, "{$min,$(if($max) { $max})}" # pass the repeitions range quantifier ({min,[max]}) } if ($Optional -and -not $theOc) { '?' } if ($Lazy) { '?' } if ($NotBefore) { # If we've got a negative lookahead "(?!$notbefore)" # add it. } if ($Before) { # If we've got a positive lookahead "(?=$before)" # add it } if ($not -and # If we're passed -Not, -not ($CharacterClass -or $Pattern -or $modifier)) { # but no -CharacterClass or -Pattern or -Modifier '(?!)' # emit an empty lookahead (this will always fail) } if ($EndAnchor) { $cclookup[$endanchor] } if ($between) { $firstBetween, $secondBetween = $between if (-not $secondBetween) { $secondBetween = $firstBetween } ")${escapePattern}${secondBetween}" $theOc-- } $hadToBeClosed = $false for($n=0; $n -lt $theOc; $n++) { ')'; $hadToBeClosed =$true } if ($hadToBeClosed -and $optional) { '?' } } $regex = $regex -join '' if ($comment) { $regex += " # $($comment -replace '\#', '') " } if (-not $Denormalized) { $regexLines = $regex -split '(?>\r\n|\n)' $commentIndeces = foreach ($l in $regexLines) { if ($l.Contains('#')) { $commentIndex = $l.IndexOf('#') if ($commentIndex -eq 0) { # Not important for normalization } elseif ($l[$commentIndex - 1] -ne '\') { # As long as the comment is not escaped $commentIndex } } } foreach ($ci in $commentIndeces) { if ($ci -gt $max) {$max = $ci } } $regex = @(foreach ($l in $regexLines) { if ($l.Contains('#')) { $commentIndex = $l.IndexOf('#') if ($commentIndex -eq 0) { # Not important for normalization $l } elseif ($l[$commentIndex - 1] -ne '\') { # As long as the comment is not escaped $l.Substring(0, $commentIndex) + $( ' ' * ($max - $commentIndex) ) + $l.Substring($commentIndex) } else { $l } } else { $l } }) -join [Environment]::NewLine } #endregion Generate RegEx $regOut = try { [psobject]::new([Regex]::new($regex, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')) } catch { $_ } if (-not $regOut) { return } if ($regOut -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $o = [PSCustomObject]@{Pattern=$regex;PSTypeName='Irregular.Regular.Expression'} $o | Add-Member ScriptMethod ToString { return $this.Pattern } -PassThru -Force } else { $regOut.pstypenames.add('Irregular.Regular.Expression') $regOut } } } |