function Invoke-KeyCipher(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Invoke-KeyCipher [mode (encrypt | derypt)] [key secret] [inFilePath | string_stream] [outFilePath path_to_save] .DESCRIPTION Encrypt / Decrypt files .FUNCTIONALITY Invoke KeyCipher enciphering / deciphering python script .EXAMPLE Invoke-KeyCipher decrypt pa55w0rd .\input\File.ext .\out\File.ext PS > Invoke-KeyCipher encrypt pa55w0rd .\input\File.ext PS > Invoke-KeyCipher encrypt my_Secret_key 5ecret@pa55w0rd PS > $(ls "C:\Users\ERIC\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log") | Invoke-KeyCipher -mode encrypt -key ricoTush -lineBufferSize 9 PS > $(ls "C:\Users\ERIC\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log") | Invoke-KeyCipher -mode encrypt -key ricoTush -fullEncryption $true .NOTES Author: Eric Mutua Date: 22.04.2019 Version: 0.1.0 #> [CmdLetBinding()] Param( [parameter(position = 1, mandatory = $true)] [String] $mode, [parameter(position = 2, mandatory = $true)] [String] $key, [parameter(position = 3, mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [Alias('FullName')] [String] $inFilePath, [parameter( position = 4, mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [Alias('DirectoryName')] [String] $outFilePath = $( # Checking mode parameter if($($mode -eq "hash") -or $($mode -eq "unhash")){ return '-' } else { # The Default Output path $defaultOutPath = $([string]$(Join-Path $env:PUBLIC $("\Documents\"+$(@($inFilePath.split('\'))[@($inFilePath.split('\')).count - 1])).split('.')[0])); if(-not $(Test-Path $defaultOutPath)){ mkdir $defaultOutPath } return $([System.String]$defaultOutPath) } ), [parameter(position = 5, mandatory = $false)] [int] $lineBufferSize = 10, [parameter(position = 6, mandatory = $false)] [switch] $fullEncription = $false ) begin { $ErrorActionPreference = "Silently Continue" $isCertUtil = $(Test-Path $env:windir\System32\certutil.exe) Set-Alias certutil $(Join-path $env:windir "\System32\certutil.exe") $inputFileName = $(@($inFilePath.split('\'))[@($inFilePath.split('\')).count - 1]) $inFileExt = $($inputFileName.split('.')[$inputFileName.Split('.').Length -1]) # Temporary Directory if($outFilePath -ne '-'){ if(-not $(Test-Path $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]))){ mkdir $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]) | Out-Null } } $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $base64EncodeFilePath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]) "Encoded.bs64enc") $bsDecodeName = $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $($("dec64.")+$inFileExt)) $base64DecodeFilePath = $(Join-path $outFilePath $bsDecodeName) $pt_ext = $('enc-')+$([string]$lineBufferSize) $possibleEncipherPath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]) $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $($($pt_ext+'.')+$inFileExt))) if(Test-Path $possibleEncipherPath){ $encipherFilePath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]) $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $($($pt_ext+'.')+$inFileExt))) } else { $encipherFilePath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]) $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $('enc.')+$inFileExt)) } $decipherFilePath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]) "Deciphered.dec") $isPython = $($($env:PATH | Select-String 'python27').Matches.Success) $LogPath = "" $version = $([string]$(Find-Module Invoke_KeyCipher).Version) # Setting the module installation path if(Test-Path $(Join-Path $PSHOME\Modules Invoke_KeyCipher)){ $moduleInstallationPath = $(Join-Path $PSHOME\Modules Invoke_KeyCipher) } if(Test-Path $(Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\WindowsPowershell\Modules Invoke_KeyCipher)){ $moduleInstallationPath = $(Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\WindowsPowershell\Modules Invoke_KeyCipher\$version\) } } process { # Check if $base64EncodeFilePath is complete to take care of pipeline values # For pipeline values only # Begin Section for pipelined input parameters if(-not $base64EncodeFilePath.Contains($(@($inFilePath.split('\'))[@($inFilePath.split('\')).count - 1]))){ $ErrorActionPreference = "Silently Continue" $isCertUtil = $(Test-Path $env:windir\System32\certutil.exe) Set-Alias certutil $(Join-path $env:windir "\System32\certutil.exe") $iFileName = $(@($inFilePath.split('\'))[@($inFilePath.split('\')).count - 1]) # Make the temp directory if($outFilePath -ne '-'){ if(-not $(Test-Path $env:TEMP\$($iFileName.split('.')[0]))){ mkdir $env:TEMP\$($iFileName.split('.')[0]) | Out-Null } } $p_ext = $('enc-')+$([string]$lineBufferSize) $iFileExt = $($iFileName.split('.')[$iFileName.Split('.').Length - 1]) $bsDecodeName = $iFileName.replace($iFileExt, $($("dec64.")+$iFileExt)) # Set paths $base64EncodeFilePath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($iFileName.split('.')[0]) "Encoded.bs64enc") $psbEncipherPath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($iFileName.split('.')[0]) $iFileName.replace($iFileExt, $($($p_ext+'.')+$iFileExt))) if(Test-Path $psbEncipherPath){ $encipherFilePath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($iFileName.split('.')[0]) $iFileName.replace($iFileExt, $($($p_ext+'.')+$iFileExt))) } else { $encipherFilePath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($iFileName.split('.')[0]) $iFileName.replace($iFileExt, $('enc.')+$iFileExt)) } $decipherFilePath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP\$($iFileName.split('.')[0]) "Deciphered.dec") $base64DecodeFilePath = $(Join-path $outFilePath $bsDecodeName) $isPython = $($($env:PATH | Select-String 'python').Matches.Success) $LogPath = "" $isEncipherFilePartial = $($encipherFilePath.Split('enc')[1] -eq $($p_ext.Split('enc')[1]+'.'+$iFileExt)) $inputFileName = $iFileName; $pt_ext = $p_ext; $inFileExt = $iFileExt; } # End Begin Section for pipelined values if( -not $(Test-Path $(Join-path $env:TEMP "\KeyCipher"))){ mkdir $(Join-path $env:TEMP "\KeyCipher") | Out-Null } # Instantiate Log file $LogPath = $(Join-path $env:TEMP "\KeyCipher\KeyCipher.log") switch ($mode) { $("encrypt") { # Encrypting Files Write-Host "[+] Beginning File Encryption ..." -ForegroundColor Green base64Encode($isCertUtil, $inFilePath, $LogPath) encipherFile($base64EncodeFilePath, $encipherFilePath, $key, $LogPath, $isPython, $pt_ext) Write-Host "[+] Done Encrypting" -ForegroundColor Green } $("decrypt") { # Decrypting File Write-Host "[+] Beginning File Decryption ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan decipherFile($decipherFilePath, $encipherFilePath, $key, $LogPath, $isPython, $pt_ext, $inFileExt, $isEncipherFilePartial) $decryptionStatus = base64Decode($decipherFilePath, $base64DecodeFilePath, $LogPath) if($($decryptionStatus -ne 'Nul') -or $($decryptionStatus) -ne ''){ Write-Host $($("[+] ")+$decryptionStatus) -ForegroundColor Magenta } else { Write-Host "[+] Done Decrypting" -ForegroundColor Magenta } } $("hash") { # Password hashing Write-Host "[+] Beginning Password hashing ..." -ForegroundColor Green $keyCipherStream = $(Join-Path $moduleInstallationPath '') if($isPython -and $(Test-Path $keyCipherStream)){ if($inFilePath.Contains('/') -or $inFilePath.Contains('\')){ Write-Host "[!] Warning: The string you are trying to encrypt could be a path" -ForegroundColor Yellow } $passHash = $(python $keyCipherStream --encrypt $key $inFilePath -m) Set-Content -Path $(Join-Path $env:TEMP passHash) -Value $passHash return "[Hash] "+$passHash+"`n[+] Done" } } $("unhash") { #Password unhashing Write-Host "[+] Begninnig Password unhashing ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $keyCipherStream = $(Join-Path $moduleInstallationPath '') if($isPython -and $(Test-Path $keyCipherStream)){ $unhashedPass = $(Get-Content -Path $(Join-Path $env:TEMP passHash)) if(Test-Path $(Join-Path $env:TEMP passHash)){Remove-Item $(Join-Path $env:TEMP passHash)} return "[Password] "+$(python $keyCipherStream --decrypt $key $unhashedPass -m)+"`n[+] Done" } } Default {Write-Host "[!] Please Refer to the help for appropriate mode" -ForegroundColor Yellow} } } end { } } # Encode function function base64Encode(){ if($isCertUtil) { certutil -encode $inFilePath $base64EncodeFilePath } else { "["+$(Get-Date)+"][base64Encode] :: ERROR :: File Not Found (certutil.exe).`n" >> $LogPath # Alternative for certutil.exe Out-File -InputObject $(python $(Join-Path $moduleInstallationPath '/') -e $inFilePath) -Path $base64EncodeFilePath } } # Decode function function base64Decode() { $isdecipherFilePath = $(Test-path $decipherFilePath) if($isCertUtil) { if($isdecipherFilePath) { certutil -decode $decipherFilePath $base64DecodeFilePath | Out-Null if($? -ne $true){ "["+$(Get-Date)+"][base64Decode] :: ERROR :: Incorrect Key attempted decryption.`n" >> $LogPath return "Wrong Key! You are not authorised to Decrypt File" } else{ Write-host "[+] Removing temporary files..." -ForegroundColor Gray if(Test-Path $(Join-path $outFilePath $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $($($pt_ext+'.')+$inFileExt)))){Remove-Item $(Join-path $outFilePath $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $($($pt_ext+'.')+$inFileExt)))} if(Test-Path $(Join-path $outFilePath $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $('enc.')+$inFileExt))){Remove-Item $(Join-path $outFilePath $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $('enc.')+$inFileExt))} if(Test-Path $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0])){Remove-Item -Recurse $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]) } return "Done" } } else { "["+$(Get-Date)+"][base64Decode] :: ERROR :: File Not Found ("+ $decipherFilePath +").`n" >> $LogPath return 'Nul' } } else { "["+$(Get-Date)+"][base64Decode] :: ERROR :: File Not Found (certutil.exe).`n" >> $LogPath # Alternative for certutil.exe Out-File -InputObject $(python $(Join-Path $moduleInstallationPath '/') -d $decipherFilePath) -Path $base64DecodeFilePath if(Test-Path $base64DecodeFilePath){Copy-Item $base64DecodeFilePath $outFilePath} if(Test-Path $(Join-path $outFilePath $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $($($pt_ext+'.')+$inFileExt)))){Remove-Item $(Join-path $outFilePath $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $($($pt_ext+'.')+$inFileExt)))} if(Test-Path $(Join-path $outFilePath $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $('enc.')+$inFileExt))){Remove-Item $(Join-path $outFilePath $inputFileName.replace($inFileExt, $('enc.')+$inFileExt))} if(Test-Path $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0])){Remove-Item -Recurse $env:TEMP\$($inputFileName.split('.')[0]) } return "Done" } } function encipherFile() { $isBase64EncodeFilePath = $(Test-Path $base64EncodeFilePath) if($isBase64EncodeFilePath){ if($isPython) { Write-host "[+] File Enciphering ..." -ForegroundColor Gray $base64EncBuffer = $(Get-Content $base64EncodeFilePath) $sizeBase64Buffer = $base64EncBuffer.Count # Partial File Encryption if ($($sizeBase64Buffer -gt $lineBufferSize) -and $(-not $fullEncription)){ $innerLineBuffer = $($base64EncBuffer | Select-Object -First $lineBufferSize) $_divisor = [int]$innerLineBuffer.Count / 10 forEach($innerLine in $innerLineBuffer){ $actual_pcnt = [int]$innerLineBuffer.indexOf($innerLine) / $_divisor # Show Progress Show-ProgressBar($actual_pcnt, "Encrypting ") $enc_line = $(python $(Join-Path $moduleInstallationPath '') --encrypt $key $innerLine -m) Out-File -FilePath $($encipherFilePath.Replace('enc', $pt_ext)) -Append -InputObject $enc_line -Encoding string } # Append the unecrypted text $unencryptedLines = $($base64EncBuffer | Select-Object -Last $($sizeBase64Buffer - $lineBufferSize)) Out-File -FilePath $($encipherFilePath.Replace('enc', $pt_ext)) -Append -InputObject $unencryptedLines -Encoding string Write-host "[+] Verifying and Saving Encrypted File..." -ForegroundColor Gray if(Test-Path $base64EncodeFilePath){Remove-Item $base64EncodeFilePath} if(Test-Path $($encipherFilePath.Replace('enc', $pt_ext))){Copy-Item $($encipherFilePath.Replace('enc', $pt_ext)) $outFilePath} } else { # Full file Encryption $divisor = [int]$sizeBase64Buffer / 10 forEach($line in $base64EncBuffer) { $actual_pcnt = [int]$base64EncBuffer.indexOf($line) / $divisor # Show Progress Show-ProgressBar($actual_pcnt, "Encrypting ") # Encryption is done line by line $enc_line = $(python $(Join-Path $moduleInstallationPath '') --encrypt $key $line -m) Out-File -FilePath $encipherFilePath -Append -InputObject $enc_line -Encoding string } Write-host "[+] Verifying and Saving Encrypted File..." -ForegroundColor Gray if(Test-Path $base64EncodeFilePath){Remove-Item $base64EncodeFilePath} #Debug Write-Host $encipherFilePath, $outFilePath if(Test-Path $encipherFilePath){Copy-Item $encipherFilePath $outFilePath} } } else { "["+$(Get-Date)+"][encipherFile] :: ERROR :: keymode not set or Python not found.`n" >> $LogPath } } else { "["+$(Get-Date)+"][encipherFile] :: ERROR :: File Not Found ("+ $base64EncodeFilePath +").`n" >> $LogPath } } function decipherFile(){ $isEncipherFilePath = $(Test-Path $encipherFilePath) if($isEncipherFilePath){ if($isPython) { Write-host "[+] File Deciphering ..." -ForegroundColor Gray $encipherFileBuffer = $(Get-Content $encipherFilePath) $sizeEncipherBuffer = $encipherFileBuffer.Count if(-not $(Get-Variable -Name isEncipherFilePartial).IsValidValue($isEncipherFilePartial)){ $isEncipherFilePartial = $($encipherFilePath.Split('enc')[1] -eq $($pt_ext.Split('enc')[1]+'.'+$inFileExt)) } # For partial File Decryption if($isEncipherFilePartial){ $partialEncFileBuffer = $($encipherFileBuffer | Select-Object -First $lineBufferSize) $dvs = [int]$partialEncFileBuffer.Count / 10 forEach($line in $partialEncFileBuffer){ $actual_pcnt = [int]$partialEncFileBuffer.indexOf($line) / $dvs # Show Progress Show-ProgressBar($actual_pcnt, "Decrypting ") $dec_line = $(python $(Join-Path $moduleInstallationPath '') --decrypt $key $line -m) Out-File -FilePath $decipherFilePath -Append -InputObject $dec_line -Encoding string } $base64FileBufferRem = $($encipherFileBuffer | Select-Object -Last $($sizeEncipherBuffer - $lineBufferSize)) Out-File -FilePath $decipherFilePath -Append -InputObject $base64FileBufferRem -Encoding string # Clean up Write-host "[+] Removing temporary files..." -ForegroundColor Gray if(Test-Path $base64DecodeFilePath){Remove-Item $base64DecodeFilePath} } else { $divisor = [int]$sizeEncipherBuffer / 10 # For full File Decryption forEach($line in $encipherFileBuffer) { $actual_pcnt = [int]$encipherFileBuffer.indexOf($line) / $divisor # Show Progress Show-ProgressBar($actual_pcnt, "Decrypting ") $dec_line = $(python $(Join-Path $moduleInstallationPath '') --decrypt $key $line -m) Out-File -FilePath $decipherFilePath -Append -InputObject $dec_line -Encoding string } # Clean up Write-host "[+] Removing temporary files..." -ForegroundColor Gray if(Test-Path $base64DecodeFilePath){Remove-Item $base64DecodeFilePath} } } else { "["+$(Get-Date)+"][decipherFile] :: ERROR :: keymode not set or Python not found.`n" >> $LogPath } } else { "["+$(Get-Date)+"][decipherFile]:: ERROR :: File Not Found ("+ $encipherFilePath +").`n" >> $LogPath } } function Show-ProgressBar($params){ $act_pcnt = $params[0] $action = $params[1] $show_pcnt = [int]$($($act_pcnt) * 10) Write-Progress -Activity $($action+$([string]$inputFileName))` -Status $([string]$show_pcnt+"% Complete")` -PercentComplete $($act_pcnt * 10) } |