TOPIC about_InvokeHelper AUTHOR rulasg COPYRIGHT (c) rulasg. All rights reserved. SHORT DESCRIPTION Helper to make calls to tools from powershell LONG DESCRIPTION Helper to make calls to tools from powershell KEYWORDS Powershell Testing UnitTest Module TestingHelper SEE ALSO https://github.com/rulasg/TestingHelper/ INVOCATION CMDLETS Invoke-MyCommand Invoke-MyCommandAsync Invoke-MyCommandJson Invoke-MyCommandJsonAsync SETTING THE COMMAND LIST To allow the decouple of the function with the app or tool to call we can set the command list for later to be used. ```powershell > Set-InvokeCommandAlias -Alias "GetUser" -Command "gh api user" > $result = Invoke-MyCommandJson -Command "GetUser" > Assert-AreEqual -Expected 'myHandle' -Presented $result.login > Assert-AreEqual -Expected 6666666 -Presented $result.id ``` ```powershell > Get-InvokeCommandAlias Name Value ---- ----- GetUser gh api user ``` PARAMETERS If the command have variables like `{name}` you can use the $Parameters parameter to input a HASTABLE that describes all the strings that will be replaced on the command before executing it. Combining $Parameters and CommandsList you will be able to decouple the tool calls from your code for later Unit Testing or changing tool easylly. |