function InvokeHelperTest_MyCommandAsync_Invoke{ $command = 'echo "Hello world"' $result = Invoke-MyCommandAsync -Command $command Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Hello world" -Presented $result } function InvokeHelperTest_MyCommandAsync_Invoke_WhatIF{ $command = "comand text" $result = Invoke-MyCommandAsync -Command $command -WhatIf @InfoParameters Assert-IsNull -Object $result Assert-Contains -Expected $command -Presented $infoVar } function InvokeHelperTest_MyCommandAsync_Invoke_WithMock { [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Scope='Function')] param() $comand = '@{login = "FakeName"; id="6666666"}' # Set the mock you want to use based on a CommandKey the function will use Set-MockInvokeCommand -CommandKey 'Command to call to Mock' -Command $comand # Call the function with the CommandKey as normal $result = Invoke-MyCommandAsync -Command 'Command to call to Mock' Assert-AreEqual -Expected 'fakeName' -Presented $result.login Assert-AreEqual -Expected 6666666 -Presented $ } function InvokeHelperTest_MyCommandJsonAsync_Invoke{ [CmdletBinding()] param() $comand = '@{login = "FakeName"; id="6666666"}' $result = Invoke-MyCommandAsync -Command $comand Assert-AreEqual -Expected "fakeName" -Presented $result.login Assert-AreEqual -Expected 6666666 -Presented $ } #### several calls function InvokeHelperTest_MyCommandAsync_Invoke_Multiple_Pipped{ $milliSeconds = 200 $number = 5 $commands = @() $command = 'echo "Hello world {number}"' 1..$number | ForEach-Object { $commands += $command -replace '{number}', $_ } $measure = Measure-Command { $result = $commands | Invoke-MyCommandAsync Assert-Count -Expected $number -Presented $result } "Used $measure.milliseconds milliseconds to run 5 jobs of $milliseconds milliseconds." | Write-Verbose Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($measure.milliseconds -lt ($number * $milliSeconds)) 1..$number | ForEach-Object { Assert-Contains -Expected "Hello world $_" -Presented $result } } function InvokeHelperTest_MyCommandAsync_Invoke_Multiple_StingArray{ $milliSeconds = 200 $number = 5 $commands = @() $command = 'echo "Hello world {number}"' 1..$number | ForEach-Object { $commands += $command -replace '{number}', $_ } $measure = Measure-Command { $result = Invoke-MyCommandAsync -Commands $commands Assert-Count -Expected $number -Presented $result } "Used $measure.milliseconds milliseconds to run 5 jobs of $milliseconds milliseconds." | Write-Verbose Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($measure.milliseconds -lt ($number * $milliSeconds)) 1..$number | ForEach-Object { Assert-Contains -Expected "Hello world $_" -Presented $result } } function InvokeHelperTest_MyCommandAsync_Invoke_Multiple_StingArray_WithMock{ $milliSeconds = 200 $number = 5 $commands = @() $commandPattern = 'Command with number {number}"' $comandMockPattern = 'Start-Sleep -Milliseconds {milliseconds} ; @{login = "FakeName"; id="{number}"}' $comandMockPattern = $comandMockPattern -replace '{milliseconds}', $milliSeconds $commands = @() # Mock all the calls to commands 1..$number | ForEach-Object { $command = $commandPattern -replace '{number}', $_ $commandMock = $comandMockPattern -replace '{number}', $_ Set-MockInvokeCommand -CommandKey $command -Command $commandMock $commands += $command } # Call asyn all commands in $commands $measure = Measure-Command { $result = Invoke-MyCommandAsync -Commands $commands Assert-Count -Expected $number -Presented $result } # Meausre that all the calls take less that "Used $measure.milliseconds milliseconds to run 5 jobs of $milliseconds milliseconds." | Write-Verbose Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($measure.milliseconds -lt ($number * $milliSeconds)) 1..$number | ForEach-Object { Assert-Contains -Expected $_ -Presented $result.Id } } |