
Copyright 2011-2017 Roman Kuzmin
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#.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml

# info, result
$info = [PSCustomObject]@{
    Tasks = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@()
    Errors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@()
    Warnings = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@()
    Started = [DateTime]::Now
    Elapsed = $null
if ($Result) {
    if ($Result -is [string]) {
        New-Variable $Result $info -Scope 1 -Force
    else {
        $Result.Value = $info

# no builds
if (!$Build) {return}

# engine
$ib = Join-Path (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) Invoke-Build.ps1
try {. $ib .} catch {$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)}

### works
$works = @()
for ($1 = 0; $1 -lt $Build.Count) {
    $b = @{} + $Build[$1]
    $Build[$1++] = $b

    if ($file = $b['File']) {
        if (![System.IO.File]::Exists(($file = *FP $file))) {*TE "Missing script '$file'." 13}
    elseif (!($file = Get-BuildFile (*FP))) {
        *TE "Missing default script in build $1." 5

    $b.Result = @{}
    $b.File = $file
    $b.Safe = $true

    $work = @{}
    $works += $work
    $work.Build = $b
    $work.Title = "($1/$($Build.Count)) $file"

# runspace pool
if ($MaximumBuilds -lt 1) {*TE "MaximumBuilds should be a positive number." 5}
$pool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaximumBuilds)
$failures = @()

try {
    ### begin
    foreach($work in $works) {
        $b = $work.Build

        # log
        if ($log = $b['Log']) {
            [System.IO.File]::Delete(($log = *FP $log))
        else {
            $work.Temp = $true
            $log = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $work.Log = $log

        # PS
        $work.PS = $ps = [PowerShell]::Create()
        $ps.RunspacePool = $pool
        $work.Job =
        $ps.AddCommand($ib).AddParameters($b).AddCommand('Out-File').AddParameter('FilePath', $log).AddParameter('Encoding', 'UTF8').BeginInvoke()

    ### wait
    $stopwatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
    foreach($work in $works) {
        Write-Build Cyan $work.Title
        $t = $Timeout - $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
        $work.Done = if ($t -gt 0) {$work.Job.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($t)}

    ### end
    foreach($work in $works) {
        Write-Build Cyan "Build $($work.Title):"

        $ps = $work.PS
        $exception = $null
        try {
            if ($work.Done) {
            else {
                $exception = 'Build timed out.'
        catch {
            $exception = $_

        # log
        $log = $work.Log
        if ($work['Temp']) {
            try {
                $read = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($log)
                while($null -ne ($_ = $read.ReadLine())) {$_}
            catch {
                Write-Warning $_
        else {
            "Log: $log"

        # result, error
        $_ = if ($r = $work.Build.Result['Value']) {
        else {
            "'$($work.Build.File)' invocation failed: $exception"
        if (!$_) {
            $_ = $exception
        if ($_) {
            Write-Build Cyan "Build $($work.Title) FAILED."
            $_ = if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {*EI $_ $_} else {"$_"}
            Write-Build Red "ERROR: $_"
            $failures += @{
                File = $work.Title
                Error = $_
        else {
            Write-Build Cyan "Build $($work.Title) succeeded."

    # fail
    if ($failures) {
        *TE ($(
            "Failed builds:"
            foreach($_ in $failures) {
                "Build: $($_.File)"
                "ERROR: $($_.Error)"
        ) -join "`r`n")
finally {
    $errors = $info.Errors.Count
    $warnings = $info.Warnings.Count
    $info.Elapsed = [DateTime]::Now - $info.Started

    if (($up = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get('*')) -and ($up = if ($up.Description -eq 'IB') {$up.Value})) {

    $color, $text = if ($failures) {12, 'Builds FAILED'}
    elseif ($errors) {14, 'Builds completed with errors'}
    elseif ($warnings) {14, 'Builds succeeded with warnings'}
    else {10, 'Builds succeeded'}

    Write-Build $color @"
Tasks: $($info.Tasks.Count) tasks, $errors errors, $warnings warnings
$text. $($Build.Count) builds, $($failures.Count) failed $($info.Elapsed)
