<# Copyright 2011-2016 Roman Kuzmin Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml param( [Parameter(Position=0)][string[]]$Task, [Parameter(Position=1)][string]$File, [string]$Checkpoint, $Result, [switch]$Safe, [switch]$Summary, [switch]$Resume, [switch]$WhatIf ) dynamicparam { #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Get-BuildFile($Path) { do { if (($_ = [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($Path, '*.build.ps1')).Length -eq 1 -or ($_ = $_ -match '[\\/]\.build\.ps1$')) {return $_} if ([System.IO.File]::Exists(($_ = $env:InvokeBuildGetFile)) -and ($_ = & $_ $Path)) {return $_} } while($Path = Split-Path $Path) } function *FP($_) { $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($_) } function *TE($M, $C=0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ([Exception]"$M"), $null, $C, $null)) } if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.') {return} trap {*TE $_ 13} $BuildTask = $PSBoundParameters['Task'] $BuildFile = $PSBoundParameters['File'] ${private:*Checkpoint} = $PSBoundParameters['Checkpoint'] ${private:*Resume} = $PSBoundParameters['Resume'] ${private:*cd} = *FP ${private:*cp} = $null ${private:*p1} = $null ${private:*r} = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary ${private:*pp} = 'Task', 'File', 'Parameters', 'Checkpoint', 'Result', 'Safe', 'Summary', 'Resume', 'WhatIf' ${private:*pn} = 'Verbose', 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'WarningVariable', 'OutVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'PipelineVariable', 'InformationAction', 'InformationVariable' if ($BuildTask -eq '**') { if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists(($_ = *FP $BuildFile))) {throw "Missing directory '$_'."} $BuildFile = @(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $_ -Filter *.test.ps1 -Recurse) return } if (${*Checkpoint}) {${*Checkpoint} = *FP ${*Checkpoint}} if (${*Resume}) { if (!${*Checkpoint}) {throw 'Checkpoint must be defined for Resume.'} ${*cp} = try {Import-Clixml ${*Checkpoint}} catch {throw 'Invalid checkpoint file?'} $BuildTask = ${*cp}.Task $BuildFile = ${*cp}.File ${*p1} = ${*cp}.Prm1 } elseif ($BuildFile) { if (![System.IO.File]::Exists(($BuildFile = *FP $BuildFile))) {throw "Missing script '$BuildFile'."} } elseif (!($BuildFile = Get-BuildFile ${*cd})) { throw 'Missing default script.' } $_ = (Get-Command $BuildFile -ErrorAction 1).Parameters if (!$_) {throw 'Invalid script syntax?'} if (!$_.Count) {return} (${private:*a} = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute]).Add((New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute)) foreach($_ in $_.Values) { if (${*pn} -notcontains (${private:*b} = $_.Name)) { if (${*pp} -contains ${*b}) {throw "Script uses reserved parameter '${*b}'."} ${*r}.Add(${*b}, (New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter ${*b}, $_.ParameterType, ${*a})) } } ${*r} } end { #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Add-BuildTask( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][string]$Name, [Parameter(Position=1)][object[]]$Jobs, [object[]]$After, [object[]]$Before, $If=$true, $Inputs, $Outputs, $Data, $Done, $Source=$MyInvocation, [switch]$Partial ) { ${*}.All[$Name] = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Name Error = $null Started = $null Elapsed = $null Jobs = $1 = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() Safe = $2 = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() After = $After Before = $Before If = $If Inputs = $Inputs Outputs = $Outputs Data = $Data Done = $Done Partial = $Partial InvocationInfo = $Source } if (!$Jobs) {return} trap {*TE "Task '$Name': $_" 5} foreach($_ in $Jobs) { $r, $d = *RJ $_ $1.Add($r) if (1 -eq $d) { $2.Add($r) } } } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function New-BuildJob([Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string]$Name, [switch]$Safe) { if ($Safe) {@{$Name = 1}} else {$Name} } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Assert-Build([Parameter()]$Condition, [string]$Message) { if (!$Condition) { *TE "Assertion failed.$(if ($Message) {" $Message"})" 7 } } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Assert-BuildEquals([Parameter()]$A, $B) { if (![Object]::Equals($A, $B)) { *TE @" Objects are not equal: A:$(if ($null -ne $A) {" $A [$($A.GetType())]"}) B:$(if ($null -ne $B) {" $B [$($B.GetType())]"}) "@ 7 } } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Get-BuildError([Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string]$Task) { if (!($_ = ${*}.All[$Task])) { *TE "Missing task '$Task'." 13 } $_.Error } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Get-BuildProperty([Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string]$Name, $Value) { if ($null -eq ($_ = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue($Name)) -and $null -eq ($_ = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($Name)) -and $null -eq ($_ = $Value)) { *TE "Missing variable '$Name'." 13 } $_ } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Invoke-BuildExec([Parameter(Mandatory=1)][scriptblock]$Command, [int[]]$ExitCode=0) { ${private:*c} = $Command ${private:*x} = $ExitCode Remove-Variable Command, ExitCode . ${*c} if (${*x} -notcontains $LastExitCode) { *TE "Command {${*c}} exited with code $LastExitCode." 8 } } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Use-BuildAlias([Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string]$Path, [string[]]$Name) { trap {*TE $_ 5} $d = switch -regex ($Path) { '^\*$' {@(Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions | Sort-Object {[Version]$_.PSChildName})[-1].GetValue('MSBuildToolsPath')} '^\d+\.' {[Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\$_", 'MSBuildToolsPath', '')} '^Framework' {"$env:windir\Microsoft.NET\$_"} default {*FP $_} } if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists($d)) {throw "Cannot resolve '$Path'."} foreach($_ in $Name) { Set-Alias $_ (Join-Path $d $_) -Scope 1 } } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Write-Build([ConsoleColor]$Color, [string]$Text) { $i = $Host.UI.RawUI $_ = $i.ForegroundColor try { $i.ForegroundColor = $Color $Text } finally { $i.ForegroundColor = $_ } } try { $null = Write-Build 0 } catch { function Write-Build($Color, [string]$Text) {$Text} } #.ExternalHelp Invoke-Build-Help.xml function Get-BuildVersion {[Version]'3.0.1'} function *My { $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName -match '[\\/]Invoke-Build\.ps1$' } function *SL($_=$BuildRoot) { Set-Location -LiteralPath $_ -ErrorAction 1 } function *UC($_) { if (!$WhatIf) { *SL . $_ @args } } function *II($_) { $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage.Trim() } function *EI($E, $I) { "$E`r`n$(*II $I)" } function *RJ($_) { if ($_ -is [scriptblock] -or $_ -is [string]) { $_ } elseif ($_ -is [hashtable] -and $_.Count -eq 1) { $_.Keys $_.Values } else {throw 'Invalid job.'} } function *Bad($B, $J, $X) { foreach($_ in $J) { if (($t = ${*}.All[$_]) -and $t.If -and $(if ($_ -eq $B) {$X -notcontains $_} else {*Bad $B $t.Jobs $t.Safe})) { return 1 } } } filter *AB($N, $B) { $r, $d = *RJ $_ if (!($t = ${*}.All[$r])) {throw "Missing task '$r'."} $j = $t.Jobs $i = $j.Count if ($B) { for($k = -1; ++$k -lt $i -and $j[$k] -is [string]) {} $i = $k } $j.Insert($i, $N) if (1 -eq $d) { $t.Safe.Add($N) } } function *Try($J, $T, $P=@()) { foreach($_ in $J) { if ($_ -is [string]) { if (!($r = ${*}.All[$_])) { $_ = "Missing task '$_'." throw $(if ($T) {*EI "Task '$($T.Name)': $_" $T} else {$_}) } if ($P -contains $r) { throw *EI "Task '$($T.Name)': Cyclic reference to '$_'." $T } *Try $r.Jobs $r ($P + $r) }} } function *CP { Export-Clixml ${*}.Checkpoint -InputObject @{ User = *UC Export-Build Task = $BuildTask File = $BuildFile Prm1 = ${*}.Prm1 Prm2 = $( $r = @{} foreach($_ in ${*}.Prm2.Keys) { $r[$_] = Get-Variable -Name $_ -Scope Script -ValueOnly } $r ) Done = @(foreach($t in ${*}.All.Values) {if ($t.Elapsed) {$t.Name}}) } } function *AE($T) { ${*}.Errors.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Error = $_ File = $BuildFile Task = $T }) } function *TS($I, $H) { $f = $I.ScriptName if (!($d = $H[$f])) { $H[$f] = $d = @{} foreach($_ in [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize((Get-Content -LiteralPath $f), [ref]$null)) { if ($_.Type -eq 'Comment') {$d[$_.EndLine] = $_.Content} } } for($n = $I.ScriptLineNumber; --$n -ge 1 -and ($c = $d[$n])) { if ($c -match '(?m)^\s*#*\s*Synopsis\s*:\s*(.*)$') {return $Matches[1]} } } filter *TH($H) { $r = 1 | Select-Object Name, Jobs, Synopsis $r.Name = $_.Name $r.Jobs = foreach($j in $_.Jobs) {if ($j -is [string]) {$j} else {'{}'}} $r.Synopsis = *TS $_.InvocationInfo $H $r } function *IO { if ((${private:*i} = $Task.Inputs) -is [scriptblock]) { *SL ${*i} = @(& ${*i}) } *SL ${private:*p} = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() ${*i} = foreach($_ in ${*i}) { if ($_ -isnot [System.IO.FileInfo]) {$_ = [System.IO.FileInfo](*FP $_)} if (!$_.Exists) {throw "Missing Inputs item: '$_'."} $_ ${*p}.Add($_.FullName) } if (!${*p}) {return 'Skipping empty input.'} ${private:*o} = $Task.Outputs if ($Task.Partial) { ${*o} = @( if (${*o} -is [scriptblock]) { ${*p} | & ${*o} *SL } else { ${*o} } ) if (${*p}.Count -ne ${*o}.Count) {throw "Different Inputs/Outputs counts: $(${*p}.Count)/$(${*o}.Count)."} $k = -1 $Task.Inputs = $i = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() $Task.Outputs = $o = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() foreach($_ in ${*i}) { if ($_.LastWriteTime -gt [System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime((*FP ($p = ${*o}[++$k])))) { $i.Add(${*p}[$k]) $o.Add($p) } } if ($i) {return} } else { if (${*o} -is [scriptblock]) { $Task.Outputs = ${*o} = & ${*o} *SL } if (!${*o}) {throw 'Outputs must not be empty.'} $Task.Inputs = ${*p} $m = (${*i} | .{process{$_.LastWriteTime.Ticks}} | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum foreach($_ in ${*o}) { if ($m -gt [System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime((*FP $_)).Ticks) {return} } } 'Skipping up-to-date output.' } function *Task { New-Variable -Name Task -Value ${*}.All[$args[0]] -Option Constant ${private:*p} = $args[1] + '/' + $Task.Name ${*}.Task = $Task if ($Task.Elapsed) { Write-Build 8 "Done ${*p}" return } if ((${private:*x} = $Task.If) -is [scriptblock] -and !$WhatIf) { *SL try { ${*x} = & ${*x} } catch { $Task.Error = $_ throw } } if (!${*x}) { Write-Build 8 "Task ${*p} skipped." return } if (${*}.Checkpoint) {*CP} ${private:*n} = 0 ${private:*a} = $Task.Jobs ${private:*i} = [int]($null -ne $Task.Inputs) $Task.Started = [DateTime]::Now try { . *UC Enter-BuildTask foreach(${private:*j} in ${*a}) { ++${*n} if (${*j} -is [string]) { try { *Task ${*j} ${*p} } catch { if (*Bad ${*j} $BuildTask) {throw} *AE ${*}.All[${*j}] Write-Build 12 (*EI "ERROR: Task ${*p}/${*j}: $_" $_) } continue } Write-Build 11 "Task ${*p}" if ($WhatIf) { ${*j} continue } if (1 -eq ${*i}) {${*i} = *IO} if (${*i}) { Write-Build 8 ${*i} continue } try { *SL . Enter-BuildJob ${*n} *SL if (0 -eq ${*i}) { & ${*j} } else { $Inputs = $Task.Inputs $Outputs = $Task.Outputs if ($Task.Partial) { ${*x} = 0 $Inputs | .{process{ $2 = $Outputs[${*x}++] $_ }} | & ${*j} } else { $Inputs | & ${*j} } } } catch { $Task.Error = $_ throw } finally { *SL . Exit-BuildJob ${*n} } } $Task.Elapsed = [DateTime]::Now - $Task.Started if ($_ = $Task.Error) { *AE $Task Write-Build 14 (*II $Task) Write-Build 12 (*EI "ERROR: Task ${*p}: $_" $_) } else { Write-Build 11 "Done ${*p} $($Task.Elapsed)" } if ($Task.Done) {*UC $Task.Done} } catch { $Task.Elapsed = [DateTime]::Now - $Task.Started $Task.Error = $_ Write-Build 14 (*II $Task) throw } finally { ${*}.Tasks.Add($Task) . *UC Exit-BuildTask } } Set-Alias assert Assert-Build Set-Alias equals Assert-BuildEquals Set-Alias error Get-BuildError Set-Alias exec Invoke-BuildExec Set-Alias job New-BuildJob Set-Alias property Get-BuildProperty Set-Alias task Add-BuildTask Set-Alias use Use-BuildAlias Set-Alias Invoke-Build ($_ = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) Set-Alias Invoke-Builds (Join-Path (Split-Path $_) Invoke-Builds.ps1) if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.') { if ($BuildFile = $MyInvocation.ScriptName) { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' *SL ($BuildRoot = if ($Task) {*FP $Task} else {Split-Path $BuildFile}) } Remove-Variable Task, File, Checkpoint, Result, Safe, Summary, Resume, WhatIf return } function Write-Warning([Parameter()]$Message) { $PSCmdlet.WriteWarning($Message) ${*}.Warnings.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Message = $Message File = $BuildFile Task = ${*}.Task }) } function Enter-Build {} function Enter-BuildTask {} function Enter-BuildJob {} function Exit-Build {} function Exit-BuildTask {} function Exit-BuildJob {} function Export-Build {} function Import-Build {} $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' if (!${*p1}) { ${*p1} = @{} foreach($_ in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { if (${*r}.ContainsKey($_)) { ${*p1}[$_] = $PSBoundParameters[$_] } } } if (${private:*0} = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get('*')) { ${*0} = if (${*0}.Description -eq 'IB') {${*0}.Value} } New-Variable * -Description IB ([PSCustomObject]@{ Tasks = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() Errors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() Warnings = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() All = ${private:*a} = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) Prm1 = $_ = ${*p1} Prm2 = ${*r} Checkpoint = ${*Checkpoint} Started = [DateTime]::Now Elapsed = $null Error = $null Task = $null }) if (${private:*?} = $BuildTask -eq '??' -or $BuildTask -eq '?') { $WhatIf = $true } if ($Result) { if ($Result -is [string]) { New-Variable -Force -Scope 1 $Result ${*} } else { $Result.Value = ${*} } } ${private:*Safe} = $Safe ${private:*Summary} = $Summary Remove-Variable Task, File, Checkpoint, Result, Safe, Summary, Resume ${private:*b} = 1 ${*r} = 0 try { if ($BuildTask -eq '**') { ${*b} = 0 foreach($_ in $BuildFile) { Invoke-Build @('*'; $BuildTask -ne '**') $_.FullName -Safe:${*Safe} } ${*r} = 1 return } *SL ($BuildRoot = Split-Path $BuildFile) if ($_ = . $BuildFile @_) { Write-Warning "$BuildFile output: $_" } if (!${*a}.Count) {throw "No tasks in '$BuildFile'."} try { foreach(${private:**} in ${*a}.Values) { if (${**}.Before) {${**}.Before | *AB ${**}.Name 1} } foreach(${**} in ${*a}.Values) { if (${**}.After) {${**}.After | *AB ${**}.Name} } } catch { throw *EI "Task '$(${**}.Name)': $_" ${**} } if (${*?}) { *Try ${*a}.Keys if ($BuildTask -eq '??') { ${*a} } else { ${*a}.Values | *TH @{} } return } if ($BuildTask -eq '*') { *Try ${*a}.Keys ${**} = @{} foreach($_ in ${*a}.Values) { foreach($_ in $_.Jobs) { if ($_ -is [string]) { ${**}[$_] = 1 } } } $BuildTask = foreach($_ in ${*a}.Keys) {if (!${**}[$_]) {$_}} } else { if (!$BuildTask -or '.' -eq $BuildTask) { $BuildTask = if (${*a}['.']) {'.'} else {${*a}.Item(0).Name} } *Try $BuildTask } Write-Build 11 "Build $($BuildTask -join ', ') $BuildFile" ${*b} = 0 try { . *UC Enter-Build if (${*cp}) { foreach($_ in ${*cp}.Done) { ${*a}[$_].Elapsed = [TimeSpan]::Zero } foreach($_ in ${*cp}.Prm2.GetEnumerator()) { Set-Variable $_.Key $_.Value } . *UC Import-Build ${*cp}.User } foreach($_ in $BuildTask) { *Task $_ '' } if (${*Checkpoint}) { [System.IO.File]::Delete(${*Checkpoint}) } } finally { ${*}.Task = $null . *UC Exit-Build } ${*r} = 1 } catch { ${*r} = 2 *AE ${*}.Task ${*}.Error = $_ if (${*Safe}) { Write-Build 12 (*EI "ERROR: $_" $_) } else { if (*My) {$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)} throw } } finally { *SL ${*cd} if (${*r} -and !${*?}) { $t = ${*}.Tasks $e = ${*}.Errors if (${*Summary}) { Write-Build 11 'Build summary:' foreach($_ in $t) { '{0,-16} {1} - {2}:{3}' -f $_.Elapsed, $_.Name, $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName, $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber if ($_ = $_.Error) { Write-Build 12 "ERROR: $(if (*My) {$_} else {*EI $_ $_})" } } } if ($w = ${*}.Warnings) { foreach($_ in $w) { "WARNING: $($_.Message)$(if ($_.Task) {" Task: $($_.Task.Name)."}) File: $($_.File)." } } if (${*0}) { ${*0}.Tasks.AddRange($t) ${*0}.Errors.AddRange($e) ${*0}.Warnings.AddRange($w) } $c, $m = if (${*b}) {12, "Build ABORTED $BuildFile"} elseif (${*r} -eq 2) {12, 'Build FAILED'} elseif ($e) {14, 'Build completed with errors'} elseif ($w) {14, 'Build succeeded with warnings'} else {10, 'Build succeeded'} Write-Build $c "$m. $($t.Count) tasks, $($e.Count) errors, $($w.Count) warnings $((${*}.Elapsed = [DateTime]::Now - ${*}.Started))" } } } |