## Invoke-vCloud.psm1 - Wrapper for Invoke-RestMethod for consuming VMware vCloud Director API # Main function to interact with the vCloud Director REST API from within PowerShell # Note: Does not require PowerCLI, but without it you'll need to specify a valid x-vcloud-authorization token to authenticate # against the vCloud API. Function Invoke-vCloud( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][uri]$URI, # We must specify the API endpoint [string]$ContentType, # Optional ContentType for returned XML [string]$Method = 'GET', # HTTP verb to use (default 'GET') [string]$ApiVersion = '27.0', # vCloud Director API version (default to vCD 8.20 - version 27.0) [string]$Body, # Any body document to be submitted to the API [int]$Timeout = 40, # Timeout in seconds to wait for API response (by default) [boolean]$WaitForTask = $false, # Should we wait for task completion if reponse includes a task href? [string]$vCloudToken # If not already authenticated using Connect-CIServer (PowerCLI) allow us to specify a token ) { <# .SYNOPSIS Provides a wrapper for Invoke-RestMethod for vCloud Director API calls .DESCRIPTION Invoke-vCloud provides an easy to use interface to the vCloud Director API and provides sensible defaults for many parameters. It wraps the native PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet. .PARAMETER URI A mandatory parameter which provides the API URI to be accessed. .PARAMETER ContentType An optional parameter which provides the ContentType of any submitted data. .PARAMETER Method An optional parameter to specify the HTML verb to be used (GET, PUT, POST or DELETE). Defaults to 'GET' if not specified. .PARAMETER ApiVersion An optional parameter to specify the API version to be used for the call. Defaults to '27.0' if not specified which is the API version for vCloud Director v8.20. .PARAMETER Body An optional parameter which specifies XML body to be submitted to the API (usually for a PUT or POST action). .PARAMETER Timeout An optional parameter which specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for an API call to complete. Defaults to 40 seconds if not specified. .PARAMETER WaitForTask If the API call we submit results in a Task object indicating an asynchronous vCloud task, should we wait for this to complete before returning? Defaults to $false. .PARAMETER vCloudToken An alternative method of passing a session token to Invoke-vCloud if there is no current PowerCLI session established to a vCloud endpoint. The session must have already been established and be still valid (not timed-out). The value supplied is copied to the 'x-vcloud-authorization' header value in API calls. .OUTPUTS An XML document returned from the vCloud API (if not waiting for task), or a success/failure indication if waiting for a task to complete. .EXAMPLE Returns list of Organizations to which my current vCloud Session has access > $orgs = Invoke-vCloud -URI > $orgs.InnerXML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <OrgList xmlns="" href="" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgList+xml" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <Org href="" name="MyDemoOrg" type="application/" /> </OrgList> .NOTES You must either have an existing PowerCLI connection to vCloud Director (Connect-CIServer) in your current PowerShell session, or provide a valid token (using the -vCloudToken parameter) in order to authenticate against the API for calls to suceed. #> $mySessionID = ($Global:DefaultCIServers | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $URI.Host }).SessionID if (!$mySessionID) { # If we didn't find an existing PowerCLI session for our URI if ($vCloudToken) { # But we have been passed a x-vcloud-authorization token, use that $mySessionID = $vCloudToken } else { # Otherwise we have no authentication mechanism available so quit Write-Error ("No existing session found and no vCloudToken specified, cannot authenticate, exiting.") Return } } # $mySessionID not set # If ContentType or Body are not specified, remove the variable definitions so they won't get passed to Invoke-RestMethod: if (!$ContentType) { Remove-Variable ContentType } if (!$Body) { Remove-Variable Body } # Configure HTTP headers for this request: $Headers = @{ "x-vcloud-authorization" = $mySessionID; "Accept" = 'application/*+xml;version=' + $ApiVersion } # Submit API request: Try { [xml]$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body -ContentType $ContentType -TimeoutSec $Timeout } Catch { # Something went wrong, so return error information and exit: Write-Warning ("Invoke-vCloud Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)") if ( $_.Exception.ItemName ) { Write-Warning ("Failed Item: $($_.Exception.ItemName)") } Return } if ($WaitForTask) { # If we've requested to wait for the task to complete if ($response.Task.href) { # and we have a task href in the document returned Write-Host ("Task submitted successfully, waiting for result") Write-Host ("q=queued, P=pre-running, .=Task Running:") while($timeout -gt 0) { $taskxml = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $response.Task.href -Method 'Get' -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec 5 # Get/refresh our task status switch ($taskxml.Task.status) { "success" { Write-Host " "; Write-Host "Task completed successfully"; return $true; break } "running" { Write-Host -NoNewline "." } "error" { Write-Host " "; Write-Warning "Error running task"; return $false; break } "canceled" { Write-Host " "; Write-Warning "Task was cancelled"; return $false; break } "aborted" { Write-Host " "; Write-Warning "Task was aborted"; return $false; break } "queued" { Write-Host -NoNewline "q" } "preRunning" { Write-Host -NoNewline "P" } } # switch on current task status $timeout -= 1 # Decrease our timeout Start-Sleep -s 1 # Pause 1 second } # Timeout expired Write-Warning "Task timeout reached (task may still be in progress)" return $false } else { Write-Warning 'Wait for task requested, but no task returned by vCloud API' } } # WaitForTask # Return API response to caller Return $response } # Invoke-vCloud Function end # Export function from module Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-vCloud |