<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 0.1 .GUID f396b874-a122-4f9f-a8b8-9c5ca793b557 .AUTHOR Tim Small .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT 2019 .TAGS web download webclient .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Initial release. .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Download files from the internet through PowerShell. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Url, [string]$Path ) function convertFileSize { param( $bytes ) if ($bytes -lt 1MB) { return "$([Math]::Round($bytes / 1KB, 2)) KB" } elseif ($bytes -lt 1GB) { return "$([Math]::Round($bytes / 1MB, 2)) MB" } elseif ($bytes -lt 1TB) { return "$([Math]::Round($bytes / 1GB, 2)) GB" } } Write-Verbose "URL set to ""$($Url)""." if (!($Path)) { Write-Verbose "Path parameter not set, parsing Url for filename." $URLParser = $Url | Select-String -Pattern ".*\:\/\/.*\/(.*\.{1}\w*).*" -List $Path = "./$($URLParser.Matches.Groups[1].Value)" } Write-Verbose "Path set to ""$($Path)""." #Load in the WebClient object. Write-Verbose "Loading in WebClient object." try { $Downloader = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient } catch [Exception] { Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Stop } #Creating a temporary file. $TmpFile = New-TemporaryFile Write-Verbose "TmpFile set to ""$($TmpFile)""." try { #Start the download by using WebClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync, since this lets us show progress on screen. Write-Verbose "Starting download..." $FileDownload = $Downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync($Url, $TmpFile) #Register the event from WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged to monitor download progress. Write-Verbose "Registering the ""DownloadProgressChanged"" event handle from the WebClient object." Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $Downloader -EventName DownloadProgressChanged -SourceIdentifier WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged | Out-Null #Wait two seconds for the registration to fully complete Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 if ($FileDownload.IsFaulted) { Write-Verbose "An error occurred. Generating error." Write-Error $FileDownload.GetAwaiter().GetResult() break } #While the download is showing as not complete, we keep looping to get event data. while (!($FileDownload.IsCompleted)) { if ($FileDownload.IsFaulted) { Write-Verbose "An error occurred. Generating error." Write-Error $FileDownload.GetAwaiter().GetResult() break } $EventData = Get-Event -SourceIdentifier WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SourceEventArgs" -Last 1 $ReceivedData = ($EventData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "BytesReceived") $TotalToReceive = ($EventData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "TotalBytesToReceive") $TotalPercent = $EventData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "ProgressPercentage" Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading File" -Status "Percent Complete: $($TotalPercent)%" -CurrentOperation "Downloaded $(convertFileSize -bytes $ReceivedData) / $(convertFileSize -bytes $TotalToReceive)" -PercentComplete $TotalPercent } } catch [Exception] { $ErrorDetails = $_ switch ($ErrorDetails.FullyQualifiedErrorId) { "ArgumentNullException" { Write-Error -Exception "ArgumentNullException" -ErrorId "ArgumentNullException" -Message "Either the Url or Path is null." -Category InvalidArgument -TargetObject $Downloader -ErrorAction Stop } "WebException" { Write-Error -Exception "WebException" -ErrorId "WebException" -Message "An error occurred while downloading the resource." -Category OperationTimeout -TargetObject $Downloader -ErrorAction Stop } "InvalidOperationException" { Write-Error -Exception "InvalidOperationException" -ErrorId "InvalidOperationException" -Message "The file at ""$($Path)"" is in use by another process." -Category WriteError -TargetObject $Path -ErrorAction Stop } Default { Write-Error $ErrorDetails -ErrorAction Stop } } } finally { #Cleanup tasks Write-Verbose "Cleaning up..." Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading File" -Completed Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged if (($FileDownload.IsCompleted) -and !($FileDownload.IsFaulted)) { #If the download was finished without termination, then we move the file. Write-Verbose "Moved the downloaded file to ""$($Path)""." Move-Item -Path $TmpFile -Destination $Path -Force } else { #If the download was terminated, we remove the file. Write-Verbose "Cancelling the download and removing the tmp file." $Downloader.CancelAsync() Remove-Item -Path $TmpFile -Force } $Downloader.Dispose() } |