
#requires -Version 2.0 -Modules Posh-SSH

        .VERSION 1.4
        .GUID cc2eb093-256f-44db-8260-7239f70f013e
        .AUTHOR Chris Masters
        .COMPANYNAME Chris Masters
        .COPYRIGHT (c) 2018 Chris Masters. All rights reserved.
        .TAGS network cisco ios
        Issue with handing the IPAddress parameter an array has been resolved. It will now iterate thru the list.
        1.3 - Accepts an SSH session for connection instead of creds.
        1.4 - Removed my debug code.

        Run commands on your Cisco iOS device.
        Executes commands on a Cisco device as if you were connected to the terminal via SSH.
        .PARAMETER IPAddress
        IP address of the Cisco device you want to execute commands on. This can be a piped list.
        .PARAMETER Command
        Commands that will be executed on the target system. One command per line, typed in quotes, or held
        in a string variable.
        .PARAMETER Credential
        Credentials with rights to run defined commands on the target device.
        Invoke-CiscoCommand -IPAddress -Command 'show run' -Credential $myCreds
        Returns the running-configuration of Cisco device located at
        $ip = '',''
        $ip | Invoke-CiscoCommand -Command 'show run' -Credential $myCreds
        Returns the running-configuration of Cisco device in the array
        $ip = '',''
        $cmd = @'
        show version | include uptime
        sh run int vlan 1
        Invoke-CiscoCommand -IPAddress $ip -Command $cmd -Credential $myCreds
        Returns the running-configuration and uptime of Cisco device in the array
        Requires Posh-SSH and Core to run.
        String text for commands, IPaddress object, and PSCredential.
        Returns the value from commands ran. Using the "Verbose" parameter shows the commands ran, and prompts.

[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'session')]
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'session', HelpMessage = 'Existing Posh-SSH session ID')]
    [object] $Session,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Command to be run')]
    [String[]] $Command,
    [Parameter(Position = 0,ParameterSetName = 'cred',Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage='IP address')]
    [IPAddress[]] $IPAddress,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = 'cred',HelpMessage='Credentials for managed network object')]
    [PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] $Credential,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cred')]
    [Switch] $AcceptKey, # Passes param along to POSH-SSH if needed

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'cred')]
    [Switch] $Force # Passes param along to POSH-SSH if needed

Begin {

    function Script:Get-SSHShellStream {

        Param ( 
        $sHostname = $session.Session.ConnectionInfo.Host
        $sUsername = $Session.Session.ConnectionInfo.Username
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
        $allStreams = Get-Variable | Where-Object { $_.value -match 'Renci\.SshNet\.ShellStream'}
        foreach ($tmpStream in $allStreams) {
            Invoke-Expression -Command ('$tmpObj = ${0}' -f $tmpStream.Name) 
            if ($tmpObj.Session.ConnectionInfo.Username -eq $sUsername -and $tmpObj.Session.ConnectionInfo.Host -eq $sHostname) {
                return $tmpObj
            Remove-Variable -Name tmpObj

    # Variables
    $strNewLine = "`n"
    $strPattern = '#|^$|configuration...|Current configuration :|^\r\n|^$'
    If (! $Session) {
        $SshSesssionParams = @{
            ComputerName = $IPAddress
            Credential = $Credential
            AcceptKey = $true
            ConnectionTimeout = 90
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        If ($Force)
            $SshSesssionParams += @{Force = $Force}

        If ($Force)
            $SshSesssionParams += @{AcceptKey = $AcceptKey}

        $objSessionCisco = New-SSHSession @SshSesssionParams
    else {
       $objSessionCisco = $Session

    Foreach ($node in $objSessionCisco)
        $SshStream = Get-SSHShellStream -Session $node

        if (! $SshStream) {

            $SshStream = New-SSHShellStream -SSHSession $node

        # Set terminal length
        $SshStream.WriteLine('terminal length 0')
        $null = $SshStream.Read()

        $arrayCommands = $Command.Split($strNewLine)

        Foreach ($strCiscoCommand in $arrayCommands)
            $SshStream.WriteLine(('{0}' -f $strCiscoCommand))
            # Takes a bit for the command to run sometimes
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
        $rawOutput = @()
        $boolDataReceived = $false
        :waiter While ($true)
            $streamOut = $sshStream.Read() 
            If ($boolDataReceived -eq $true -and $streamOut.Length -eq 0 -and -not $(($rawOutput.Split($strNewLine) | Select-Object -Last 1) -eq ''))
                break waiter
            If ($streamOut.Length -gt 0) 
                $rawOutput += $streamOut
                $streamOut = $null 
                $boolDataReceived = $true # Watch until we do not receive data anymore

            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
        If (!($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'])) 
            $rawOutput = $rawOutput.Split($strNewLine) | Select-String -NotMatch -Pattern $strPattern

        Remove-Variable -Name SshStream

    if (! $Session) {
        $null = Remove-SSHSession -SessionId $($objSessionCisco.SessionId)