function Invoke-KickoffAtomicRunner { #log rotation function function Rotate-Log { Param ($log, $max_filesize, $max_age) $datetime = Get-Date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M" if ($log.Length / 1MB -ge $max_filesize) { Write-Host "file named $($ is bigger than $max_filesize MB" $newname = "$($log.Name)_${datetime}.arclog" Rename-Item $log.PSPath $newname Write-Host "Done rotating file" } $logdir_content = Get-ChildItem $artConfig.atomicLogsPath -filter "*.arclog" $cutoff_date = (get-date).AddDays($max_age) $logdir_content | ForEach-Object { if ($_.LastWriteTime -gt $cutoff_date) { Remove-Item $_ Write-Host "Removed $($_.PSPath)" } } } #Check if logfiles exist. If not create them. $all_log_file = Join-Path $artConfig.atomicLogsPath "all-out-$($artConfig.basehostname).txt" if ($False -eq (Test-Path $all_log_file)) { New-Item $all_log_file -ItemType File -Force } if ($False -eq (Test-Path $artConfig.logFile)) { New-Item $artConfig.logFile -ItemType File -Force } #Rotate logs based on FileSize and Date max_filesize $max_filesize = 200 #in MB $max_file_age = 30 #in days $log = get-item $all_log_file Rotate-Log $log $max_filesize $max_file_age $log = get-item $artConfig.logFile Rotate-Log $log $max_filesize $max_file_age #no need to repeat this. Can reduce further. # Optional additional delay before starting Start-Sleep $artConfig.kickOffDelay.TotalSeconds # Invoke the Runner Script if ($artConfig.debug) { Invoke-AtomicRunner *>> $all_log_file } else { Invoke-AtomicRunner } } function LogRunnerMsg ($message) { $now = "[{0:MM/dd/yy} {0:HH:mm:ss}]" -f (Get-Date) Write-Host -fore cyan $message Add-Content $artConfig.logFile "$now`: $message" } |