$artConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ # [optional] These two configs are calculated programatically, you probably don't need to change them basehostname = $((hostname).split("-")[0]) OS = $( if ($IsLinux) { "linux" } elseif ($IsMacOS) { "macos" } else { "windows" }) # [optional(if using default install paths)] Paths to your Atomic Red Team "atomics" folder and your "invoke-atomicredteam" folder PathToInvokeFolder = Join-Path $( if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { "~" } else { "C:" }) "/AtomicRedTeam/invoke-atomicredteam" # this is the default install path so you probably don't need to change this PathToPublicAtomicsFolder = Join-Path $( if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { "~" } else { "C:" }) "AtomicRedTeam/atomics" # this is the default install path so you probably don't need to change this PathToPrivateAtomicsFolder = Join-Path $( if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { "~" } else { "C:" }) "PrivateAtomics/atomics" # if you aren't providing your own private atomics that are custom written by you, just leave this as is # [ Optional ] The user that will be running each atomic test user = $( if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { $env:USER } else { "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME" }) # example "corp\atomicrunner" # [optional] the path where you want the folder created that houses the logs and the runner schedule. Defaults to users home directory basePath = $( if (!$IsLinux -and !$IsMacOS) { $env:USERPROFILE } else { $env:HOME }) # example "C:\Users\atomicrunner" # [optional] scheduleTimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Days 7 # the time in which all tests on the schedule should complete kickOffDelay = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 0 # an additional delay before Invoke-KickoffAtomicRunner calls Invoke-AtomicRunner scheduleFileName = "AtomicRunnerSchedule.csv" # [optional] If you need to use a group managed service account in order to rename the computer, enter it here gmsaAccount = $null # [optional] Logging Module, uses Syslog-ExecutionLogger if left blank and the syslogServer and syslogPort are set, otherwise it uses the Default-ExecutionLogger LoggingModule = '' # [optional] Syslog configuration, default execution logs will be sent to this server:port syslogServer = '' # set to empty string '' if you don't want to log atomic execution details to a syslog server (don't includle http(s):\\) syslogPort = 514 verbose = $true; # set to true for more log output # [optional] logfile filename configs logFolder = "AtomicRunner-Logs" timeLocal = (Get-Date(get-date) -uformat "%Y-%m-%d").ToString() # amsi bypass script block (applies to Windows only) absb = $null } # If you create a file called privateConfig.ps1 in the same directory as you installed Invoke-AtomicRedTeam you can overwrite any of these settings with your custom values $root = Split-Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent $pathToPrivateConfig = Join-Path $root "privateConfig.ps1" if (Test-Path ($pathToPrivateConfig)) { if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { chmod +x $pathToPrivateConfig } & ($pathToPrivateConfig) } ##################################################################################### # All of the configs below are calculated using the script block in the "Value" field. # This way, when you change the 'basePath' everything else is updated. # You should probably leave all of the stuff below alone. ##################################################################################### $scriptParam = @{ MemberType = "ScriptProperty" InputObject = $artConfig Name = "runnerFolder" Value = { Join-Path $artConfig.basePath "AtomicRunner" } } Add-Member @scriptParam $scriptParam = @{ MemberType = "ScriptProperty" InputObject = $artConfig Name = "atomicLogsPath" Value = { Join-Path $artConfig.basePath $artConfig.logFolder } } Add-Member @scriptParam $scriptParam = @{ MemberType = "ScriptProperty" InputObject = $artConfig Name = "scheduleFile" Value = { Join-Path $artConfig.runnerFolder $artConfig.scheduleFileName } } Add-Member @scriptParam $scriptParam = @{ MemberType = "ScriptProperty" InputObject = $artConfig Name = "credFile" Value = { Join-Path $artConfig.runnerFolder "psc_$($artConfig.basehostname).txt" } } Add-Member @scriptParam $scriptParam = @{ MemberType = "ScriptProperty" InputObject = $artConfig Name = "execLogPath" Value = { Join-Path $artConfig.atomicLogsPath "$($artConfig.timeLocal)`_$($artConfig.basehostname)-ExecLog.csv" } } Add-Member @scriptParam $scriptParam = @{ MemberType = "ScriptProperty" InputObject = $artConfig Name = "stopFile" Value = { Join-Path $artConfig.runnerFolder "stop.txt" } } Add-Member @scriptParam $scriptParam = @{ MemberType = "ScriptProperty" InputObject = $artConfig Name = "logFile" Value = { Join-Path $artConfig.atomicLogsPath "log-$($artConfig.basehostname).txt" } } Add-Member @scriptParam |