function Get-InputArgs([hashtable]$ip, $customInputArgs, $PathToAtomicsFolder) { $defaultArgs = @{ } foreach ($key in $ip.Keys) { $defaultArgs[$key] = $ip[$key].default } # overwrite defaults with any user supplied values foreach ($key in $customInputArgs.Keys) { if ($defaultArgs.Keys -contains $key) { # replace default with user supplied $defaultArgs.set_Item($key, $customInputArgs[$key]) } } $defaultArgs } function Merge-InputArgs($finalCommand, $test, $customInputArgs, $PathToAtomicsFolder) { if (($null -ne $finalCommand) -and ($test.input_arguments.Count -gt 0)) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Replacing inputArgs with user specified values, or default values if none provided' $inputArgs = Get-InputArgs $test.input_arguments $customInputArgs $PathToAtomicsFolder foreach ($key in $inputArgs.Keys) { $findValue = '#{' + $key + '}' $finalCommand = $finalCommand.Replace($findValue, $inputArgs[$key]) } } # Replace $PathToAtomicsFolder or PathToAtomicsFolder with the actual -PathToAtomicsFolder value $finalCommand = ($finalCommand -replace "\`$PathToAtomicsFolder", $PathToAtomicsFolder) -replace "PathToAtomicsFolder", $PathToAtomicsFolder $finalCommand } function Invoke-PromptForInputArgs([hashtable]$ip) { $InputArgs = @{ } foreach ($key in $ip.Keys) { $InputArgs[$key] = $ip[$key].default $newValue = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter a value for $key , or press enter to accept the default.`n$($ip[$key].description.trim()) [$($ip[$key].default.trim())]" # replace default with user supplied if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($newValue)) { $InputArgs.set_Item($key, $newValue) } } $InputArgs } |