function Invoke-AzureStorageBlobUpload { <# .SYNOPSIS Upload and commit .intunewin file into Azure Storage blob container. .DESCRIPTION Upload and commit .intunewin file into Azure Storage blob container. This is a modified function that was originally developed by Dave Falkus and is available here: .NOTES Author: Nickolaj Andersen Contact: @NickolajA Created: 2020-01-04 Updated: 2023-09-04 Version history: 1.0.0 - (2020-01-04) Function created 1.0.1 - (2020-09-20) Fixed an issue where the System.IO.BinaryReader wouldn't open a file path containing whitespaces 1.0.2 - (2021-03-15) Fixed an issue where SAS Uri renewal wasn't working correctly 1.0.3 - (2022-09-03) Added access token refresh functionality when a token is about to expire, to prevent uploads from failing due to an expire access token 1.0.4 - (2023-09-04) Updated with Test-AccessToken function #> param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$StorageUri, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$FilePath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Resource ) $ChunkSizeInBytes = 1024l * 1024l * 6l; # Start the timer for SAS URI renewal $SASRenewalTimer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # Find the file size and open the file $FileSize = (Get-Item -Path $FilePath).Length $ChunkCount = [System.Math]::Ceiling($FileSize / $ChunkSizeInBytes) $BinaryReader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.BinaryReader([System.IO.File]::Open($FilePath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read, [System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite)) $Position = $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) # Upload each chunk and dheck whether a SAS URI renewal is required after each chunk is uploaded and renew if needed $ChunkIDs = @() for ($Chunk = 0; $Chunk -lt $ChunkCount; $Chunk++) { Write-Verbose -Message "SAS Uri renewal timer has elapsed for: $($SASRenewalTimer.Elapsed.Minutes) minute $($SASRenewalTimer.Elapsed.Seconds) seconds" # Refresh access token if about to expire $UTCDateTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() # Determine the token expiration count as minutes $TokenExpireMinutes = [System.Math]::Round(([datetime]$Global:AccessToken.ExpiresOn.ToUniversalTime().UtcDateTime - $UTCDateTime).TotalMinutes) # Determine if refresh of access token is required when expiration count is less than or equal to minimum age if ($TokenExpireMinutes -le 10) { Write-Verbose -Message "Existing token found but is soon about to expire, refreshing token" Connect-MSIntuneGraph -TenantID $Global:AccessTokenTenantID -Refresh } # Convert and calculate required chunk elements for content upload $ChunkID = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Chunk.ToString("0000"))) $ChunkIDs += $ChunkID $Start = $Chunk * $ChunkSizeInBytes $Length = [System.Math]::Min($ChunkSizeInBytes, $FileSize - $Start) $Bytes = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($Length) # Increment chunk to get the current chunk $CurrentChunk = $Chunk + 1 Write-Progress -Activity "Uploading file to Azure Storage blob" -Status "Uploading chunk $($CurrentChunk) of $($ChunkCount)" -PercentComplete ($CurrentChunk / $ChunkCount * 100) Write-Verbose -Message "Uploading file to Azure Storage blob, processing chunk '$($CurrentChunk)' of '$($ChunkCount)'" $UploadResponse = Invoke-AzureStorageBlobUploadChunk -StorageUri $StorageUri -ChunkID $ChunkID -Bytes $Bytes if (($CurrentChunk -lt $ChunkCount) -and ($SASRenewalTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds -ge 450000)) { Write-Verbose -Message "SAS Uri renewal is required, attempting to renew" $RenewedSASUri = Invoke-AzureStorageBlobUploadRenew -Resource $Resource $SASRenewalTimer.Restart() } } # Stop timer $SASRenewalTimer.Stop() # Complete write status progress bar Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Uploading File to Azure Storage blob" # Finalize the upload of the content file to Azure Storage blob Invoke-AzureStorageBlobUploadFinalize -StorageUri $StorageUri -ChunkID $ChunkIDs # Close and dispose binary reader object $BinaryReader.Close() $BinaryReader.Dispose() } |