function Invoke-AzureStorageBlobUploadRenew { <# .SYNOPSIS Renew the SAS URI. .DESCRIPTION Renew the SAS URI. This is a modified function that was originally developed by Dave Falkus and is available here: .NOTES Author: Nickolaj Andersen Contact: @NickolajA Created: 2020-01-04 Updated: 2021-03-15 Version history: 1.0.0 - (2020-01-04) Function created 1.0.1 - (2021-03-15) Fixed an issue where SAS Uri renewal wasn't working correctly #> param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Resource ) $RenewSASURIRequest = Invoke-IntuneGraphRequest -APIVersion "Beta" -Resource "$($Resource)/renewUpload" -Method "POST" -Body "{}" $FilesProcessingRequest = Wait-IntuneWin32AppFileProcessing -Stage "AzureStorageUriRenewal" -Resource $Resource } |