function Add-ISKConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Connect to the MSGraph .DESCRIPTION Connect to the MSGraph .PARAMETER Path Path to the Repository or a local path .PARAMETER DestinationPath Path where online files will be stored #> Param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Path to the Repository or a local path")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Path = "", [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Path where online files will be stored")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$DestinationPath = "$env:temp\IntuneStarterKit\Config\", [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Assign configuration to group with specified ID")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$AssignTo ) try{ if($Path -like "*"){ $Owner = $($Path.Replace("","")).Split("/")[0] $Repository = $($Path.Replace("$Owner/","")).Split("/")[0] $RepoPath = $($Path.Replace("$Owner/$Repository/tree/main/","")) Invoke-GitHubDownload -Owner $Owner -Repository $Repository -Path $RepoPath -DestinationPath $DestinationPath | Out-Null $PathLocal = $DestinationPath }else{ if(Test-Path $Path){ Write-Verbose "Found path: $Path" $PathLocal = $Path }else{ Write-Error "Path not found: $Path" break } } # Connect Connect-MSGraph -Quiet # Configurations Restore $DeviceConfiguration = Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceConfiguration -Path $PathLocal $DeviceCompliancePolicy = Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceCompliancePolicy -Path $PathLocal # $DeviceManagementIntent = Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceManagementIntent -Path $PathLocal $DeviceManagementScript = Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceManagementScript -Path $PathLocal # $GroupPolicyConfiguration = Invoke-IntuneRestoreGroupPolicyConfiguration -Path $PathLocal $ConfigurationPolicy = Invoke-IntuneRestoreConfigurationPolicy -Path $PathLocal if($AssignTo){ # Assign Device Configuration foreach($Configuration in $DeviceConfiguration){ $uri = "`$filter=displayName%20eq%20'$($Configuration.Name)'" $Method = "GET" $ConfigId = (Invoke-PagingRequest -Method $Method -uri $uri).id if($ConfigId.count -eq 1){ Add-DeviceConfigurationPolicyAssignment -ConfigurationPolicyId $ConfigId -TargetGroupId $AssignTo -AssignmentType Included }else{ Write-Warning "There are multiple policies with the same name, please clean them up first: $($Configuration.Name)" } } # Assign Device Compliance Policy foreach($Configuration in $DeviceCompliancePolicy){ $uri = "`$filter=displayName%20eq%20'$($Configuration.Name)'" $Method = "GET" $ConfigId = (Invoke-PagingRequest -Method $Method -uri $uri).id if($ConfigId.count -eq 1){ Add-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment -CompliancePolicyId $ConfigId -TargetGroupId $AssignTo }else{ Write-Warning "There are multiple compliance policies with the same name, please clean them up first: $($Configuration.Name)" } } # Assign Device Device Management Script foreach($Script in $DeviceManagementScript){ $uri = "`$filter=displayName%20eq%20'$($Script.Name)'" $Method = "GET" $ScriptId = (Invoke-PagingRequest -Method $Method -uri $uri).id if($ScriptId.count -eq 1){ Add-DeviceManagementScriptAssignment -ScriptId $ScriptId -TargetGroupId $AssignTo }else{ Write-Warning "There are multiple scripts with the same name, please clean them up first: $($Script.Name)" } } # Assign Configuration Policy (Settings catalog) foreach($Configuration in $ConfigurationPolicy){ $SCName = $($Configuration.path.replace('Settings Catalog\','')).replace('.json','') $uri = "`$filter=name%20eq%20'$($SCName)'" $Method = "GET" $ConfigId = (Invoke-PagingRequest -Method $Method -uri $uri).id if($ConfigId.count -eq 1){ Add-ConfigurationPolicyAssignment -ConfigurationPolicyId $ConfigId -TargetGroupId $AssignTo -AssignmentType Included }else{ Write-Warning "There are multiple policies with the same name, please clean them up first: $($SCName)" } } } Write-Host "Configuration imported:" -ForegroundColor Green $DeviceConfiguration.Name $DeviceCompliancePolicy.Name $DeviceManagementScript.Name $($ConfigurationPolicy.path.replace('Settings Catalog\','')).replace('.json','') }catch{ Write-Error $_ } } |