function Add-ISK { <# .SYNOPSIS Call all functions to create the IntuneStarterKit .DESCRIPTION Call all functions to create the IntuneStarterKit .PARAMETER APGroupName Name of the group which contains all Autopilot devices #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Name of the group which contains all Autopilot devices")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$APGroupName = "DEV-WIN-Autopilot", [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Language of the AP Profile")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Language = "de-CH" ) try{ Write-Verbose "Calling Add-ISKAPGroup for basic Groups ..." $APGroup = Add-ISKGroup -GroupName $APGroupName -GroupDescription "Group containing all Autopilot registered devices" -GroupType "DynamicMembership" -GroupRule "(device.devicePhysicalIds -any _ -eq ""[OrderID]:$OrderID"")" #Add-ISKGroup -GroupName "DEV-WIN-Standard" -GroupDescription "Group for standard policies and applications" -GroupRule "" Write-Verbose "Calling Add-ISKAPProfile ..." Add-ISKAPProfile -AssignTo $APGroup -Language $Language Write-Verbose "Calling Add-ISKESP ..." Add-ISKESP -AssignTo $APGroup Write-Verbose "Calling Add-ISKConfiguration ..." Add-ISKConfiguration -Path "" Write-Verbose "Calling Add-ISKApps ..." Add-ISKApps -Path "" }catch{ Write-Error $_ } } |