function Get-DefaultReturnCode { <# .SYNOPSIS This function is used to get the default returncodes for a Win32 Application in Microsoft Intune .DESCRIPTION This function is used to get the default returncodes for a Win32 Application in Microsoft Intune .EXAMPLE Get-DefaultReturnCode # Returns the default returncodes from Microsoft Intune .INPUTS None. No objects can be piped into this function .OUTPUTS This function outputs the default return codes used by Microsoft Intune .NOTES NAME: Get-DefaultReturnCode #> @{"returnCode" = 0; "type" = "success" }, ` @{"returnCode" = 1707; "type" = "success" }, ` @{"returnCode" = 3010; "type" = "softReboot" }, ` @{"returnCode" = 1641; "type" = "hardReboot" }, ` @{"returnCode" = 1618; "type" = "retry" } } |