
This function is used to upload a Win32 Application to the Intune Service
This function is used to upload a Win32 Application to the Intune Service
Add-Win32Lob "C:\Packages\package.intunewin" -publisher "Microsoft" -description "Package"
This example uses all parameters required to add an intunewin File into the Intune Service
NAME: Add-Win32LOB

function Add-Win32Lob() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4)]
        [array] $detectionRules,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 5)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8)]
        [ValidateSet('system', 'user')]
        $installExperience = "system",
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Sleep = 30

    try    {
        $LOBType = "microsoft.graph.win32LobApp"

        Write-Verbose "Testing if SourceFile '$SourceFile' Path is valid..."
        Test-SourceFile "$SourceFile"

        Write-Verbose "Creating JSON data to pass to the service..."

        # Funciton to read Win32LOB file
        $DetectionXML = Get-IntuneWinXML "$SourceFile" -fileName "detection.xml"

        # If displayName input don't use Name from detection.xml file
        if ($displayName) { $DisplayName = $displayName }
        else { $DisplayName = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.Name }
        $FileName = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.FileName

        $SetupFileName = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.SetupFile

        $SourceFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($SourceFile)

        $Ext = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($SetupFileName)

        if ((($Ext).contains("msi") -or ($Ext).contains("Msi")) -and (!$installCmdLine -or !$uninstallCmdLine)) {

            # MSI
            $MsiExecutionContext = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.MsiInfo.MsiExecutionContext
            $MsiPackageType = "DualPurpose"
            if ($MsiExecutionContext -eq "System") { $MsiPackageType = "PerMachine" }
            elseif ($MsiExecutionContext -eq "User") { $MsiPackageType = "PerUser" }

            $MsiProductCode = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.MsiInfo.MsiProductCode
            $MsiProductVersion = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.MsiInfo.MsiProductVersion
            $MsiPublisher = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.MsiInfo.MsiPublisher
            $MsiRequiresReboot = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.MsiInfo.MsiRequiresReboot
            $MsiUpgradeCode = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.MsiInfo.MsiUpgradeCode
            if ($MsiRequiresReboot -eq "false") { $MsiRequiresReboot = $false }
            elseif ($MsiRequiresReboot -eq "true") { $MsiRequiresReboot = $true }

            $mobileAppBody = Get-Win32AppBody `
                -MSI `
                -displayName "$DisplayName" `
                -publisher "$publisher" `
                -description $description `
                -filename $SourceFileName `
                -SetupFileName "$SetupFileName" `
                -installExperience $installExperience `
                -MsiPackageType $MsiPackageType `
                -MsiProductCode $MsiProductCode `
                -MsiProductName $displayName `
                -MsiProductVersion $MsiProductVersion `
                -MsiPublisher $MsiPublisher `
                -MsiRequiresReboot $MsiRequiresReboot `
                -MsiUpgradeCode $MsiUpgradeCode

        else {
            $mobileAppBody = Get-Win32AppBody -EXE -displayName "$DisplayName" -publisher "$publisher" `
                -description $description -filename $SourceFileName -SetupFileName "$SetupFileName" `
                -installExperience $installExperience -installCommandLine $installCmdLine `
                -uninstallCommandLine $uninstallcmdline

        if ($DetectionRules.'@odata.type' -contains "#microsoft.graph.win32LobAppPowerShellScriptDetection" -and @($DetectionRules).'@odata.type'.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "A Detection Rule can either be 'Manually configure detection rules' or 'Use a custom detection script'"
            Write-Warning "It can't include both..."

        else {
            $mobileAppBody | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'detectionRules' -Value $detectionRules


        if ($returnCodes) {
            $mobileAppBody | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'returnCodes' -Value @($returnCodes)

        else {
            Write-Warning "Intunewin file requires ReturnCodes to be specified"
            Write-Warning "If you want to use the default ReturnCode run 'Get-DefaultReturnCodes'"

        Write-Verbose "Creating application in Intune..."
        $mobileApp = Invoke-PostRequest "mobileApps" ($mobileAppBody | ConvertTo-Json)

        # Get the content version for the new app (this will always be 1 until the new app is committed).
        Write-Verbose "Creating Content Version in the service for the application..."
        $appId = $
        $contentVersionUri = "mobileApps/$appId/$LOBType/contentVersions"
        $contentVersion = Invoke-PostRequest $contentVersionUri "{}"

        # Encrypt file and Get File Information
        Write-Verbose "Getting Encryption Information for '$SourceFile'..."

        $encryptionInfo = @{}
        $encryptionInfo.encryptionKey = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.EncryptionInfo.EncryptionKey
        $encryptionInfo.macKey = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.EncryptionInfo.macKey
        $encryptionInfo.initializationVector = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.EncryptionInfo.initializationVector
        $encryptionInfo.mac = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.EncryptionInfo.mac
        $encryptionInfo.profileIdentifier = "ProfileVersion1"
        $encryptionInfo.fileDigest = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.EncryptionInfo.fileDigest
        $encryptionInfo.fileDigestAlgorithm = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.EncryptionInfo.fileDigestAlgorithm

        $fileEncryptionInfo = @{}
        $fileEncryptionInfo.fileEncryptionInfo = $encryptionInfo

        # Extracting encrypted file
        $IntuneWinFile = Get-IntuneWinFile "$SourceFile" -fileName "$filename"

        [int64]$Size = $DetectionXML.ApplicationInfo.UnencryptedContentSize
        $EncrySize = (Get-Item "$IntuneWinFile").Length

        # Create a new file for the app.
        Write-Verbose "Creating a new file entry in Azure for the upload..."
        $contentVersionId = $
        $fileBody = Get-AppFileBody "$FileName" $Size $EncrySize $null
        $filesUri = "mobileApps/$appId/$LOBType/contentVersions/$contentVersionId/files"
        $file = Invoke-PostRequest $filesUri ($fileBody | ConvertTo-Json)

        # Wait for the service to process the new file request.
        Write-Verbose "Waiting for the file entry URI to be created..."
        $fileId = $
        $fileUri = "mobileApps/$appId/$LOBType/contentVersions/$contentVersionId/files/$fileId"
        $file = Wait-FileProcessing $fileUri "AzureStorageUriRequest"

        # Upload the content to Azure Storage.
        Write-Verbose "Uploading file to Azure Storage..."

        Add-FileToAzureStorage $file.azureStorageUri "$IntuneWinFile" $fileUri

        # Need to Add removal of IntuneWin file
        Remove-Item "$IntuneWinFile" -Force

        # Commit the file.
        Write-Verbose "Committing the file into Azure Storage..."
        $commitFileUri = "mobileApps/$appId/$LOBType/contentVersions/$contentVersionId/files/$fileId/commit"
        Invoke-PostRequest $commitFileUri ($fileEncryptionInfo | ConvertTo-Json)

        # Wait for the service to process the commit file request.
        Write-Verbose "Waiting for the service to process the commit file request..."
        $file = Wait-FileProcessing $fileUri "CommitFile"

        # Commit the app.
        Write-Verbose "Committing the file into Azure Storage..."
        $commitAppUri = "mobileApps/$appId"
        $commitAppBody = Get-AppCommitBody $contentVersionId $LOBType
        Invoke-PatchRequest $commitAppUri ($commitAppBody | ConvertTo-Json)

        Write-Verbose "Sleeping for $Sleep seconds to allow patch completion..."
        Start-Sleep $Sleep

        $FinalApplicationResponse = Invoke-GetRequest "mobileApps/$appId"

        return $FinalApplicationResponse

    catch {
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Error "Aborting with exception: $($_.Exception.ToString())"