
function Get-IDIDeviceNotes{
        Get Intune Device and compile notes (json) into the output
        Get Intune Device and compile notes (json) into the output
        Array of the device to get the notes from

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Array of the device to get the notes from")]

    # Get notes field
    $Notes = @()
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/managedDevices('$($')"
    $properties = 'notes'
    $uri = "$($Resource)?select=$properties"
    $Notes = (Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url $uri -ErrorAction Stop).notes

            $Notes = $Notes | Convertfrom-Json

            # add Properties to main collection & this client
            foreach($property in $Notes[0].PSObject.Properties){
                    if (-not ($global:IDIDevices_all | Get-Member -Name $property.Name)){
                        $global:IDIDevices_all | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $property.Name -NotePropertyValue $null
                if (-not ($IDIDevice | Get-Member -Name $property.Name)){
                    $IDIDevice | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $property.Name -NotePropertyValue $property.Value
            Write-Error "Notes of $($ are not compatible with the IntuneDeviceInventory. `nRun the following command to convert them:`nConvertTo-IDINotes -DeviceId $($"
    return $IDIDevice
