function Set-IDIDevice{ <# .SYNOPSIS Set/Update device with changed properties (Notes field) .DESCRIPTION Set/Update device with changed properties (Notes field) .PARAMETER IDIDevice Array of the device to set/update .PARAMETER all Switch to run command for all devices #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Array of the device to set/update")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [array]$IDIDevice, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to run command for all devices")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch]$all ) if($all){ $global:IDIDevices_all | ForEach-Object{ Set-IDIDevice -IDIDevice $_} }elseif(!$IDIDevice){ Write-Warning "No device specified." }else{ $id = $ $Notesonly = $($IDIDevice[0] | Convertto-Json) | Convertfrom-Json $RefProperties = (Get-noneIDIReference).PSObject.Properties.Name foreach($Property in $RefProperties){ $Notesonly[0].PSObject.Properties.Remove("$Property") } Write-Verbose "Update Device $id" Write-Verbose " Properties: $($Notesonly.PSObject.Properties.Name)" #Update the notes of the device $Note_json = $Notesonly | Convertto-Json $Json = @{ "notes" = "$Note_json" } $uri = "'$id')" $MSGraphRequest = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Url $uri -HttpMethod PATCH -Content $Json Write-Verbose "$MSGraphRequest" } } |