function Set-IBMPersonalOwned { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets Intune managed devices to personal-owned based on specified criteria. .DESCRIPTION The Set-IBMPersonalOwned function allows you to set devices to personal-owned in Intune. You can specify individual devices by DeviceId, GroupName, DeviceName, or OS. Additionally, you can choose to set all devices or select devices/groups interactively. .NOTES Author: Florian Salzmann | @FlorianSLZ | Version: 1.2 Date: 2024-08-12 Changelog: - 2024-08-03: 1.0 Initial version - 2024-08-06: 1.1 - Added batching / batch requests for large device collections and speed improvements (seperate function: Invoke-IBMGrapAPIBatching) - Aligment of all Action functions to the same structure - 2024-08-12: 1.2 - Optimized handling of unsupported OS #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the ID of the individual device to set as personal-owned.")] [string]$DeviceId, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the name of the group to which the devices belong.")] [string]$GroupName, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the name of the individual device to set as personal-owned.")] [string]$DeviceName, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the operating system of the devices to set as personal-owned. For example, 'Windows' or 'iOS'.")] [string[]]$OS, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Set all devices managed by Intune as personal-owned.")] [switch]$AllDevices, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Select specific devices interactively to set as personal-owned.")] [switch]$SelectDevices, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Select a specific group of devices interactively to set as personal-owned.")] [switch]$SelectGroup ) # Definition of supported OS for this remote action $SupportetOS = @("Windows", "macOS", "iOS", "iPadOS", "Android", "Linux (Ubuntu)") if($OS -and $SupportetOS -notcontains $OS){ Write-Warning "The specified operating system ""$OS"" is not supported for this action. Supported OS ""$SupportetOS""." return } # Get device IDs based on provided criteria if($AllDevices){ $CollectionDevicesInfo = Get-IBMIntuneDeviceInfos -AllDeviceInfo }elseif($SelectDevices){ $CollectionDevicesInfo = Get-IBMIntuneDeviceInfos -SelectDevices -AllDeviceInfo }elseif($SelectGroup){ $CollectionDevicesInfo = Get-IBMIntuneDeviceInfos -SelectGroup -AllDeviceInfo }else{ $CollectionDevicesInfo = Get-IBMIntuneDeviceInfos -DeviceId $DeviceId -GroupName $GroupName -DeviceName $DeviceName -OS $OS -AllDeviceInfo } # collection for unsupported OS $UnsupportedDevices = $CollectionDevicesInfo | Where-Object { $SupportetOS -notcontains $_.operatingSystem } if($UnsupportedDevices){ Write-Warning "Unsuported devices for this action wont be processed: $($UnsupportedDevices.count)" Write-Host "Use -Verbose to show details." Write-Verbose $ } # filter out supported OS $CollectionDevicesInfo = $CollectionDevicesInfo | Where-Object { $SupportetOS -contains $_.operatingSystem } if (-not $CollectionDevicesInfo) { Write-Warning "No devices found based on the provided criteria." return } # Setting devices to personal-owned $body = @{ managedDeviceOwnerType = "personal" } $batchingParams = @{ "Objects2Process" = $CollectionDevicesInfo.Id "ActionURI" = "deviceManagement/managedDevices/{0}/" "Method" = "PATCH" "GraphVersion" = "v1.0" "BodySingle" = $body "ActionTitle" = "Setting devices to personal-owned" } Invoke-IBMGrapAPIBatching @batchingParams } |